Well I knew the motherboard was going, so I thought lets just hope it makes it to winter break. Then my older laptop's hard drive failed. I got a loan from my parent and got a new laptop (The one I'm on now.). Then 2 weeks after I get the laptop I'm playing CoD4 and BAM! Desktop comp dies, power is still on, fans are running but no restart, or bios. Mother board dies.
Sent it back to ASUS (Fuck them by the way.) And they tell me somehow the CPU pins got bent, so I have to pay $40 for them to fix it and get my board repaired, or they wont fix what was wrong with it in the first place. Well, the email they sent me, failed to attach the credit form to pay for the damned thing. 2 days after I replied, I got the form. Faxed out the form to the number in the first email. I asked for a confirmation of the fax. "No we didn't get it, did you fax it to [Insert completely different number then the original email here.]? Faxed it to that number. Asked for a confirmation. 2 days later, "Yeah we took you money, thank you!"
2 weeks now and I haven't heard shit about my board.
Thankfully Wonder sent me an extra 775 motherboard he has sitting around. (Will still continue to hound ASUS.)
Got that board from him, resetup my computer. Started it up. Started doing some BIOS, then flickering case lights aaaaaaannnnnnnddd off!... PSU died. Supposedly the PSU has a history of killing peoples motherboards with, or before they completely die.
Well, fuck me....
Here I am trying to make do with what little I have, but instead getting fucked and having to shell out for a new PSU.
So I said fuck it pulled out the NewEgg Preferred account and ordered....
CORSAIR CMPSU-650TX 650W ATX12V / EPS12V SLI Ready CrossFire Ready 80 PLUS Certified Active PFC Power Supply
Thankfully it has a $20 rebate starting today. So that'll cut it down to $80. Hopefully Corsair live up to their quality name.
Fun last few months... Fun indeed.
Though I learned a few things...
ASUS sucks dick.
AeroCool makes horrible PSUs that I'll never buy again.
And fuck this economy.