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Fps issues

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#1 AssHattery


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Posted 07 August 2010 - 05:22 PM

I was curious to see if anyone might know what would cause a recent drop in frame rate in games. I'll I've really played recently is global agenda and i have seemed to have loss about 15-20 fps gets pretty laggy now and i can't really play... not sure if maybe a virus has caused this or something might be messed up any help would be appreciated
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#2 Scroll_Lock88



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Posted 08 August 2010 - 08:48 AM

WTB more information PST for offers.

Throw a minor scenario up for you

Hi I have a vehicle, it doesnt run right, do you know what's wrong with it?. Also to make things more interesting you have to fix my car without actually seeing it.

Lets first be logical about this, I am sure you can come to the same conclusions even with very little computer experience.

Well I think it's a virus, maybe I should scan for viruses, that would be the first logical step in this chain of troubleshooting.

Well it wasn't a virus, well I know computers have fans inside of them to keep the parts running cool, maybe I should check the fans are still running correctly and maybe clean inside of it

Well everything seems to be running fine. Maybe reinstalling the program might help, or maybe updating drivers
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#3 DarkShadow


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Posted 08 August 2010 - 01:55 PM

I noticed his ram wasn't running correctly, so we fixed that and his pc was Linx stable after tuning it, so I dunno.

but I'm fairly certain its that game / nvidia card issues.
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#4 AssHattery


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Posted 09 August 2010 - 04:24 PM

Ya im thinking thats what it prolly is as well its an indie company that just started and they have been doing a lot of changes and sh*t something they changed might have messed it up for me i know the new drivers that got released people had fps drops but i hadn't switched to them yet so well see put a post on the forums to see.

Also thanks for the help there shadow that was sweet. did get some other things fixed and learned a few new things in the process :tup:
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