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leaving computer on overnight

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#21 Tyler Durden

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Posted 19 June 2006 - 01:41 PM

Well, mine has been known to overheat. I have an Alienware (yea, I know, stfu.) and it gets hot fast. Plus the immense amount of fans inside are loud and are hard to sleep with. So, if I shut the door while im in the other room trying to sleep, the heat builds up, just like Billy.
Shutting down my computer hurts the parts? Well, in a couple years they will be outdated, so they will be useless anyway.
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#22 Chris82


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Posted 19 June 2006 - 03:36 PM

run the daily defrags, updates, antivirus sweeps, cleanups, etc.

Ah, I do that weekly. But I hope nobody uses that dogsh*t defragger built into Windows.

I guess I should start turning it off nightly, but having it on all the time is convenient.
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#23 monsterWorkAccount


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Posted 19 June 2006 - 04:02 PM

I use O&O defrag, seems to do it's job...
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#24 Frag0holic



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Posted 19 June 2006 - 04:23 PM

I always turn it off, unless I'm downloading like Nova said. Hell I even turn it off in the middle of the day if I'm not using it.
Don't know if I believe that jazz about wearing of parts when booting up. I've always turned my comps off, and my first one, 10 years old, still works like a breeze when I boot it up (as far as Win 95 can be considered a breeze). I never changed a single part on it. That 1.2 gig hard drive is 10 years old and still works like the day I bought it, it always made that scraping sound hehe. Funniest thing is it has never been formatted and probably not defragged in about 8 years :20:
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#25 medel


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Posted 19 June 2006 - 05:46 PM

I usually leave mine on. I'll turn it off if it's really hot and the AC is dead (last year I had a lofted bed over my desk and I could feel my monitor through the bed...) and I'll turn it off if I go away somewhere for more than a day. It really doesn't matter a whole lot except for saving power. suspend to ram or hibernate are almost as good as off now, anyway.
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#26 Alpine


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Posted 19 June 2006 - 10:29 PM

mine is always on no matter what. i usually only restart it when something wants me too

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#27 ghozy


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Posted 19 June 2006 - 11:34 PM

i turn it off when i don't use, just for the energy saving purposes. cuts from power bill.

Edited by ghozy, 19 June 2006 - 11:34 PM.

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#28 Mandraque



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Posted 08 July 2006 - 08:05 PM

i used to turn it off but since i use it alot it takes alot more energy to start it up and turn it off everytime. just like a car, the most energy of the batery is wasted when you turn it on not while running, the momentum keeps it goin, unless ur some hippy with an electrycal car. So i only turn mine of when i have to for programs and stuff or when it gets stuck, or when i have people that need to stay in that room(my compu is in the guest room, with my piano and my guitar). Turning it on and off takes alot of energy by what i heard.
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#29 NC Derek

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Posted 08 July 2006 - 10:40 PM

mines off at night, when at work, and when in classes or out somewhere.
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#30 Wolapitor


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Posted 09 July 2006 - 08:13 PM

i always leave mine on i just tunr the monitor off when i go somewhere thats it and like sob i usually restart it about once every week. :tup:
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#31 Novahawk



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Posted 09 July 2006 - 08:52 PM

yeah i leave mine on during the day too, just turn off the monitor.. but i always turn it off at night, unless im downloading a torrent, which doesn't happen that often...
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#32 Shadow Gamer 21

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Posted 10 July 2006 - 09:04 AM

I always leave my computer on unless a program needs me to restart it. I always, always turn off the monitor and speakers when I'm not using it, though.
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#33 ShLoNkY


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Posted 10 July 2006 - 10:31 AM

Mines on all the time. Your computer doesn't really use that much power when idle even without power saving. When your cpu and gpu are at 100% (gaming) your system uses af*ckload of power and generates a ton of heat. When idle I bet it uses less than 10% of that. Enough to generate some heat and use some power, but I'd also bet that it would cost you less than $25 a year to leave it on. Also taking into consideration that when you boot up, your system is working pretty hard for a minute or two.

The only thing that I used to be worried about is a surge that would fry my sh*t. The power in my house is VERY sh*tty and we blow lightbulbs and sh*t all the time. My solution to that was a $400 rack mountable Monster power conditioner. 2U rack mountable ups will come sometime down the road.
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#34 Haven


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Posted 10 July 2006 - 11:58 AM

Well if ur GPU bakes at 55 C on idle then its not fun to leave it on overnight to boil it so I normally turn it off when I goto sleep. But I just got a few fans that will blow right on my graphics card so it will run cooler, so basically whether you turn your computer off or not depends on temps to me.
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#35 medel


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Posted 10 July 2006 - 07:42 PM

If you shut it down, how will you fold?
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#36 XxInColdBloodxX


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Posted 10 July 2006 - 09:57 PM

I used to leave mine on, until one night the power went out and it lost a boot record or something and wouldent start, so i got scared to leave it on. But i recently been leaving it on.
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