Unban TrekGasm
Posted 28 April 2008 - 03:21 PM
btw, Here is my steam id or at least this is what i got when I typed in "Status" in my console:
# 10 "☆TREKGASM☆� |08" STEAM_0:0:16483256 00:15 92 0 active
-Also, If you need to further contact me, Please email me or contact me on my AIM SN @ trekgasm
Posted 28 April 2008 - 03:28 PM
Posted 28 April 2008 - 03:32 PM
Posted 28 April 2008 - 03:33 PM
Posted 28 April 2008 - 03:41 PM
Posted 28 April 2008 - 04:05 PM
I banned myself and two other people in the process(with only one steam ID), so I feel your pain.

Posted 28 April 2008 - 04:38 PM
Posted 28 April 2008 - 04:42 PM
Posted 28 April 2008 - 04:46 PM
Posted 28 April 2008 - 04:58 PM
and trekgasm, as zeke just pointed out, you should have posted with
"there were hackers on and it looks like I got banned by accident, can I please get unbanned"
your post does little more then piss off the people who can unban you (ie Shadow/Demi's)
Edit: In case anyone is curious, he posted this sh*t in http://forums.boss-g...h...c=10583&hl=
"Admin Abuse is ridiculous. I've seen this player on the office server and I can certainly tell you he is a good player to have in one of the 32 slots." <- on an old thread, where Makav3li had been unbanned by shadow already...
Edited by SoulWind, 28 April 2008 - 05:06 PM.
Posted 28 April 2008 - 05:01 PM
Posted 28 April 2008 - 05:23 PM
Soulwind, I did ban by steam ID in console. That's why I'm so confused of as to why 4 people got banned with only one ID. All of thr bans happened at the same time on the same command.
Well seeing as all your names had a "0" in them, I would guess you mixed up the "0" for permanent ban and the steam id for the ban command as well as just put in "ma_ban", instead of "ma_banid".
Pro Tip: Use the Mani Menu. Name changing hackers will always be the one with the space after the name, or just have no name in the menu, just like if you did a "ma_users".
So yeah, epic fail on you.

Edit: After seeing Trek fag's other post here, fuck him, he stays permanently banned.
Posted 28 April 2008 - 05:39 PM
And @ Cap'n Stabbin: I apologize for being a little out of line, i just was angry and couldn't think of something more productive to do with my time. Now back @ Ezekial. I've never played with you before, perhaps because you aren't much of an office player, however, I am absolutely the farthest thing from a prick and am an outgoing team player who enjoys a good laugh. Now I ask you, not any of the other admins, to unban me yourself. Please.
Posted 28 April 2008 - 05:46 PM
Why so angry? You don't even know me, and before any of this forum stuff was forced upon me, your clan, along with the rest of the regulars at 24/7 office have nothing but good things to say about me. I am not a hacker, and I don't deserve to be treated as onel Nor am I a 15 year old punk kid, I'm a grown man who just wants to get his game on. I love your server, and that is why I was truly crushed to see I was banned during the midst of my session. Had it have been any other server, I assure you all I would not have gone this far out of the way to make my ban appeal. I just posted in the other guys forum because I know the player and couldn't see why that man would get banned because i've spoken with him in the past and he is nothing but friendly. Apologies to you if you're offended, I just didn't realize people monitored these threads so closely. However, It was a bit inappropriate to curse. Just because I don't post on this forum, doesn't mean I should be treated like garbage.
Posted 28 April 2008 - 05:50 PM
Hey guys, Moderators, Admins. So I'm playing on the 24/7 office server like ALWAYS, when sh*t went sour. It was approximately 4:00 PM on April 28th (it's 4:15 now) when Many of the CTs began hacking. Each round it was a different person. I noticed that this was going on immediately and moved myself to spectator. After sitting in spec for two angry rounds, I get kicked and banned! I am very upset about this as this is my favorite server. Please unban me as soon as possible.
btw, Here is my steam id or at least this is what i got when I typed in "Status" in my console:
# 10 "☆TREKGASM☆� |08" STEAM_0:0:16483256 00:15 92 0 active
-Also, If you need to further contact me, Please email me or contact me on my AIM SN @ trekgasm
Well, can I get unbanned!!! For the love of god dood! I'm on a killing spree today. I'm in the f*cking zone chief!
well I'd like this to happen within the next hour or so. Im f*cking sitting around doing sh*t now. f*cking eh. I love how a hacker comes in and you ban ME of all people. DOubleYou Tee EFFFFF.
Ok, now this is getting out of hand. WHAT THE f*ck. Thanx a whole bunch Stab'n
Admin Abuse is ridiculous. I've seen this player on the office server and I can certainly tell you he is a good player to have in one of the 32 slots.
In 1.5 hrs, not to mention a post in another topic that was already resolved saying accusing admin abuse. The mistake was already admitted, and you just sit there like an ADHD teenager. Not to mention your first three post are all within 10 minutes of the last posts. You have to understand, people work, people do other things then shark the forums for unban posts. Fuck, I only got the chance to check the forums because I had a free hour of time between working from 7am to a little before 5pm, before I had to go to my 3.5hr class at 6pm.
And you're right, I don't get to play office very often, as I'm a full time student, and work full time, and even when I do have time, CS:S isn't the first thing on top of my list of things to do.
So yeah, go fuck yourself, if Shadow is feeling nice, he'll unban you despite what I think. So, yeah, good luck.
Posted 28 April 2008 - 05:53 PM
And @ Soulwind
Why so angry? You don't even know me, and before any of this forum stuff was forced upon me, your clan, along with the rest of the regulars at 24/7 office have nothing but good things to say about me. I am not a hacker, and I don't deserve to be treated as onel Nor am I a 15 year old punk kid, I'm a grown man who just wants to get his game on. I love your server, and that is why I was truly crushed to see I was banned during the midst of my session. Had it have been any other server, I assure you all I would not have gone this far out of the way to make my ban appeal. I just posted in the other guys forum because I know the player and couldn't see why that man would get banned because i've spoken with him in the past and he is nothing but friendly. Apologies to you if you're offended, I just didn't realize people monitored these threads so closely. However, It was a bit inappropriate to curse. Just because I don't post on this forum, doesn't mean I should be treated like garbage.
a) Being one of THE most regular players on office (ie when you hit top, guess what, I'm there) I can't say I recognize your name
b) It's a community not a clan
c) I just pointed out that your response was not the correct way to go around getting unbanned.
You pointed out that hackers were on, so it was fairly safe to assume it was an accident if you weren't hacking, thus your response should have reflected this. Complaining about admin abuse is NOT the way to go...
Posted 28 April 2008 - 06:07 PM
Posted 28 April 2008 - 06:21 PM
Posted 28 April 2008 - 07:14 PM
=P Im totally Rank # 103!!!! lol. hey look, If you aren't going to unban me, whatever. I had an awesome time playing on your server. @ Poocrayon - I hope to play with you again sometime. I'm not going to sit here and get blasted any longer. And jsut for the record, if you guys are a gaming community, then you bosses should unban me regardless of my attitude because in actuality, i did absolutely nothing wrong and did not break any of the server rules which would grant me a banning in the first place. I may be an ADHD Teenager without a job, but what the f*ck dsoes that have to do with your server and me playing on it? I just want an admin's mistake to be corrected so I can own some nubs. Oh, and @ Soulwind, if whomever decides to unban me, Im gonna WTFPWN you, cas now it's totally personal lol.
lol I'm scared, that's what I get for being helpful

Posted 28 April 2008 - 07:22 PM
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