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Am2 or 939?

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#1 Cyprus


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Posted 13 June 2006 - 09:54 PM

Im going to buy a computer soon, but now i fell into another dilemma. I want a computer that would last for at least 1.5-2 years without upgrading. So should i go with the new Am2 processors or 939s? Single Core or Dual Core?
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#2 Sniprwulf


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Posted 13 June 2006 - 09:59 PM

dual core, then depends on ur budget. if i were you and upgrading everything, i would buy an am2 in about 1 1/2 months and DDR2. just my opinion..

even though there's not a huge differenc between the two now, future applications will take advantage of the new socket i believe.
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#3 NC Derek

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Posted 13 June 2006 - 11:49 PM

i havnt upgraded in 2 years and ive been fine with all games so far with my northwood and 9800xt lol. no game i cant run on high yet! just on newer games ive had to lower resolution from 16x12 to 1024 and such. but graw i changed the xml file so it thinks my 9800xt is a 512mb card and i get high textures. pretty sick. so its not hard to make a pc last for 2 years. id concentrate more on the gpu rather than the processor for 2 year hope. but always take advantage of new technology. id wait the months like snipr said. as far as dual or single. ive seen goods and bads with both.

Edited by NC Derek, 13 June 2006 - 11:51 PM.

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#4 Alpine


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Posted 14 June 2006 - 09:01 AM

Cyprus, on Jun 13 2006, 10:54 PM, said:

Im going to buy a computer soon, but now i fell into another dilemma. I want a computer that would last for at least 1.5-2 years without upgrading. So should i go with the new Am2 processors or 939s? Single Core or Dual Core?

I would say either or would last at least 2 years. I bought my 754 socket and x800pro AGP 2 years ago and it still runs everything just fine. I won't be upgrading for maybee another year until DirectX10 comes out

Edited by Alpine, 14 June 2006 - 09:01 AM.

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#5 monsterWorkAccount


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Posted 14 June 2006 - 09:21 AM

NC Derek, on Jun 13 2006, 10:49 PM, said:

no game i cant run on high yet!

You're full of sh*t. Why do you keep telling people that? My X850XT couldn't run FEAR on all settings high, how can your 9800xt? Unless you count getting 20 fps as "running", there's no way you run games like FEAR with all settings on high... even with 1024 x 768.
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#6 NC Derek

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Posted 14 June 2006 - 10:03 AM

monsterWorkAccount, on Jun 14 2006, 10:21 AM, said:

You're full of sh*t. Why do you keep telling people that? My X850XT couldn't run FEAR on all settings high, how can your 9800xt? Unless you count getting 20 fps as "running", there's no way you run games like FEAR with all settings on high... even with 1024 x 768.

on what my card supports of have it all maxed. i played around with that test thing it does to get and avg of atleast 50% in the 30-50 range. 1024resolution, everything high except what i said- what my card wont do. such as dynamic shadows and AA. i think particles might be on low. i ran it with everything on the highest even resolution, got 14 fps, it didnt look much different than without dynamic shadows and all those particles from shooting was annoying. i got a bunch of screenshots....

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i had a pretty computer nerdy suitemate last year and he was always annoying the f*ck out of me when i got dods, he said my 9800 doesnt support hdr and was always b*tching that i wont tell him what card i really have. not sure why people always dont believe me on that stuff. hdr works great as well. so many forums that say it wont with that card. so much about hdr only supported by 800chips.
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also can run doom3 on ultra settings. ultra settings i know was reserved for future cards that werent out when that game came out, but what my card supports of it i guess i get bc it lets me do that with 16x12.
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Edited by NC Derek, 14 June 2006 - 10:15 AM.

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#7 monsterWorkAccount


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Posted 14 June 2006 - 10:10 AM

I'm not trying to be a dick.. .but you just said that you get 14 fps unless you turn a bunch of settings down.... and that's not counting the fact that your card doesn't even do things like Dynamic Shadows, AA, HDR, and Shader Model 3.0

All I'm saying is that.. you can't run every game at full settings with your setup... otherwise we would all be selling our X series cards and getting 9800's......
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#8 NC Derek

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Posted 14 June 2006 - 10:25 AM

monsterWorkAccount, on Jun 14 2006, 11:10 AM, said:

I'm not trying to be a dick.. .but you just said that you get 14 fps unless you turn a bunch of settings down.... and that's not counting the fact that your card doesn't even do things like Dynamic Shadows, AA, HDR, and Shader Model 3.0
All I'm saying is that.. you can't run every game at full settings with your setup... otherwise we would all be selling our X series cards and getting 9800's......

i have a screenshot of hdr there, maybe you read it before i clicked done. hdr works great. and for fear, a bunch of settings? i lowered resolution to what most people's monitors max out at anways so i wouldnst say that. so just AA and dynamic shadows bc my card doesnt do that well. if therye on, yuo can see the difference, but theyre choppy on the edges of things, such as your arm and the doorways and such. i know my card isnt the best im just saying its easy to make a computer last 2 years. look at all the screens i posted, if your games look like that, would you spend 2000 bucks to get something to look better? if so what would they look like? my suitemate had a 7800gtx, we compared hl2 lost cost pics and doom3 pics bc he didnt believe me when i ran mine in ultra and hdr, and there wasnt much of a difference. when i compared screens from dods with shadow, there was more detail in the water, but hdr is fully present.
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#9 DarkShadow


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Posted 14 June 2006 - 10:34 AM

Derek, 9800's do not support HDR, its hardware based more then software and a 9800 does not have the req's for it, So dont even try saying it does cause ur an idiot.
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#10 NC Derek

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Posted 14 June 2006 - 10:49 AM

DarkShadow, on Jun 14 2006, 11:34 AM, said:

Derek, 9800's do not support HDR, its hardware based more then software and a 9800 does not have the req's for it, So dont even try saying it does cause ur an idiot.

then whats giving me it, bc my games are showing it...i can post screens...
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#11 Novahawk



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Posted 14 June 2006 - 10:54 AM

Yeah actually even my old 9600 pro supported HDR, but now my 6200 doesn't.. but my 6200 supports pixel shaders (or shader models or whatever) 3.0

Edited by Novahawk, 14 June 2006 - 11:37 AM.

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#12 monsterWorkAccount


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Posted 14 June 2006 - 11:36 AM

NC Derek, on Jun 13 2006, 10:49 PM, said:

no game i cant run on high yet!

NC Derek, on Jun 14 2006, 09:03 AM, said:

i ran it with everything on the highest even resolution, got 14 fps

NC Derek, on Jun 14 2006, 09:25 AM, said:

and for fear, a bunch of settings? i lowered resolution to what most people's monitors max out at anways so i wouldnst say that. so just AA and dynamic shadows bc my card doesnt do that well. if therye on, yuo can see the difference, but theyre choppy on the edges of things, such as your arm and the doorways and such.

This is exactly what I'm saying. I had a 9800 pro.... I've had an x800XL, and X850 XT, and I now have an X800..... I'm telling you that you aren't running the games at max settings, that's all. Your card IS capable of rendering HDR, in SM 2.0. HOWEVER, you can't run HDR + AA at the same time. You can't go around saying you are running at MAX settings when your dated card doesn't do AA... AA is a huge setting and if you ignore that, then you are definitely misleading people. That's like a guy with a DX 8 card telling people that HL2 runs awsome on his comp... max settings, 100 FPS... but it looks like sh*t because it's not even DX 9. And saying that because your monitor is sh*tty is no excuse for saying that your settings are maxxed out.... Your system isn't bad, but it's definitely not great.
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#13 NC Derek

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Posted 14 June 2006 - 11:45 AM

monsterWorkAccount, on Jun 14 2006, 12:36 PM, said:

This is exactly what I'm saying. I had a 9800 pro.... I've had an x800XL, and X850 XT, and I now have an X800..... I'm telling you that you aren't running the games at max settings, that's all. Your card IS capable of rendering HDR, in SM 2.0. HOWEVER, you can't run HDR + AA at the same time. You can't go around saying you are running at MAX settings when your dated card doesn't do AA... AA is a huge setting and if you ignore that, then you are definitely misleading people. That's like a guy with a DX 8 card telling people that HL2 runs awsome on his comp... max settings, 100 FPS... but it looks like sh*t because it's not even DX 9. And saying that because your monitor is sh*tty is no excuse for saying that your settings are maxxed out.... Your system isn't bad, but it's definitely not great.

i have a nice monitor. 16x12 19 inch. i like it. and yes, running everything on high on fear got me 14 fps. not sure why you quoted that. i dont know what my card supports and what it doesnt, but when i turned everything on and maxed all the options, it ran at 14 fps. i dont know what showed up that my card let it do, im just saying i did it. and AA does work, i dont know if it does what you call the real way, or the way my card does it, but it does. the point of this thread is you can make a system last 2 years no problem. look at those screens, no they dont look sh*tty. with the most demending games looking like that, why upgrade? just to see a few extra lines in the water and mabe a glare 200 ft away instead of 150? maybe i dont know what im talking about when it comes to features of my card, but going into options and clicking max, is simple and ive done that on all my games just to see what they look like. i dont know what shows up, but im saying ive done it and most of the time it runs fine around 30-70fps depending on what game.

i understand that even if i have something turned on such as AA that im not getting the full effect, same with HDR, but from what ive seen and compared with a 7800, its nothing special worth 500 bucks or so.

edit-so are you saying even with everything maxed out on my 9800xt, including hdr, AA, dynamic shadows...etc. and having everything the exact same on another card, lets say the x800 or even the 7900gt 512, isnt the same? and im not talking about little details like in water or textures, bc i know that. but im saying full effect of something. therse only so much a game is made to present to the eyes. and i havnt seen a big difference.

Edited by NC Derek, 14 June 2006 - 11:55 AM.

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#14 monsterWorkAccount


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Posted 14 June 2006 - 12:45 PM

So... you're saying that because your card doesn't handle new technology... then that technology is useless?

Every time someone talks about their new card or whatever, you b*tch and say that your 9800xt is perfect, and that it can handle all games at max settings and resolution. Then when they call you on it, you change your story to "My card is perfect, IN MY OWN OPINION". You may like your card, or not... but the point I am making is that your card DOES NOT RUN NEW GAMES @ MAX SETTINGS. If & when you upgrade, are you going to keep your 9800xt? If not, then why? Because you make it sound like all the new cards are exactly the same.

Don't defend your sh*tty card by lying to us about it's performance. It was a top of the line card when you got it, now it's not. Deal with it.
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#15 NC Derek

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Posted 14 June 2006 - 12:51 PM

monsterWorkAccount, on Jun 14 2006, 01:45 PM, said:

So... you're saying that because your card doesn't handle new technology... then that technology is useless?

Every time someone talks about their new card or whatever, you b*tch and say that your 9800xt is perfect, and that it can handle all games at max settings and resolution. Then when they call you on it, you change your story to "My card is perfect, IN MY OWN OPINION". You may like your card, or not... but the point I am making is that your card DOES NOT RUN NEW GAMES @ MAX SETTINGS. If & when you upgrade, are you going to keep your 9800xt? If not, then why? Because you make it sound like all the new cards are exactly the same.

Don't defend your sh*tty card by lying to us about it's performance. It was a top of the line card when you got it, now it's not. Deal with it.

how the f*ck have i defended it. i didnt even say anything about it. the point was, its easy to make a system last 2 years. and its not an opinion or a lie. its a f*cking fact that i have all my games on max settings and they run fine. if you want to go back and forth at it, ill load every game, take a screenshot of every settigns page , with time of course, and then screenshots of the gameplay, with the time so you can see i didnt change the settings in that time period back. if you still dont believe me, then you can come to my house and ill show you.

maybe its the way i worded it. i didnt mean the technology is no good. i ment my card might not do features, however i can still enable them. correct? i can turn on hdr, and AA, and dynamic shadows, like i said. and it runs fine. BUT maybe its not the full effect. doesnt mean i cant run everything on high tho. bc i can. want screens, ask.

and ive never said something bad about someone elses card when they get a new one. look in the forums, ive always said nice, or looks good or something like that. and the only time ive brought up my 9800xt was in a couple threads about asking if it can run hdr, and a thread about when i just upgrade. but i know the numbers. i can see the clock speeds have more than tripled my card and the mem has more than doubled. adn the pipelines have increased by what? 6 times now? i know how it works.

Edited by NC Derek, 14 June 2006 - 12:52 PM.

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#16 monsterWorkAccount


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Posted 14 June 2006 - 12:56 PM

NC Derek, on Jun 14 2006, 09:03 AM, said:

i ran it with everything on the highest even resolution, got 14 fps

NC Derek, on Jun 14 2006, 11:51 AM, said:

its a f*cking fact that i have all my games on max settings and they run fine.

See, you're not making any f*ckin sense..... You JUST SAID that FEAR on max settings gets you 14 fps.... so why try to later say all games on max settings run fine..... This is exactly what I'm saying. All games on max settings to you means "some games on max settings (except Antialiasing of course), and some without stuff that doesn't matter and I won't count anyways".
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#17 kidcapri


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Posted 14 June 2006 - 01:10 PM

I think derek is trying to say that his card can run all of the features that the card supports on high. I can see where someone might get confused with this since, that card does not support some of the more recent technologies. But, he is being truthful when he says that his card can run games with everything on high. Everything that the card supports.

You two just calm down.
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#18 NC Derek

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Posted 14 June 2006 - 01:16 PM

monsterWorkAccount, on Jun 14 2006, 01:56 PM, said:

See, you're not making any f*ckin sense..... You JUST SAID that FEAR on max settings gets you 14 fps.... so why try to later say all games on max settings run fine..... This is exactly what I'm saying. All games on max settings to you means "some games on max settings (except Antialiasing of course), and some without stuff that doesn't matter and I won't count anyways".

why are you looking for a fight with this? the bottom line is you can get a computer and make it last 2 years. lets stop spamming this thread with this useless bickering. i can run everyhting maxed, maybe i can turn something off thats not supported to get a 30fps jump bc its not doing sh*t anyways. stop trying to perfect my reasoning. sounds jealousy?

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#19 Sniprwulf


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Posted 14 June 2006 - 02:03 PM

HOLY sh*t

I think the thread was about processors???? If one more person posts something offtopic, its getting closed and I'll start a new one for you cyprus. JEEZUS
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#20 DarkShadow


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Posted 14 June 2006 - 02:10 PM

AMD AM2 is the way to go for futureproofing a processor.
DDR2 is still quite virgin to its limits, But give it a while, It'll be nice as hell.

And last I checked, There is no downside to Dual Core, and if there is, I dont see them...
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