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Unban Please

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#21 Killser



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Posted 26 June 2005 - 07:35 PM

Well, now I'm banned from all servers.. I used to be able to play on #2.. anyways if I'm going to be perma-banned, I understand it's your server and ultimately it's your call and I respect that, but could shadow or whoever is in control of unbanning/banning at least tell me I'm not going to be unbanned.

I don't think Pwnage has any clue whether I was cheating or not. It seems to me from what i've read on the forums that he is abusive with who he bans and for what and his complete lack of presence on this thread definately substantiates that.. It's just extremely lame that I was banned from an excellent server thats a hell of a lot of fun by a banhappy admin, and now simply because he's a terrible admin I'm off one of my favorite servers.

Anyways like I said it's your discretion, and if this post comes across as disrespectful and leads to me not getting unbanned so be it, I think pwnage could be the sh*ttiest admin alive, especially given the fact that he can't recognize a cheat from a skilled player.. Ha, he probably banned me out of spite simply because he can't take me one on one.. Whatever though he's an admin I guess thats his right.. :tdown:

What the hell is the game coming to when good players get banned from awesome servers for being good?

Edited by Killser, 26 June 2005 - 07:36 PM.

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#22 Kass


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Posted 26 June 2005 - 07:43 PM

i'm rooting for you to get unbanned. but that is up to shadow. pwnage was banned cause he was a f*cking retard and didn't know how to administrate sh*t. i hope to see you on the servers again sometime
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#23 Killser



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Posted 26 June 2005 - 09:38 PM

Sigh.. haha I doubt Shadow pays attention to this side of the forums.. but hopefully he sees Pwnage's choice to ban me as just another one of Pwnages absolute failures as an admin and unbans me..

course i dunno pwnage well at all, and I just have personal experience and what i've read on the boards to go off of so I spose that isnt fair to say

Edited by Killser, 26 June 2005 - 10:41 PM.

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#24 Aziz



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Posted 26 June 2005 - 11:26 PM

Sigh.. haha I doubt Shadow pays attention to this side of the forums.. but hopefully he sees Pwnage's choice to ban me as just another one of Pwnages absolute failures as an admin and unbans me..

course i dunno pwnage well at all, and I just have personal experience and what i've read on the boards to go off of so I spose that isnt fair to say


'dude now pwnage got banned for being a f*cktard, now you should definitely get unbanned, dno PM shadow about it.
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