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Unban Please

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#1 Killser



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Posted 24 June 2005 - 03:11 AM

Hey its 4am and I was just playing on server #1 with a pretty sh*tty 89-40ish.. and I got kicked and banned outta the blue..

I'm on server 1 a lot chances are i've played with most of ya, and I gotta be honest it's one of my favorite servers. Anyways I'm not a hacker and I'd like to play on the server again steam id is

UserID STEAM_0:0:7716055

the admin that banned me coulda been Teh Ownage or pwnage not sure how he does his name, hopefully i get unbanned and see ya in there otherwise it was fun playin on the server


ps just like my handle I play under Killser if it makes any difference, haha and, im not sure if out of the unban please section is the best place to put it but I was kinda hopin to get into BoSS| one of these days.. hope to get unbanned

Edited by Killser, 24 June 2005 - 03:17 AM.

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#2 tehpwnage



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Posted 24 June 2005 - 04:50 AM

Welp, there were other BoSS members in there, complaining about you hacking. I went in there and watched you. You didn't seem too legit.

If you reply to this post, Im sure someone or myself will consider unbanning you. But you convinced me that you were hacking. If you were(which I believe you were) then don't do it again. I promise you, I will notice, I promise.

Like I said.. I will consider to unban you if you reply to this post.
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#3 monster


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Posted 24 June 2005 - 08:29 AM

Ha, damn Killser you've killed me so many times! I can't count the times I rush garage or office and you're standing there aiming at my head. lol

When I get killed by someone a whole bunch of times, I spec them to see why they're so good (cheats or skils). I've watched Killser, and he / she is a damn good CS:S player.

There were no signs of blatant cheating at all. There are probably a lot of cheats that can be hidden very well, remember Saviour (he had cheats, but wasn't REALLY great...). But there are also a lot of good CS:S players on our servers. We wouldn't ban Frag, Keira, or any of the other good players, and they usually have scores of more than 2:1, like Killser did. Hell sometimes I have a 2:1 ratio, and I'm not great at all.

Just my opinion though.

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#4 Wingman



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Posted 24 June 2005 - 10:21 AM

Well, I don't think I've ever had a 2:1 ratio. But thats cuz I suck. I've seen Killser a few times and he didn't seem to be hacking to me. But I could be wrong.
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#5 IWantWhiteCastle


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Posted 24 June 2005 - 10:38 AM

yes, killser is defenitly a very good player. i believe hes ranked top 15 and he usually has a good ratio and has always been really cool...twould be a shame if he didnt get unbanned
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#6 angrybrit


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Posted 24 June 2005 - 12:03 PM

I agree. I've seen him play a lot. He's a decent player and not a noob.
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#7 Killser



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Posted 24 June 2005 - 12:42 PM

Hey all thanks for the kind words :tup: While I dont think im nearly as good as keira or any of the other leet players on the server, all I really aim for is the head.. and usually if I miss it I get murdered 2 seconds later. If your in #1 a lot you can attest to the fact that I get killed a lot more than, say keira or any of the other ungodly good players in BoSS servers.

Well, Pwnage I'm keepin my fingers crossed that you let me back in, because like i said BoSS #1 is one of the only servers I enjoy playin. And if you do let me in I'd like to know if theres any way I can show to you that my aim, or whatever else it was that made you think I was hacking, is skill rather than me using some script.

Anyways I'm sure this post is longer than you expected, and I guess I'm just rambling because gettin back in #1 is important to me. And I'm no Hack :32:

p.s. if Arabian was the member that complained, he guards that door at the end of longhall like a pro, you know he's there, it's all just a matter of who has the quicker aim that round. He got me as much as I got him last night.
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#8 monster


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Posted 24 June 2005 - 01:09 PM

Well, it's not up to pwnage to unban you anyways, it's up to Shadow.

I wasn't there when you got banned, but I've seen you play alot on the servers, and I also know that pwnage was ban happy last night too.

Hopefully Shadow Unbans you man.

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#9 Killser



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Posted 24 June 2005 - 01:19 PM

Well shoot then.. Hopefully I catch shadow on a good day, I think I'm a decent member of the BoSS servers and I try and keep my nose clean and keep your rules of not camping/going at objectives close to my heart, hell it's one of the reasons I love your servers..

Well I'm on my freakn knees Pleading :20:
Hopefully I see you guys in there
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#10 IWantWhiteCastle


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Posted 24 June 2005 - 02:24 PM

Well, it's not up to pwnage to unban you anyways, it's up to Shadow.

I wasn't there when you got banned, but I've seen you play alot on the servers, and I also know that pwnage was ban happy last night too.

Hopefully Shadow Unbans you man.



heh pwnage is always ban happy :20:
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#11 Aziz



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Posted 24 June 2005 - 02:52 PM

:20: killser got banned, HA HA HA.... um, but seriously, lol, killser is just good, he does not cheat.

good luck getting unbanned, man. :tup:
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#12 tehpwnage



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Posted 24 June 2005 - 06:19 PM

I know what cheaters look like. I tried a few cheats out myself in CS1.5, I know all about them. Killser was pretty convincing of cheating.. and by the way, I only banned him and another b*tch that was talking sh*t to me.
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#13 Killser



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Posted 24 June 2005 - 06:45 PM

pwnage im not sayin your a bad admin, and im not talking any trash whatsoever, but I would like to say I don't cheat, never have and to be honest I'm not savvy enough to even know how to in the first place.

I'm sorry the way I play ie quickswitching to a pistol after firing to run faster, or aiming for the head appears cheaterish, and I'm sure me screamin till im blue in the face wouldnt convince you that I'm no cheat, but I'm gonna do it, respectfully, anyways.

I'm not saying you don't know what a cheat looks like because I'm sure you do, but did you consider that it may have been good aim and a lil skill rather than cheating? Besides I've played with a lot of the BoSS guys/girls, and I'm sure I've played with you on more than one occassion and no one has ever accused me of it before, accept for the usual 2-60 folks that get irritated because they got killed.

Well I hope you consider unbannin me, and I've got to say respectfully that I'm sure you've had experience with cheats and whatnot in the past, but I am no cheat, and I know me posting that over a forum has no weight behind it but I'm gonna ask you to take my word on it when considering whether or not to unban me.

Anyways I'm going to leave it up to the Admins or Shadow whoever it is that takes care of unbanning from here on out, hope I didnt annoy with the constant posting.

Keepn the ol' Fingers Crossed on Unban.
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#14 angrybrit


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Posted 24 June 2005 - 08:34 PM

Send NipLick your STEAM ID and he might unban you. He's the new Super Admin for BoSS servers.

And btw, Keira is the BoSS CHAMPION. Don't mess with him(or her). :muaha:
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#15 Killser



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Posted 25 June 2005 - 01:52 PM

Definately wasnt messing with Keira, in fact I have a lot of respect for Keira spanked me every time i played against him/her :tup:

Anyways says I can't PM Niplick, and I'm startin to think this thread might get lost around here, hopefully Nip happens through and considers unbannin me.. anyways if im not lucky it's been a pleasure playin on #1

the ID is: UserID STEAM_0:0:7716055
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#16 Kass


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Posted 25 June 2005 - 02:06 PM

Like I said.. I will consider to unban you if you reply to this post.


only shadow can unban people you f*cking idiot. quite trying to make yourself to be more powerful than you are, now shut the f*ck up and grow up
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#17 DanKBudZ


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Posted 25 June 2005 - 02:29 PM

Send NipLick your STEAM ID and he might unban you.  He's the new Super Admin for BoSS servers.

And btw, Keira is the BoSS CHAMPION.  Don't mess with him(or her). :muaha:


Kiera is a guy. Just so the confusion ends. lol Theres a story. I'll let him post it if he wants.
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#18 Aziz



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Posted 25 June 2005 - 03:10 PM

ive played with killser many times, ive never noticed anything fishy. i think he should be unbanned.
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#19 monster


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Posted 26 June 2005 - 11:54 AM

Shadow can you unban killser, if you haven't already?

pwnage is a f*ckhead and has no judgement on this matter.
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#20 HockeyNutzz



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Posted 26 June 2005 - 12:55 PM

I have seen Killser play. He is damn good. I seriously doubt he was cheating. Pwnage is a gay fag and i am glad he was baned. :tup:
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