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What was your Favorite gaming franchise growing up?

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#1 Raccoon00



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Posted 21 May 2010 - 11:39 AM

Lets Discuss...
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#2 Ezekiel


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Posted 21 May 2010 - 12:54 PM

I'll put my neck out there and take the wave of insults, but...

Harvest Moon or SimCity 2000. :20: For me it was just simplistic enjoyment.

Either those or I would have to say Final Fantasy, but that winded down after the 7th game.

Though to be honest this is a question that gets tougher as I get older, as my childhood spanned a lot of consoles with different mascots and exclusives.

Atari/Colecovision days: Frogger was one of my favorites.

NES Days: Super Mario Bros.

Old Old School PC (DOS Days): Hugo's House of Horrors (I liked Adventure games When I was really young, and this was my first. Was a bitch to beat when you were only a 4 year old playing a text action based adventure game.)

Sega Genesis Days: Vectorman

Old School PC Days: Starcraft

Game Gear Days: Sonic

Gameboy Days: Pokemon

Playstation Days: Final Fantasy

N64 Days: Perfect Dark

Xbox Days: Halo (Just the first One. I had a lot of great times playing Co-op and lan parties. As soon as XBL was introducted to the second game it was instant shit.)

Wont count any other systems as I really don't count anything past when I got my first job as my childhood.
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#3 Halcomb


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Posted 21 May 2010 - 01:59 PM

Ok, going by Zeke's classification of childhood, that would put me around the 16-17 year mark.

I'd have to say my all time favorite franchise when growing up would have to be Mortal Kombat. My friend, who still to this day lives 2 houses down from my mother's house, would go on flailing binges for hours upon hours; usually culminating in a broken controller and shattered dreams.

Same goes with the 2k sports series in the early years.

The Rampage games as they crossed platforms were always fun to pick up and wail on each other.

Early Grand Theft Auto.

Quake/Doom and I would say Unreal but I can't remember when 2 came out.

Final Fantasy VI - IX.

Road Rash 1-3 killed a lot of time.

Gauntlet series. f*ck the original. I remember we played that sh*t from 10am to 5pm the next day, leaving the f*cker paused over night and realizing that there just is no end.

Warlords, Dune and Command and Conquer.


Diablo. I only mention this one because my friend and I picked up copies the day it came out, as well as Hellfire and the Playstation edition of Diablo. We cracked out to that sh*t. We didn't play Diablo II as much because it usually ended with us getting our HC characters killed.

Ultima all the way to Ultima Online, Eye of the Beholder, Bard's Series.

Twisted Metal.

Anything with Mech in it.

Half-Life/TFC. I didn't play counterstrike nearly as much as TFC back in those days.

And a f*ckton more that I can't remember at the moment.


Edited by Halcomb, 21 May 2010 - 02:02 PM.

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#4 Stubs


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Posted 21 May 2010 - 03:18 PM

im playing pokemon soulsilver right now.
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#5 mr.lively


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Posted 21 May 2010 - 08:35 PM

i never owned a console; but when i played as a kid, the game was twisted metal.
whenever a new one came out, i would spend the night at my friend's house.
playstation, pizza, projector, surround sound.
awesome sh*t.
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#6 Ezekiel


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Posted 22 May 2010 - 12:01 AM

im playing pokemon soulsilver right now.

Sadly, so am I... :kill:
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#7 Bumblebee


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Posted 22 May 2010 - 07:54 AM

Me and my bro went through this craz with doom and wolfinstein... played the livin sh*t out of those games.

After that it was Age of Empires..

Got a N64 and got sucked into perfect dark, and mainly.. Conkers Bad fur day.. love that game :P

Then yes when we got the first Halo on christmas we played that sh*t for 18 hours strait. The lan part of halo was awesome. When xbl came out ... meh.

Dont know if any of ya played the Homeworld series but they were damn fun, kinda like age of empires. Also IL-2 Sturmovik.

Then I got sucked into EVE, quit that couple months back...

Now its AVP/Bad Company 2/WoW..

Anyone ever play Metal Slug? :)
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#8 EVIL Shenanigans

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Posted 22 May 2010 - 08:06 AM

Wow...yeah, its so hard to single out one that trumps all...childhood, as small and memory-deficient as it was, certainly had many-a-gaming criteria...but I'll go ahead and list the top game in particular times of my life, as apposed to platform, though oddly but accurately it all lines up with the platforms of the time:

(And once again, these are my favorites from the ages...certainly not an unabridged listing...since i know you all care SO much)

Amiga (early PC): Leander
Game Gear: Sonic //(+1 Zeke)
PC (Windows 95): Warcraft 2
N64: 007 Golden Eye //(Super Smash Bro's was amazing and Perfect Dark was arguably superior, but GE really helped me evolve as a FPS player...)
PC (Windows 98): Diablo and Starcraft //(I can't help but appear the Blizzard fanboy...there games meant so much growing up)
PC (Windows XP): too many...seriously...
Xbox: Halo //(what can i say...)

Edited by EVIL Shenanigans, 22 May 2010 - 08:07 AM.

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#9 DarkShadow


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Posted 22 May 2010 - 07:04 PM

hard to say really, games way back were actually fun and had some original concepts, but whatever.

Duke Nukem (hail to the king, baby.)
Starfox (do a barrel roll, motherfucker!)

great time-killers, I could go on but I'm too tired.
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#10 Raccoon00



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Posted 22 May 2010 - 09:21 PM

Mine has to be pokemon when i was growning up, also Mario...

super mario world is still awesome, and pokemon red>all lmao
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#11 Kill_JOy


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Posted 23 May 2010 - 07:40 PM

I played alot of 'Ninja Gaiden'. That game was like an endurance test but, if you could master the timing, your friends would envy the sh*t out of you (because they all suck at games).

'Super Mario 3' took up alot of my time. Beat it without using the warp whistles. Nubby thumbs afterwards.

Huge 'Mortal Kombat 2' tournaments with friends at home (snes) and the local arcade (spanky's -- gone now.) :(

Last but not least... 'Shinobi (arcade version)' -- the console ports sucked ass.
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#12 Ahkmed



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Posted 23 May 2010 - 08:08 PM

pokemon red>all lmao

Pokemon Blue ftw
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#13 EVIL Shenanigans

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Posted 24 May 2010 - 07:23 AM

WTF is it with BoSS and Pokemon...I mean, i never really got to know any of you all that well, but this is seriously f*ckin disturbing...
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#14 Stoned Hatter

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Posted 24 May 2010 - 08:39 AM

ok for me was starwars on the intelivision then zelda and marrio on nintendo then was killer instinct on the super nintendo and then was sonic on sega genisses anything zelda was my major kick as a child i used to have all the zelda games up to ocrena of time for the n64 on game boy it was pokimon zelda and a few other games
i did enjoy final fanisty for a while but haven't played any after the 7th one
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#15 Ezekiel


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Posted 24 May 2010 - 01:03 PM

WTF is it with BoSS and Pokemon...I mean, i never really got to know any of you all that well, but this is seriously f*ckin disturbing...

From a technical stand point, Pokemon games (The standard, not the spin off games like Colosseum and Snap [Or what ever the photo one was named.]) were good games. Sure, a little heavy on the "be bestest buds with your poke'mans to be the #1 supa star", but still a good RPG any way you look at it.
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#16 Stubs


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Posted 24 May 2010 - 07:54 PM

Most of the main-series pokemon games were amazing, and some of the spinoff games were pretty fun. Stadium and snap were damn fun when i was a kid.

I can't think of any game series that i followed as a kid other than pokemon...maybe mario? I missed duke nukem and doom :(
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#17 Raccoon00



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Posted 25 May 2010 - 10:41 AM

WTF is it with BoSS and Pokemon...I mean, i never really got to know any of you all that well, but this is seriously f*ckin disturbing...

Disturbing? Pokemon back in the day was amazing at the time....
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#18 TheCloak


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Posted 25 May 2010 - 01:56 PM

Hey, if pokemon can still grab an audience today, then you got to give it credit. It is pretty fun (in the process of playing it right now). When i was really little, i played those lego games, like lego rock raiders. I played Diablo also. I didn't get a console until my 12th birthday, but when i went over my cousin's house, we play Gauntlet on some console.

When i went over my friend's house, we play some games that i can't remember on his gamecube, maybe some mario thing i think.

Edited by TheCloak, 25 May 2010 - 01:56 PM.

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#19 EVIL Shenanigans

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Posted 25 May 2010 - 03:42 PM

I never played it since the concept was just too f*cked up imho...lil creatures bursting out of balls?...next you-all will divulge owning DVD's of the TV series and having rl 'pokemon matches' with friends. And just because something is popular doesn't mean its deserving of my admiration...hell, with that kinda perspective, sh*t like Pokemon or the TV series Lost might actually become religions in the future...

Edited by EVIL Shenanigans, 25 May 2010 - 03:56 PM.

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#20 Ezekiel


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Posted 25 May 2010 - 04:39 PM

...hell, with that kinda perspective, sh*t like Pokemon or the TV series Lost might actually become religions in the future...

Yeah, religions are never founded on crazy stupid stories.

Posted Image

Oh, wait...

But seriously, the RPG games were good games, I really don't see how the concept of the Pokemon games is "too fucked up" for you though. Hell, I could make a list a mile long with stories, games, movies, etc that have more fucked up concepts then little creatures that can be stored inside capsules.
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