What was your Favorite gaming franchise growing up?
Posted 25 May 2010 - 05:12 PM
Posted 25 May 2010 - 07:24 PM
ok for me was starwars on the intelivision then zelda and marrio on nintendo then was killer instinct on the super nintendo and then was sonic on sega genisses anything zelda was my major kick as a child i used to have all the zelda games up to ocrena of time for the n64 on game boy it was pokimon zelda and a few other games
i did enjoy final fanisty for a while but haven't played any after the 7th one
Because I can...

Posted 25 May 2010 - 09:19 PM
I never played it since the concept was just too f*cked up imho
And a blue hedgehog running/rolling at mach 4 picking up gold rings makes sense? It making sense really isn't the point, it's just supposed to be fun.
Posted 26 May 2010 - 08:40 AM
Posted 26 May 2010 - 10:35 AM
Posted 26 May 2010 - 11:21 AM
Alright, "f*cked up" might not have been correct - for instance, don't get the impression from my distaste of Pokemon that i don't like RPG's. The first two i played that i really cared about was Diablo and Baldurs Gate - stories revolving around demons inheriting and influencing the Earth - that likely dwarfs Pokemon in 'f*cked-up-ness,' but they were rolls you could imagine yourself in which is why i enjoyed them so much. I simply could never do it with Pokemon, or any JRPG for that matter (never have played FF, for instance).But seriously, the RPG games were good games, I really don't see how the concept of the Pokemon games is "too f*cked up" for you though. Hell, I could make a list a mile long with stories, games, movies, etc that have more f*cked up concepts then little creatures that can be stored inside capsules.
Would you call it and RPG? And if so, then when playing, did you actually feel like you were the blue hedgehog, or the plumber in blue overalls and a red hat, or a fox flying around in jet-fighter? All those games i certainly enjoyed, but by the interpretation that i was controlling them, not by assuming the roll. Pokemon, being an influential RPG, has you taking up the roll of a teenager running around the countryside throwing 'capsules' around taking part in fake fights - it just sounded stupid to me then and more-so now. I mean, did you get into Yu-Gi-Oh too?...cuz i didn't - Magic the Gathering was my card game. Sure, it seems silly now, but thinking back it was along the same lines as Diablo. I guess it just seems odd to me that nowadays you-all are completely nonplussed about why one shouldn't say N*igg3r but a mere 10-15 years ago, you were screaming into your T.V. "GO PIKACHU!"And a blue hedgehog running/rolling at mach 4 picking up gold rings makes sense? It making sense really isn't the point, it's just supposed to be fun.

...and i completely forgot about Crusin World for N64...damn, i played that game alot.
Edited by EVIL Shenanigans, 26 May 2010 - 05:26 PM.
Posted 26 May 2010 - 06:55 PM
And if so, then when playing, did you actually feel like you were the blue hedgehog
This is obviously where we look at it differently, No when I played Sonic I didn't feel like I was the blue hedgehog and when I played Pokemon I didn't feel like I was the little guy on the screen.
stories revolving around demons inheriting and influencing the Earth but they were rolls you could imagine yourself in
it's really difficult to pick a downright favorite game because at the time they were all so original at the time ;(
So true, I'm not even going to make a list because I feel like I would leave something out.
Edited by Ahkmed, 26 May 2010 - 07:07 PM.
Posted 28 May 2010 - 10:48 AM
Still love those 2 gamess.
Other than that, Starcraft 1, StarWars Battlefield was always popular with us.
Posted 28 May 2010 - 11:50 PM
Oh and the 10.5 drivers came out on the 25th for your radeon cards.. dling them now :) Course i could be like behind everyone else... heh.
Edited by Bumblebee, 28 May 2010 - 11:52 PM.
Posted 29 May 2010 - 03:49 AM
Posted 29 May 2010 - 05:35 AM
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