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#1 Kill_JOy


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Posted 07 May 2008 - 07:54 PM

SON OF A f*ckIN wh*re!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, it finally happend. I knew it was too good to be true. The "RED RING OF DEATH" finally rears it's ugly motherf*ckin head.

Posted Image

When I survived Gears of War without an issue.. they said, "you just wait, Bioshock will f*ck you over". When I survived Bioshock without an issue, I scoffed.
By the time Halo 3 was beaten, I had no fear whatsoever of the dreaded "RED RING OF DEATH". But GTA:4 and it's freezing problem was just enough to nudge my 360 over the edge and into gaming oblivion.

So, what to do now? Get an Elite and pray that (because everyone says so) nothing like this will ever happen to it? Try and find a deal on a PS3 (which is way out of my price range - retail)?

I dunno.... to think of all the achievements I've racked up and money I've wasted on games, peripherals, etc., almost sickens me.

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#2 Ahkmed



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Posted 07 May 2008 - 08:29 PM

Unless I am missing something in your post, couldn't you just send it in? Apparently they are not getting as many in I sent mine in and got it back a few days ago only took about a week and a half.
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#3 Kill_JOy


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Posted 07 May 2008 - 08:32 PM

Unless I am missing something in your post, couldn't you just send it in? Apparently they are not getting as many in I sent mine in and got it back a few days ago only took about a week and a half.

I bought mine from a cousin and the dumb jerk lost the receipt, warranty paperwork, etc. I want to kill the little jerk.

I'm gonna call Microsoft support tomorrow and plead my case but, without the proper paperwork, I don't think they'll do anything for me (free anyway).
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#4 Ahkmed



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Posted 07 May 2008 - 08:57 PM

All they asked me for was the serial on the xbox itself, so you should be good not like they will come and break your door in and beat you to death with the 20 pound power supply. GL
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#5 Raccoon00



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Posted 07 May 2008 - 09:05 PM

Lol Consoles
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#6 Ezekiel


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Posted 07 May 2008 - 09:07 PM

Lol Consoles

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#7 Capt.John



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Posted 07 May 2008 - 09:33 PM

You should be able to send it in without the receipts and sh*t...I have about 7 times :tired:
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#8 MainEvent


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Posted 08 May 2008 - 04:57 AM

Can't you just take out the hard drive...?
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#9 Kill_JOy


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Posted 08 May 2008 - 05:35 AM

Can't you just take out the hard drive...?

Tried that. I removed the hard drive and let it sit that way for an hour and re-attached. Same red ring and nothing displayed on my t.v. screen.

You should be able to send it in without the receipts and sh*t...I have about 7 times.

SEVEB TIMES!!!!!!????????

Well, since I don't need the warranty paperwork and I'm home sick today anyway... I'll call them and send it out for repair.
But if this bullsh*t happens with the repaired console (or the new one they send - wishfull thinking), I'm done with the xbox for good.
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#10 Chris82


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Posted 08 May 2008 - 06:42 AM

Man, I must be lucky, I've done everything you can to instigate the RRoD and I haven't gotten it.

Good luck getting it fixed. :tup:
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#11 monster


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Posted 08 May 2008 - 08:03 AM

Send it in. They allocated a tonne of money for this kind of thing.

Just take off your hard drive, send it in, and they'll send you a new one in a few weeks.
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#12 DarkShadow


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Posted 08 May 2008 - 08:53 AM

RRoD is caused primarily by overheating, not software.

So if your one of those broke bitches without an AC, you have a higher chance of having it happen.
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#13 Bloodyhamburger


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Posted 08 May 2008 - 09:21 AM

My Xbox 360 sits on a carpet while I play it. There's a wooden TV entertainment center perhaps 1 foot behind it. I flipped it from horizontal to vertical while playing once (Pretty much ate my first Elder Scrolls Oblivion CD when I did it). Also, it's on the complete opposite side of the room from any windows and or air ducts, and the duct that's closest to it is blocked by my bed. It's the very first model of the 360 that they released, I got it for Christless. But still no red ring. Either my Xbox has acquired Jesus powers, or I'm lucky as f*ck.

I don't play any games that are associated with causing it though, just Guitar Hero III, Assassin's Creed, and ES4 Oblivion.
But still, I have a strange feeling this ring should have happened to me by now...

I know so many people who have gotten it, it seems the only people who get the ring are the ones who try to prevent it. :/

Hopefully the waiting lines for the cardboard coffins are down by now though and it won't take too long for you to get yours back.

Microsoft for the fail
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#14 Kill_JOy


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Posted 08 May 2008 - 04:19 PM

I have a strange feeling this ring should have happened to me by now...

That's how I felt just before it happend. I've logged in hours on the most memory intensive/graphics intensive games the 360 has to offer and no problem till GTA:4. Once I got the GTA:4 "freeze bug", it was all downhill.

Btw....... I called Microsoft today and they said I would have to pay $150 plus another $40 for shipping and handling to get it fixed. I told the guy on the phone, "Go f*ck yourself in the ear with a rusty screwdriver!".

I then proceeded to disassemble and clean it (in the hopes that it was a 'dust in the heatsinks' issue). But when I re-assembled and tried it, the bloody RRoD was still there.

I'm just gonna do the towel wrap thing for now till I gather up some money for a more 'up-to-date' xbox.
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#15 �Forgotten�



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Posted 08 May 2008 - 05:04 PM

Ye I got the new model xbox and it has worked perfectly no freezing/ messing up of any kind.
It owns .
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#16 Snookers


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Posted 08 May 2008 - 06:19 PM

haha hearin all this stuff about xbox, sometimes im glad im still rockin my oldschool ps2 lol
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#17 Sniprwulf


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Posted 08 May 2008 - 09:06 PM

Posted Image
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#18 Capt.John



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Posted 08 May 2008 - 09:09 PM

Btw....... I called Microsoft today and they said I would have to pay $150 plus another $40 for shipping and handling to get it fixed. I told the guy on the phone, "Go f*ck yourself in the ear with a rusty screwdriver!".

I then proceeded to disassemble and clean it (in the hopes that it was a 'dust in the heatsinks' issue). But when I re-assembled and tried it, the bloody RRoD was still there.

I'm just gonna do the towel wrap thing for now till I gather up some money for a more 'up-to-date' xbox.

Oh that sucks, for a while they were doing it free and I think the console had to be made before a certain time or some bs like that.
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#19 MainEvent


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Posted 09 May 2008 - 05:26 AM

I flipped it from horizontal to vertical while playing once (Pretty much ate my first Elder Scrolls Oblivion CD when I did it).

sh*t! That happened to me too! With the exact same game - pissed me the f*ck off.

Just ask your cousin where he bought it from... If it's Best Buy they are usually nice enough to contact Microsoft themselves and a box should arrive in the mail. Just take off the hard drive, and put everything (Headset, Power Supply, etc.) and ship it back. It should take like 5-10 days. If that doesn't work, then the only other choice you have is to save up and buy another one, at least this time you will have a legitimate receipt.
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#20 poocrayon



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Posted 09 May 2008 - 12:51 PM

consoles are like cars...built with a certain lifespan in mind by their manufacturers. just like older cars (50s,60s), older consoles lasted forever. then the manufacturers realized they could sell more if they make them from cheaper parts so they die faster. I have a N64 console that has survived 4 years of college, been dropped numerous times, stepped on, had an entire beer dumped on it, and it still works as well as the day I bought it. they dont makeum like they used to eh?
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