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Can someone make me a sig...?

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#21 Capt.John



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Posted 30 March 2006 - 02:56 PM

Well, I'm like 60% done with my commercial design project, but I have work a lil. I have tomarrow off. But I do have that project to finish. And, since I've wasted my whole damn spring break working, projects and oblivion. I wanted to go do something tomarrow. But I'll try to get your sig done ither Friday night, or, physical health depending, after work Saturday.

Alright, Thanks man I really apreciate it

MAKE IT LEET! :tup: :20: :1: :cool: :cool: :wtf: :wtf:
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#22 Ezekiel


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Posted 30 March 2006 - 03:33 PM

One quick thing. You have your name in the lower left. The logo and the 2 guys in the left upper. Ummm, that's a little crowded on one side. I'll make some changes to fix it, but If you need to correct your placement, by all means go ahead. :tup:

Or did you want the logo in the upper left, with the name below it, and the guys on the right?

Edited by Ezekiel, 30 March 2006 - 03:34 PM.

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#23 Capt.John



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Posted 30 March 2006 - 04:08 PM

One quick thing. You have your name in the lower left. The logo and the 2 guys in the left upper. Ummm, that's a little crowded on one side. I'll make some changes to fix it, but If you need to correct your placement, by all means go ahead. :tup:

Or did you want the logo in the upper left, with the name below it, and the guys on the right?

The 2 guys on the right side, the logo on top left and my name on lower left...and do any changes nessacery (cant spell)

Or did you want the logo in the upper left, with the name below it, and the guys on the right?

Yea that

Edited by Capt.John, 30 March 2006 - 04:09 PM.

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#24 Capt.John



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Posted 31 March 2006 - 07:57 PM

So, is anybody working on it? I kow cleric was trying...his was pretty cool...Hope someone does it :19:

Thanks for whoever does!
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