so I managed to find a leaked version of this album...that I have been waiting for a while for and I have to say....
well worth the f*cking wait.
Peter Tagtgren has upped the ante with making hypocrisy a truly memorable blackened/death metal band ( they are without a doubt my personal favorite band).
The Album opens up with Valley Of The Damned which is a great opener, thing is...there is something different about the guitars in the album, just seems more defined...hard to describe unless you've heard all the other hypocrisy albums.
track number 2- Hang Him High, which starts with a sound clip from something, to quote " Assassin? sounds so exotic, I was just a murderer" if anyone knows what that is from let me know, i'm curious. This track is alittle bit slower, something Peter does in the hypocrisy albums, like a death ballad of some sort, its a formula that works well, and this album is no different.
track 3-Solar Empire, I would have to say it is my personal favorite on the album, it has a nice combo of melody, great lyrics, it's just a very solid song.
track 4-Weed Out The Weak,'s not often hypocrisy opens a song up with some vicious blast beats, another solid song that has a pretty cool break down at about 2:24.
track 5-No Tomorrow, another song that follows the Peter/Hypocrisy formula, not totally brutal not totally melodic, but definitely a great song, the chorus parts just make you want to bang your head.
track 6-Global Domination, This song is a bit of a departure, The way it opens....I some reason get reminded of a slower amon amarth inspiration, great song that just marches forward with a refreshing vigor.
track 7- Taste The Extreme Divine, now this song...just wow, I was not expecting it when I first listened to actually took a few listens for me to like's definitely different, more black metal then anything but all and all a kick ass song, peters screams in this song are especially evil.
track 8-Alive, this song flash backs to the Catch 22 days, a song driven by break downs and punishing drums, great song...but honestly one of my least favorites, thats just me, it is in no way a bad song.
track 9-The Quest, back to the Peter/Hypocrisy formula once again, a slow very melodic and dark song, one of the better hypocrisy slower songs.
track 10-Tamed-Filled With Fear, Alright now this song is right up there with Solar Empire as my favorite songs on the album, the new guitar sounds are truly at home in this song, it's got a nice super fast/fast/slow/fast feel to it, and the chorus just....really gets the adrenaline pumping.
track 11-Sky's Falling Down, the final track, and defiantly the perfect closer for the album, it's got the right tempo and flow that it's just like "this song will be so f*cking awesome live", and just keeps the energy sustained as it finishes the album.
So it's been awhile since I have written any reviews for albums so I'm alittle rusty.
I would have to say I give this album personally a 10/10, but in general 9/10, it's as great as Virus, but better in the sense that amidst all the extreme differences in the songs, as a whole it feels more solid and defined then virus, Peter Tagtgren has truly pulled out all the stops on this album, and as far as Hypocrisy goes with his projects, this is his masterpiece.
on a side note, december f*cking 4th they hit worcester mass in support of this new album that has yet to be released....3 days before I ship to boot camp, thank f*cking god I hope I get to see them before I go.

Hypocrisy- A Taste of Extreme Divinity
Started by
At The Gates
, Oct 03 2009 11:11 AM
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