How do you follow Sevendust with 'gayass-Kiss'??? Are you f*ckin serious?
Calling Kiss "elevator metal" is a huge f*cking understatement. These tools are the biggest f*ckin posers in music period. How do you step out onto a stage with fireballs behind you, dressed like a goddam badass-vampire from outer-space, and sing songs that sound like they come str8 from a mentos commercial???
I hate Winger and Bon Jovi but even fruity-ass Bon Jovi is more hard core than Kiss. Atleast they presented themselves honestly. Don't perpetrate a hardcore image and then play some bad 'hair band music'.
They are the perfect example of false advertising in music:

Look at those assholes. You would think it was a deathmetal band if you didn't know any better. And their fans... the 'kiss army'. A bunch of clown-faced, huge belt buckle wearing, fruitcakes. Kiss army? Army? Seriously? What are they gonna fight with? Pez dispensers and Kiss lighters? f*ck those assholes.
They are what's wrong with music. These assholes are the ones that paved the way from jerkoffs like fred durst and vanilla ice. They can all burn in hell.