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#1 Ezekiel


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Posted 20 April 2006 - 02:11 PM

Alrighty, inspired by my last photoshop of me as a zombie. I've decided to turn it up a notch. I've decided to make a zombie scene.

So far all I have is a concept drawing.

So this here comes the real reason for this thread. I need your guys help. Since this is a photoshop project, I plan on doing as little of drawing as possible, and working side-by-side with photography. I was originally planning on just getting a group of friends and photographing them in poses for the project. But I thought, you know what? Lets make this a BoSS assisted project. :tup:

So, what I need, is a few (about 7) people with digital cameras, and some sense of lighting in pictures.

I will need . . .

2 pictures of different people in a zombie like pose walking forward (For the 2 comming through the door.)
(*IF POSSIBLE* It would be nice to have one of these zombies to be female, so if any of your girlfriends/wifes/friends are willing to help, that would be nice. If anything I will get one of my friends to help me out.)

1 crawling over a low wall, or, if possible a window. (For the zombie crawling into the window.)

1 crawling on the floor (To be chopped in half for the sundered zombie.)

2 people in dead poses, one leaning, sitting up against a wall, and one sprawled out on the floor.

And lastly, the honorable place. The sole survivor. In a shooting pose, and if possible, since I know we have a heavily armed community, aiming a gun forward and the picture taking from slightly elevated and behind the person. The person in this picture can sport and weapon they want.

If, I do get enough support, and more people want to help, then needed, I'll be taking zombie standing shots from anyone else for a possible zombie mass outside the door and window. (Not a huge visable place, but a nice detail in the end.

If you end up contributing pictures please, a few rules.

1) Medium light please. I need it light enough to see the details of the person (Not ever shadowed.) but not too much as to light them up and white out the details. Because I will be having light sources in the picture, and having all the pictures in a medium lighting will help me add the lighting effects easier.

2) No goofy poses. I know we have some zombie fans here, and plenty of stoners, they all act alike, and I think you can pull off a serious zombie pose.

3) No need for any extra effort on your part. These zombies are everyday people, in everyday clothes, just the pose will work and I'll be doing the details and effects.

4) Don't worry about the backgroud, the person will be chopped out.

5) Digital cameras only, no scanned photos. Just for resolution sake to keep it looking as good as possible.

If, you are willing to help out, please post what pose you are willing to do. And I'll update the list as I can.

Zombies walking in door......
Crawling Zombie
Window Zombie
Dead Civilians
-RogueAlly (Spelt it right this time!)
Sole Survivor

I hope to have my first major project to be a success, and it will take some time, but I hope, to finish it, within 1 - 2 months. (Depending on how fast I can get the pose photos.)

Edited by Ezekiel, 20 April 2006 - 10:58 PM.

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#2 ShLoNkY


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Posted 20 April 2006 - 03:31 PM

I'll definetly help out anyway I can. As far as the "survivor" guy, what are you looking for?? Lookin at your drawing I thought it would be cool to maybe have the back of a dude cradling 2 long guns pointing out from his arms in a 45 degree angle. A "Whats up now b*tches" pose. Or were you thinking more of a guy crouching as if he JUST shot the f*ckers with barrel(s) smoking?? Either way I'd be more than happy to take a few pictures for ya. :tup:

I can also sort through a few pictures of drunk ass people passed the f*ck out from college. They would make good dead zombies I think.

Edited by ShLoNkY, 20 April 2006 - 03:32 PM.

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#3 Yatzee_Squirrel



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Posted 20 April 2006 - 04:36 PM

i would love to help but i don't have a digital camera :tired:
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#4 Ezekiel


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Posted 20 April 2006 - 07:03 PM

I'll definetly help out anyway I can. As far as the "survivor" guy, what are you looking for?? Lookin at your drawing I thought it would be cool to maybe have the back of a dude cradling 2 long guns pointing out from his arms in a 45 degree angle. A "Whats up now b*tches" pose. Or were you thinking more of a guy crouching as if he JUST shot the f*ckers with barrel(s) smoking?? Either way I'd be more than happy to take a few pictures for ya. :tup:

I can also sort through a few pictures of drunk ass people passed the f*ck out from college. They would make good dead zombies I think.

Well, anything that looks badass really. What ever you want to come up with weapon wise, or pose for the survivor is cool. As long as it's at a diagonal risen angle. So we see the side of your face, but mostly your back. So your facing the oncomming onslaught. :tup:
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#5 ShLoNkY


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Posted 20 April 2006 - 07:29 PM

I am assuming the higher the resolution the better?? I have a 5mp camera, but can down res it if need be. I'll take a few pics this weekend for ya. :tup:
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#6 RogueAlly



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Posted 20 April 2006 - 07:49 PM

I can play a dead civ...

do you want the cause of death to be like the zombie infection, loss of blood (ie i just collapsed), or something else?
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#7 Ezekiel


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Posted 20 April 2006 - 08:24 PM

Shlonky: Higher res the better. I plan on making this a larger picture for detail sake.

Rogue: Just a pose is need, slumped against a wall, or lieing on the groud is all that's really needed.
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#8 RogueAlly



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Posted 20 April 2006 - 11:23 PM

Will do and thanks again for the sig!

:tup: :tup: :tup:
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#9 Ezekiel


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Posted 24 April 2006 - 07:30 PM

Bump. Still need some more people to help out. I'm not rushing this project, but I'm going to turn to filling the slots with the help of friends in a month maybe.
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#10 Mandraque



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Posted 20 July 2006 - 05:32 PM

ill be getting my first paycheck this weekend so depending on the amount maybe ill buy a camera...ill see wat i can do with that. if you need help with anything in photoshop that would be great since im triyng to learn (i have CS 2), if not then thats ok.......how much would a good camera cost by the way?
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#11 medel


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Posted 20 July 2006 - 06:37 PM

I can probably get people into this. Have some friends with pretty decent digital cameras and my girlfriend would probably love to be a zombie for a day.
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#12 Ezekiel


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Posted 20 July 2006 - 07:33 PM

Oh god, I forgot about this. Yeah, I never really got much support for it. Though, if we could get more people into it from you newer guys that'd be cool. I could reanimate this project still.
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#13 medel


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Posted 20 July 2006 - 08:16 PM

haha, I hadn't noticed that it had just been dragged out of oblivion by mandraque
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#14 Mandraque



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Posted 21 July 2006 - 07:54 AM

a dam i didnt notice the post dates sorry....but it will be nice to do something like this though..
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#15 Mandraque



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Posted 28 July 2006 - 03:19 PM

hehe true so go ahead ezekiel and organize something, this is your thing.
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#16 $VT-c0brA


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Posted 28 July 2006 - 05:13 PM

me and a few budddies could help with taking some pics just pm about the level of detail and any other specifics you might request.......

-cobra :33:
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#17 Ezekiel


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Posted 28 July 2006 - 05:35 PM

me and a few budddies could help with taking some pics just pm about the level of detail and any other specifics you might request.......
-cobra :33:

To quote my main post....

If you end up contributing pictures please, a few rules.

1) Medium light please. I need it light enough to see the details of the person (Not ever shadowed.) but not too much as to light them up and white out the details. Because I will be having light sources in the picture, and having all the pictures in a medium lighting will help me add the lighting effects easier.

2) No goofy poses. I know we have some zombie fans here, and plenty of stoners, they all act alike, and I think you can pull off a serious zombie pose.

3) No need for any extra effort on your part. These zombies are everyday people, in everyday clothes, just the pose will work and I'll be doing the details and effects.

4) Don't worry about the backgroud, the person will be chopped out.

5) Digital cameras only, no scanned photos. Just for resolution sake to keep it looking as good as possible.

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#18 Aziz



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Posted 02 August 2006 - 12:23 AM

Looks like a lot of people posted up pictures. I can see the progress already :tup:

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#19 Ezekiel


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Posted 02 August 2006 - 11:11 AM

Looks like a lot of people posted up pictures. I can see the progress already :tup:

Don't remind me. This was suppose to be a summer project. School starts in less then 3 weeks. Oh well for that idea. Lol. But I guess I can try and squeeze it in during the school year. It will just take a lot longer to do.
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#20 Ezekiel


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Posted 02 August 2006 - 10:07 PM

Well Sgt offered to be a dead civi or sole survivor. If Shlonky doesn't want to be the sole survivor anymore, then sgt can have it.
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