Admins Follow Server Rules
Posted 17 September 2009 - 08:56 PM
My friend Nick was slayed, for camping at the start of the round, and it wasn't effecting the speed of the game.
I'd recommend that the rules laid before the public, be enforced or removed.
Posted 17 September 2009 - 09:02 PM
Wasn't me who was doing it, but you will notice if you'd read the rules they state that "camping is allowed but don't slow the pace of the server"
Hence if someone is being a dick they'll get slayed
I should mention that the admin responsible appeared to be PMS'ing
Posted 17 September 2009 - 09:36 PM
Posted 18 September 2009 - 12:37 AM
I am really sick of admins enforcing rules that don't exist... Sniper rooms are not an instant slay, CTs can HOLD GARAGE if the Ts rush it hard, and just because you get prefired doesn't mean you got wall hacked... Just a few dumb things I've seen/heard
I agree to some extent...in 6vs6 or less CT's do not need to go into the sniper rooms, PERIOD. Also keep in mind that if the CT's keep "holding" garage for too many rounds it causes T's to start camping...then its just one giant camp fest. I don't mind some "holding" of garage but when its the whole CT team holding garage on both sides that's a little much. They at least need to push one side.
Also Rattle I know your new, but if an occasional slay offends you or "Nick"...well you both may have a problem. Shoot, I slay ppl I like just for fun...imagine what I do to T-wayne.
Btw I wasn't there but I know you guys were wondering what wondergod thought on the matter at hand.
Posted 18 September 2009 - 04:28 AM
Posted 18 September 2009 - 04:43 PM
seriously some admins are babies
Posted 19 September 2009 - 05:34 PM
but if an occasional slay offends you or "Nick"...well you both may have a problem. Shoot, I slay ppl I like just for fun...imagine what I do to T-wayne.
Or switch teams and knife them once so I have no HP's and get facepwned by the next barrage of nades that people seem to love throwing so much.
Posted 19 September 2009 - 10:48 PM
As for "no camping sniper rooms rules" it was a rule in the old days, maybe not a written one but it was an agreed upon rule between admins iirc and one of the rules is to basically respect what the admins say sooo... that's about it. As Wondergod said, when the server is so low on people, no reason to camp at all, but hey even I go in there if we're getting rolled so much. Getting rolled by T is one thing, but I've seen many sit in Garage for a good minute+ even though T weren't rushing for a few rounds.
Posted 19 September 2009 - 11:22 PM
Posted 20 September 2009 - 02:14 AM
ya ahkmed i've so upgraded from one click knifing to teleporting a covert ops team.....it'd be a lot better if my covert ops team would move after being teleported...80% of the time we get stuck in each other or the ground :)
lol... The covert ops teams needs a name.
Posted 20 September 2009 - 02:20 AM
As for "no camping sniper rooms rules" it was a rule in the old days, maybe not a written one but it was an agreed upon rule between admins
I was on as much as anyone a couple years ago and while there were a few admins who stuck to this rule religiously, many including myself and i believe shadow, although i'm not going to guarantee that, have no idea where this came from. Bottom line: if Ts rush and are rolling over CT, they should be able to camp in limited amounts. If it doesn't hold the game up, it should be allowed. A fine line but if an admin doesn't understand things like this, why does he have the responsibility?
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