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My new Space Theme

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#1 TheHobo


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Posted 21 April 2008 - 10:13 PM

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Well, Tell me what u think :weee: Critisize por favor 0.o
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#2 { NJXC } Varden

{ NJXC } Varden


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Posted 21 April 2008 - 10:53 PM

The sky is insanely cool. the planets in the background are a bit pixellized (my graphic design lingo is blah). I think if you brighten the planets in the front and back and change the ring around the front planet to a different color (anything but poop brown) it could look much better. Great start. The sky trips me out.

I got really into space, and the solar system etc. one day when i was bored and addy'd up so i spent like 6 hours reading about all of it on wikipedia. thats where i got my current desktop background which is pretty cool i think:

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Edited by { NJXC } Varden, 21 April 2008 - 10:57 PM.

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#3 TheHobo


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Posted 21 April 2008 - 11:08 PM

The sky is insanely cool. the planets in the background are a bit pixellized (my graphic design lingo is blah). I think if you brighten the planets in the front and back and change the ring around the front planet to a different color (anything but poop brown) it could look much better. Great start. The sky trips me out.

I got really into space, and the solar system etc. one day when i was bored and addy'd up so i spent like 6 hours reading about all of it on wikipedia. thats where i got my current desktop background which is pretty cool i think:

Thanks the background took a while, liquify and filters FTW =D. But i understand what u were talking about with the back planet. Its 2 in focus, but when i try to add some atmosphere for some reason it tweaks out prolly due to the bevel and such that i used. For the ring, since it is up close i was thinking about making it like a ring of Rock, like its actually suppose to be. and i used the "poop" brown to stick with the color sceme. And hells yea space ftw. I like my avatar a lot, let me post a bigger verison.

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feel free to comment on this 1 2 =D
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#4 { NJXC } Varden

{ NJXC } Varden


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Posted 21 April 2008 - 11:18 PM

Your avatar is badass, the color scheme is simple yet striking.

I would say for the back planets you should try re-sizing the image a bunch of times until you find the size that best fits without pixellating too much. i find the best way to do this is by making a bunch of duplicates of the original size and keep trying to resize them only once (if you resize the same pic to many times it'll become grainy most definitely).

As for the front rock-ring I'd suggest either going with a pic of a ring and trying to get it to fit right or just go through the different layer effects on different sized images of the ring to see which will work best. if it works on a bigger image of the ring you can always try and re-size it afterward.

My knowledge in photoshop is novice at best butI love to f*ck around with it as often as possible.
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#5 TheHobo


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Posted 21 April 2008 - 11:32 PM

Your avatar is badass, the color scheme is simple yet striking.

I would say for the back planets you should try re-sizing the image a bunch of times until you find the size that best fits without pixellating too much. i find the best way to do this is by making a bunch of duplicates of the original size and keep trying to resize them only once (if you resize the same pic to many times it'll become grainy most definitely).

As for the front rock-ring I'd suggest either going with a pic of a ring and trying to get it to fit right or just go through the different layer effects on different sized images of the ring to see which will work best. if it works on a bigger image of the ring you can always try and re-size it afterward.

My knowledge in photoshop is novice at best butI love to f*ck around with it as often as possible.

Thats ok my knowledge isnt much better than urs. :dork:, and i cant seem to find a close up of any ring, plus by taking a picture and compiling it with mine its kinda like cheating, i like all from scratch. I'll try to resizing the back planet and maybe messing with various gaussin blur layers for a more atmopsheric perspective thingy.
And yea my really like my avatar, i much prefer hues of blue and colder colors then warmer colors, but since the background is ment to be pheonix like, (not sure if u caught that) i had to use warm colors.
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#6 { NJXC } Varden

{ NJXC } Varden


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Posted 22 April 2008 - 12:04 AM

Thats ok my knowledge isnt much better than urs. :dork:, and i cant seem to find a close up of any ring, plus by taking a picture and compiling it with mine its kinda like cheating, i like all from scratch. I'll try to resizing the back planet and maybe messing with various gaussin blur layers for a more atmopsheric perspective thingy.
And yea my really like my avatar, i much prefer hues of blue and colder colors then warmer colors, but since the background is ment to be pheonix like, (not sure if u caught that) i had to use warm colors.

Perhaps im wrong but, it seems like you got the background picture from:


a site with a collection of background images posted by mike2077 a few threads up. I can see you've altered it in some ways which is cool but if you did borrow it i dont think you should say its from scratch :perk:
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#7 TheHobo


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Posted 22 April 2008 - 01:41 AM

Perhaps im wrong but, it seems like you got the background picture from:


a site with a collection of background images posted by mike2077 a few threads up. I can see you've altered it in some ways which is cool but if you did borrow it i dont think you should say its from scratch :perk:

Lol thats the pic i based it off, but mine was from scratch. I'm good with liquify i just cant seem to come up with ideas, so i pick a picture and make something extremely similar to it. the few altercations u saw are just my flaws :>.<:
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#8 poocrayon



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Posted 22 April 2008 - 05:12 PM

Well, Tell me what u think :weee: Critisize por favor 0.o

f*cking sucks ass. type /kill in console plz.

lol jk i like it.
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#9 MainEvent


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Posted 24 April 2008 - 10:54 AM

Now I see the original background, it looks like you just pasted 3 planets in, and sprayed a "sh*t ring".

But if I didn't know about the original background, nice job.
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