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Posers and perps

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#1 Kill_JOy


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Posted 29 June 2008 - 08:20 PM

So, I'm driving home from work friday and I have the stereo tuned to KROCK (as usual). Denial by Sevendust is just ending and I'm singing along to it when all of a f*ckin sudden the dj goes: "here's an oldie".. and puts on 'I wanna rock and roll all night' by Kiss. I wanted to f*ckin' vomit.
How do you follow Sevendust with 'gayass-Kiss'??? Are you f*ckin serious?

Calling Kiss "elevator metal" is a huge f*cking understatement. These tools are the biggest f*ckin posers in music period. How do you step out onto a stage with fireballs behind you, dressed like a goddam badass-vampire from outer-space, and sing songs that sound like they come str8 from a mentos commercial???

I hate Winger and Bon Jovi but even fruity-ass Bon Jovi is more hard core than Kiss. Atleast they presented themselves honestly. Don't perpetrate a hardcore image and then play some bad 'hair band music'.

They are the perfect example of false advertising in music:Posted Image

Look at those assholes. You would think it was a deathmetal band if you didn't know any better. And their fans... the 'kiss army'. A bunch of clown-faced, huge belt buckle wearing, fruitcakes. Kiss army? Army? Seriously? What are they gonna fight with? Pez dispensers and Kiss lighters? f*ck those assholes.

They are what's wrong with music. These assholes are the ones that paved the way from jerkoffs like fred durst and vanilla ice. They can all burn in hell.
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#2 Raccoon00



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Posted 29 June 2008 - 08:54 PM

I'm guessing you had a bad day at work

Am i right?

Edited by Raccoon00, 29 June 2008 - 08:55 PM.

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#3 AssHattery


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Posted 29 June 2008 - 09:34 PM

I agree man they are a bunch of fags.... specially in the 80's when they took off there make up just to fit in with the gayness of the hairmetal crap i take a lot of sh*t for it but i really hate there music
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#4 the AntiHippie

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Posted 29 June 2008 - 11:16 PM

agreed. kiss ftl :tdown:
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#5 Kill_JOy


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Posted 30 June 2008 - 06:07 AM

I'm guessing you had a bad day at work

Am i right?

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#6 Frag0holic



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Posted 30 June 2008 - 10:46 AM

KISS is pretty bad.

But alternative / nu metal shit like Sevendust is worse, if anything. The entire genre is full of "posers".
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#7 DarkShadow


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Posted 30 June 2008 - 11:11 AM

KISS is pretty bad.

But alternative / nu metal shit like Sevendust is worse, if anything. The entire genre is full of "posers".

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#8 IWantWhiteCastle


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Posted 30 June 2008 - 03:45 PM

KISS is pretty bad.

But alternative / nu metal sh*t like Sevendust is worse, if anything. The entire genre is full of "posers".

Give me a break. There's just as many sh*tty "poser" metal bands out there as "poser" alternative / nu-metal bands. Each genre has certain bands that are just plain better and more original than others. Sevendust is pretty much on top of the alt-metal list and is pretty f*cking amazing live. Just because we see more of the alt-metal bands because they are lighter and more radio friendly (also more American influenced) doesn't mean there is more of them.

Sevendust > Kiss
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#9 Kill_JOy


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Posted 30 June 2008 - 07:05 PM

Lemme just say that I apologize for coming off really angry in the post. It sounded more like a rant than a critique but, they've been a band that's gotten under my skin ever since I first heard them.

No offense to any Kiss fans that might be members here as everyone is entitled to their own musical tastes. I just don't believe in portraying a false image to sell records and playing on peoples' need to feel wanted and loved by calling your fans an army. If they came out today they would probably have all the emo kids as fans because they appeal to the disillusioned youth who feel a need to be part of something.

That type of placation for the sole purpose of swindling you out of a hard-earned dollar makes me sick.
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#10 Raccoon00



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Posted 30 June 2008 - 08:05 PM

Sevendust is awesome..

I dont like death Metal, for one reason it sounds like sh*t...

Indie music is what i listen to now..and some oldies like Billy joel, and Eagles

Like you said everyone has a different music taste..

Kiss, never liked them
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#11 MainEvent


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Posted 01 July 2008 - 03:47 AM

If they came out today they would probably have all the emo kids as fans because they appeal to the disillusioned youth who feel a need to be part of something.

No, that's when you listen to sh*t like: Insane Clown Posse, or Marilyn Manson. You can't get any more poser(ish) than that.

Also, Slipknot is a good example.

By the way, define: poser.
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#12 Frag0holic



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Posted 01 July 2008 - 03:58 AM

Give me a break. There's just as many sh*tty "poser" metal bands out there as "poser" alternative / nu-metal bands. Each genre has certain bands that are just plain better and more original than others. Sevendust is pretty much on top of the alt-metal list and is pretty f*cking amazing live. Just because we see more of the alt-metal bands because they are lighter and more radio friendly (also more American influenced) doesn't mean there is more of them.

Sevendust > Kiss

I'm not saying any genre is perfect. It just seems to me that radio exposure tends to degrade and water down entire genres.

I just don't believe in portraying a false image to sell records

While I agree with this statement you must realize that false image is one of the biggest selling points of popular bands.
What would Slipknot be without their silly masks? What would 50 cent be without his bullet wounds? etc
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#13 Chris82


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Posted 01 July 2008 - 04:20 AM

lol Kiss is alright, they have some funny songs. I don't listen to them too often but every once in a while some songs are good to hear. Although no way in hell are they a metal or even hard rock band, dunno who gave them that classification.
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#14 Kill_JOy


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Posted 01 July 2008 - 05:37 AM

What would Slipknot be without their silly masks?

Well, Slipknot's members look evil and hardcore with their insane masks and dirty zip-ups. So, for them to play heavy music makes sense. In other words...

When I check the album cover and see some 'horror movie-looking' guys I know that I'm getting some hardcore music. Now, if they looked the same and played sh*t that sounded like the Backstreet Boys, they'd be HUGE posers (in my book).
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#15 MainEvent


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Posted 01 July 2008 - 06:03 AM

I thought a poser was someone who tried to act like someone they aren't.
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#16 J.Pizzack


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Posted 01 July 2008 - 08:29 AM

what the OP is failing to realize, is that back in the late 70s, and into the 80s...all rock music was about a gimmick. Even if it sounded good, which alot of it did, there was still something to just draw attention to the act. WHat it came down to is that KiSS was extremely successful with it. I cant even claim to know a ton of songs by them tbh...i know God of Thunder, lick it up, and rock and roll all night...meh...

Another thing that made me lol at your post was that you said you were listening to Sevendust. Now, I used to listen to Sevendust....but guess what? all that nu-metal sh*t that came out in the mid/late 90s...that was the same too. It was all mirror bands signed by the SAME f*ckING LABEL lol. if you were "metal" you were on TVT(which somehow became a hiphop label), if u werent on TVT you were on Roadrunner records. I'm kinda embarrassed by how so much of the music i listened to back then all came from the same place lol.

I'm sorry that im making fun of your music tastes, but i just feel that you are horribly misinformed. And you are way too young to be bashing bands that were selling platinum albums before your dad blew his load in your mom.

Edited by J.Pizzack, 01 July 2008 - 08:30 AM.

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#17 DarkShadow


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Posted 01 July 2008 - 08:45 AM

I'm sorry that im making fun of your music tastes, but i just feel that you are horribly misinformed. And you are way too young to be bashing bands that were selling platinum albums before your dad blew his load in your mom.

I agree with that.
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#18 IWantWhiteCastle


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Posted 01 July 2008 - 08:49 AM

(as stated above) bands like Kiss and M. Manson are more about putting on a show than the music. Not much different than bands like Gwar or Municipal Waste today..I mean cmon, who actually listens to Gwar? lol. But sure enough you go to a Gwar show the sh*t will be sold out.
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#19 Kill_JOy


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Posted 04 July 2008 - 06:26 PM

I'm sorry that im making fun of your music tastes, but i just feel that you are horribly misinformed. And you are way too young to be bashing bands that were selling platinum albums before your dad blew his load in your mom.

Well, you know what they say about 'assuming'?
You should never take a shot in the dark about the age of an internet user. I'm old enough to have bought my own ticket to one of their 80's shows.

As far as labels go: Being on the same record label doesn't mean that bands are gonna look or sound alike or even have the same outlook on the genre, even if they have the same manager/production team.

As far as selling platinum albums go: There were millions of people out there that supported BAD bands and made them "multi-platinum artists". It doesn't make them GOOD by any stretch of the imagination. It just means that there are alot of people with terrible taste in music. Hence, the sheer fact that Britney Spears is a multi-millionaress.

As far as "bashing" them goes: All I was doing was stating a pet peev. Kiss is the SoulJaboy of the rock world. Nuff said.
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#20 Armageddon


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Posted 04 July 2008 - 11:58 PM

Kiss is'nt all that bad, i wouldnt call them hardcore or put them under the metal genre, but they're alright.
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