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Need Admin in Office Bad

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#1 MacDaddy_Ham



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Posted 06 September 2011 - 07:53 PM

around 8:45pm eastern i was playin in office there were at least three hackers. couldn't get their steam id's fast enough. ones name was "i'm so cali" or some bullshit. he was getting 8 or 9 kills a round. i got one guys cause he stayed on.
ryans fryin ~ STEAM_0:0.7605525 definitely using wall hacks. every time this guy turns a corner he knows right where ur at. i watched him for a few minutes there's no doubt. people were complaining about there's never any strict admins on.

Edited by MacDaddy_Ham, 06 September 2011 - 07:55 PM.

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#2 Killian


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Posted 07 September 2011 - 06:25 PM

Make demo's, admins can't just go off word of mouth.
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#3 Scroll_Lock88



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Posted 07 September 2011 - 07:11 PM

This gets brought up time and time again, we have ventrilo for a certain reason, not only for communication inside games that do not support/have shitty ingame voice and to bring issues like these to light.

Quit being anti-social emo fucks and get your worthless hides on vent!
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#4 MacDaddy_Ham



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Posted 07 September 2011 - 09:34 PM

Quit being anti-social emo fucks and get your worthless hides on vent!

dude i have vent. and every time i go to use it it crashes on my computer. ive tried everything. i mean fuckin everything. runnin windows 7 pro 64bit. i finally said fuck it and gave up. any ideas help me out. dont know of anybody els thats had that problem.... i usually play between 8 and 11 at night. occasionally i see an admin. like 1 in the last 2 weeks. if u want help around that time. i'm not some little kid with a piggy bank. i work 40 plus hrs a week and could make a good donation to help out each month for an admin spot. i know i havent been around that long. but i'm a legit player. maybe i'll send shadow a pm and see what he has to say.
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#5 MacDaddy_Ham



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Posted 07 September 2011 - 10:10 PM

dude i have vent. and every time i go to use it it crashes on my computer. ive tried everything. i mean fuckin everything. runnin windows 7 pro 64bit. i finally said fuck it and gave up. any ideas help me out. dont know of anybody els thats had that problem.... i usually play between 8 and 11 at night. occasionally i see an admin. like 1 in the last 2 weeks. if u want help around that time. i'm not some little kid with a piggy bank. i work 40 plus hrs a week and could make a good donation to help out each month for an admin spot. i know i havent been around that long. but i'm a legit player. maybe i'll send shadow a pm and see what he has to say.

ok after readin all over vents site it has a download for all 64bit platforms.... but down at the very bottom it says

Ventrilo uses a Client / Server architecture.

At the present time the client is supported on the following platforms:

Microsoft Windows NT / 2000 / XP
Macintosh PowerPC OSX 10.3 or higher

any normal person would agree it's not compatible with windows 7 64bit. if i'm wrong i apologize. if anybody els has it workin on 7 and they can tell me how. would greatly appreciate it.
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#6 Ahkmed



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Posted 07 September 2011 - 10:33 PM

I have it installed on windows 7 64bit, This is how I did it I downloaded it and installed it.
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#7 --B u b b z S2

--B u b b z S2

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Posted 07 September 2011 - 11:41 PM

I got Window 7 and 64bit and it works perfectly fine.

Edited by --B u b b z S2, 07 September 2011 - 11:41 PM.

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#8 Scroll_Lock88



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Posted 08 September 2011 - 01:09 PM

Ventrilo uses a Client / Server architecture.

At the present time the client is supported on the following platforms:

Microsoft Windows NT / 2000 / XP
Macintosh PowerPC OSX 10.3 or higher

any normal person would agree it's not compatible with windows 7 64bit. if i'm wrong i apologize. if anybody els has it workin on 7 and they can tell me how. would greatly appreciate it.


I honestly have no idea where the fuck you are reading this, as it isnt on that download page nor the next page after you select your OS. Quit downloading shit from nigger sites and download it from the actual developer's website, which is probably why your shit is broken.
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#9 MacDaddy_Ham



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Posted 08 September 2011 - 05:58 PM

I honestly have no idea where the fuck you are reading this, as it isnt on that download page nor the next page after you select your OS. Quit downloading shit from nigger sites and download it from the actual developer's website, which is probably why your shit is broken.


scroll down to the bottom of the page genius. don't insult my intelligence. if I'm man enough to say i cant figure out what the fuck the problem is, or that i don't understand why it wont work. don't be a fuckin jerk face and try to belittle me. enough said.

just gonna come and edit this because i can be the bigger man... not trying to disrespect an admin. but respect is earned. if u need a definitive explanation on the word. i can post a link to that too.... i know this is a ruthless forums page, that's why i like it. straight up opinions. but it's not right for an admin to be disrespectful to people to make him feel better about himself. i'm almost 26 with 2 kids. i've served in a war on the ground. payed my dues in every way shape and form. i know all about respect and i command it. i aint no punk kid that just turned 21. come at me right next time bro. ~ safe to say some comments can piss u off quick

in my post i did say "at the very bottom it says". and i was misleading with that info. but i was going on the fact that i also said i read all over the site. "key words there" witch would give the impression it might be someplace els.

i'll figure it out. feel free to move this shit to the rant/raves section. someone els might get a kick out of it.

Edited by MacDaddy_Ham, 08 September 2011 - 06:34 PM.

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#10 Ahkmed



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Posted 08 September 2011 - 09:55 PM

i know this is a ruthless forums page, that's why i like it.

Clearly you don't like it.

Edited by Ahkmed, 08 September 2011 - 09:55 PM.

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