Never in my 20 years of playing games have I encountered more crybabies than I have in CS:S. Someone shoots another in the head from anything more than 10 feet away and it's "oh bs." Someone finds themself with 10 or more kills than deaths, and suddenly people start screaming hacks. What the Hell? It's like nobody is allowed to actually be good in this God damn game, and if they are they get nothing but accused for it. And yes I'm going on about this because 4 times now in the last two days some wise-ass has made a comment about me "hacking", and it's getting really old. It's not just me though! There are a few people I can think of that I play with reguarly these days that I'm constantly hearing are "hacking" as well.
Did it ever cross the minds of all these little babies that just maybe, somewhere out there, there is someone that is just plain better than they are? Heaven forbid someone show a little bit of skill out there, eh? If you get pwned just stfu and learn to play better, rather than going off whining about it.
No, I'm not trying to be some sort of elitest here. I'm not trying to sound high and mighty. It just absolutely baffles me how much people in this game cry every time someone spanks them.