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The Idiotcracy Facts Book For Dumb

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#1 The SS Merchant of joy

The SS Merchant of joy


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Posted 03 March 2010 - 11:20 PM

The Idiotcracy Facts Book For Dumb

you are american :
then : you have an alcoolic and stupid or a !@#$%^& president, f*cking brainless assholes.

you are american :
then : you are the jews's and !@#$%^&s's slaves, f*cking brainless assholes.

you are american :
then : you can't find your own country on a world map, at least buy an atlas or a GPS, f*cking brainless assholes.

you are american :
then : you believe that a continent is a country, f*cking brainless assholes.

you are american :
then : you can only make an insane quantity of sh*t, f*cking brainless assholes.

you are american :
then : you can't talk and write with a proper english, buy a british dictionnary and a british grammar book, f*cking brainless assholes.

you are american :
then : you are an UNTERRASSE of british and british are an UNTERRASSE of french, f*cking brainless assholes.

you are american :
then : you have no world's history knowledge, f*cking brainless assholes.

you are american :
then : 75% of you never been in universities, f*cking brainless assholes.

you are american :
then : your frontline soldiers are hispanic because you have no balls, f*cking brainless assholes.

you are american :
then : you have no economic skills, f*cking brainless assholes.

you are american :
then : you will become a man-wh*re for paying your house and debts, f*cking brainless assholes.

you are american :
then : 75% of you cant pay a house, f*cking brainless assholes.

you are american :
then: you let your poorest peoples die by starvation, f*cking brainless assholes.

you are american :
then : you believe that the social policies of other countries it's communism, f*cking brainless assholes.

you are american :
then : the euro currency and the canadian dollard worth more than your worthless US dollard, f*cking brainless assholes.

you are american :
then : you loose always a war against a poor and military weak country, f*cking brainless assholes.

you are american :
then : you loosing a cyberwar against the russia and the china, f*cking brainless assholes.

you are american :
then : your american's dream is a pathetic failure, f*cking brainless assholes.

you are american :
then : your country is now one of the worst of the world, f*cking brainless assholes.

you are american :
then : you live in the garbage bin of the world, f*cking brainless assholes.

you are american :
then : the klux klux klan, is a bunch of faggots wearing woman's clothings and rednecks, f*cking brainless assholes.

you are american :
then : you are worthless, f*cking brainless assholes.

you are american :
then : your country is worthless, f*cking brainless assholes.

you are american :
then : you culture is worthless, f*cking brainless assholes.

you are american :
then : you are a f*cking bunch of brainless assholes, f*cking brainless assholes.

you are american :
then : everyone hate you, f*cking brainless assholes.

you are american :
then : your answers are always pathetic and gay insults or/and lacks of self-respect or/and a gay sexual harassement or/and ridiculous redneck's groups of alphabetic letters, f*cking brainless assholes.

you are american :
then : your gay clans full of frighted fat nerd kiddies are worthless, f*cking brainless assholes.

you are american :
then : your gay games websites full of frighted fat nerd kiddies are worthless, f*cking brainless assholes.

you are american :
then : your gay games servers full of frighted fat nerd kiddies are worthless, f*cking brainless assholes.

you are american :
then : you can lick my uberman german balls for free, f*cking frighted brainless assholes slaves.

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#2 Ezekiel


    Defiant Little Prick

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Posted 03 March 2010 - 11:35 PM


Yay, he listened to me!

Now, if only he could learn that, when trying to insult someone, it's a lot less effective when you don't use proper grammar, capitalization, and punctuation.

Remember capitalization is the difference between "I had to help my uncle Jack off a horse.." and "I had to help my uncle jack off a horse.."
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