I can't really say what has brought this on. Yeah I get paid decent at $9.50 (the pay raise I thought I would get didn't pan out as high as I wanted) and my boss is very cool about my hours (she doesn't care when I work as long as I work the full hours and call in the days I am not coming in). I think it is that I am just sick of the same atmosphere. I have worked here for a little over a year and a half. Why I am coming across this now . . . I have no clue.
I am seriously thinking about going up to my boss and just telling her I am going to quite becuase I need to take a break (oh yeah haven't had a vacation in forever becuase I always worked over the summer, X-mas, springbreak, and other holidays). I mean I don't want to piss her off but this job is sucking my will to live. I am actually looking foreward to school so my hours working here can be cut back.
Maybe some of you are in a similar job. One which you hate but keep making excuse or coming up with reason why you should not quit. The only good reasons I can think of why not to quit is money, it is a good reference, and it looks good on a resume when you stay at a place for a longer period of time.
What you all think? I know everyone can b*tch about their work, but is it really worth leaving if you are miserable and dread coming to work everyday? I am starting to think so.
Edited by Cleric, 13 July 2006 - 08:18 AM.