Well i went to PAX this weekend and i got some goodies and i want to share them with you

Out of 9 Beta Keys for Guild Wars 2, i got 2 left to give out.
First come first serve bitches!
I'll come back and check the topic laterz and I'll PM you the Code.
Also i have Star Wars limited edition pet that if i can't find a home for is going to go up for grabs.

Also i got Beta keys for the Tera beta weekend that comes with a limited edition pet, which might go up for grabz too.
I've got tons of DLC codez that I'll never use sitting in my swag bag, and I'll throw them up for grabs as I look through them.
But why am i back bring teh codez? Well i was playing the CS Beta at the Nvidia LAN they had running at PAX and it was the first time I've played in a long time, and i miss the feeling on pwning noobs. So I am back now (Although idk for how long because i always tend to disappear again.) because I want to get back into CS hard enough to compete at some of the competitions at PAX next year and win some hardcore shit.
But anyone enough about me, it's always good to see the forum again. Always felt like home. Gentlemen, Good to see you again. I'm looking forward to seeing the old faces along with the new