Just got it for 360..pretty much a modern day skyrim without the dragons and with guns(open-world)!! So if you liked skyrim id say this is worth a go~ So far i found the campaign is more my style the multiplayer itsnt the greatest but whatever. and o ya they brought back the map editor just like the first one anyways time to get high and play some more adios!!!

Far Cry 3
Started by
Whoooooooooo cant say
, Dec 05 2012 05:01 PM
4 replies to this topic
Posted 05 December 2012 - 05:01 PM
Posted 05 December 2012 - 11:40 PM
everything about this game sucked, the graphics were piss poor, motion blur and this horrible drop-shadow outline on everything mixed with low-res textures. the voice acting was horrible, the characters were all unlikable. the story was shit. all and all it just felt like they threw things in at the last minute to try and make the game seem less like a generic FPS and more of an RPG, but they failed and all through the 60% to completion phase of the game it goes right back to being a generic FPS.
things that outright killed any chance of me ever playing this game again.
things that outright killed any chance of me ever playing this game again.
- unskippable cut-scenes
- faggy main character who says things like "ewwww" every time you skin an animal, even though he has done this 100+ times now.
- too easy even on the hardest difficulty.
- enemy AI was horrific.
Posted 07 December 2012 - 12:23 AM
bummer.. was hoping it would be good. too bad they had to screw it up with a checkpoint save system and and cut scenes galore. Dishonored and the Darkness 2 are both fun, not perfect but worth playing.
Posted 08 December 2012 - 12:29 PM
IMO, i think the game is fun as hell. I don't know how you thought the Graphics were piss poor Shadow, Looks and runs amazing on my old computer. The Main Character is kinda gay, Mostly in the beginning but throughout the game he isn't as annoying. I would Recommend the game.
Posted 08 December 2012 - 03:54 PM
IMO, i think the game is fun as hell. I don't know how you thought the Graphics were piss poor Shadow, Looks and runs amazing on my old computer. The Main Character is kinda gay, Mostly in the beginning but throughout the game he isn't as annoying. I would Recommend the game.
I wasn't the only one who thought the game looked like shit, all you have to do is look at the ground or any of the scenery. low-res textures are fucking fail, and I had the game 100% maxed out on my 7970. the game had DX11 mode which supposedly had tessellation but it made no difference to the visuals (you can compare it yourself if you want). and the water looked shittier than even the first Crysis game (which came out in 2008). also another issue is the fact that there were only like 3-5 NPC models in the entire game aside from the unique story characters which gave a really boring copy/paste feel when walking in any town.
I could never recommend anybody to actually buy this game with Ubisofts always-on DRM, but if you want to play it just grab the RELOADED release and the latest patch.
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