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#1 MalleyMcNasty



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Posted 24 August 2006 - 04:36 PM

Okay, this is how its going to go. If you want to b*tch about me being an attention wh*re ,a wh*re in general,dumb or whatever you girls have been complaining about, do it to me. Not to shadow..or anyone else in the servers. This isn't f*cking highschool. I go to school 8 hours a day and watch sh*t like this happen all the time. That he said she said bullsh*t. This is a f*cking online game server and some of you are like a bunch of highschool girls. I shouldnt have to hear that "some people are complaining about you being an attention wh*re". Say that sh*t to me if anything. Its no one elses duty to listen to you complain. Shadow doesnt get paid for that sh*t.

And im not exactly sure how I came off to some people as an attention wh*re. Maybe because some of you havent seen or talked to a girl in years..or maybe because your social skills are lacking..or maybe you just dont know me or dont like me..and any of those are fine with me. But straight up if you dont like me tell ME....but im pretty sure none of you have the right of any kind to take that place because most of you probably haven't talked to me or heard me talk for more than 10 minutes. So before you get off calling me an attention wh*re and dumb..or whatever....f*cking talk to me.

Im sorry if i've come off as an unpleasnt person to be around, and im sorry if ive offended anyone. Stirring up this sh*t wasnt my intention..if I wanted to hear people b*tch..I would have stayed at school, or joined an all girls clan. I joined boss because I was told I would enjoy it...And so far its at the point where im scared to say something in a server with someone I dont talk to much because im scared of stepping on someones toes. So if your serioulsy offended to the point where you have to b*tch about it...b*tch to me. And I'll be sure to lay off.

And the purpose of this post wasnt to stir up more bullsh*t its to clear sh*t up. But if this sh*t goes on..im leaving boss.

Edited by MalleyMcNasty, 24 August 2006 - 04:38 PM.

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#2 ShLoNkY


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Posted 24 August 2006 - 04:49 PM

Although you make some valid points, I don't think anyone really meant to personally attack you......

If someone did, without reason, they should grow up..........

If I'm missing something then fine; I don't really care. That being said I'm going to stay out of this.

The only thing that I will say is that I do give you credit for being the only girl here.......
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#3 MalleyMcNasty



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Posted 24 August 2006 - 04:53 PM

Although you make some valid points, I don't think anyone really meant to personally attack you......

If someone did, without reason, they should grow up..........

If I'm missing something then fine; I don't really care. That being said I'm going to stay out of this.

The only thing that I will say is that I do give you credit for being the only girl here.......

Thank you shonkly. But I dont need credit.
And I was personally attacked.
but not to my face.
except on a post.
and your right they do need to grow up.
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#4 Billy Pumper

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Posted 24 August 2006 - 04:56 PM

im glad you play here i like that the servers are still growing and all that.

as far as you being an attention wh*re...
Its not entirely your fault alot of the prepubecent fellas on here push you to that status, so stick around and what not i mean hell.

gaara used to be the biggest attention wh*re on BoSS, btw what happened to my little mexican from RI
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#5 MalleyMcNasty



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Posted 24 August 2006 - 04:57 PM

im glad you play here i like that the servers are still growing and all that.

as far as you being an attention wh*re...
Its not entirely your fault alot of the prepubecent fellas on here push you to that status, so stick around and what not i mean hell.

gaara used to be the biggest attention wh*re on BoSS, btw what happened to my little mexican from RI

his internet is still down.
and thanks billy.
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#6 ShLoNkY


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Posted 24 August 2006 - 04:58 PM

This IS the Internet. If you call me a needle-dicked douschebag of a f*ckface, I will not care.

If I call you an Attention Whoring c*nt-stain, don't take it personally..........

People are generally NOT nice on the Internet.

Example: I noticed that Billy is reading this post as I type this and will now call him an ass-wh*re. :1:
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#7 Billy Pumper

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Posted 24 August 2006 - 05:00 PM

yeah f*ck you too shlonky lol.

i don't have a problem with you mal, but keep in mind i will not treat you any better than i treat anyone else here. and like shlonks said its the internet, sh*t gets harsh sometimes
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#8 MalleyMcNasty



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Posted 24 August 2006 - 05:14 PM

yeah f*ck you too shlonky lol.

i don't have a problem with you mal, but keep in mind i will not treat you any better than i treat anyone else here. and like shlonks said its the internet, sh*t gets harsh sometimes

I understand that. I do. But Its not what I came here for and personally its not fun for me...and I dont expect to be treated any diffrently for any reason. At all. But I dont expect to be degraded. I dont mind people joking around with me. I really dont. I dont mind being called an alliterate b*tch as long as its to my face. any other way..is a little immature..wouldnt you agree?
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#9 ShLoNkY


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Posted 24 August 2006 - 05:24 PM

True, but in the big scheme of things do you really give a sh*t if a 14 year old dude that lives god knows where that you met on the Internet says something mean to you??

As long as you have a good time hanging out with the majority of the people here, who gives a f*ck??
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#10 J.Pizzack


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Posted 24 August 2006 - 05:33 PM

well, i only know malley from the forums since i dont play often, and from her posts, i like her lol. guess i need to get on vent more and lay the old school smackdown on some !@#$%^&s, which might be easier since i havnt been playing WoW as much.
Anywaze, Malley, i hope ya stick around, cuz all in all we hate to see people leave over some people just being bags 'o douche.

Edited by J.Pizzack, 24 August 2006 - 05:35 PM.

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#11 Yatzee_Squirrel



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Posted 24 August 2006 - 05:35 PM

True, but in the big scheme of things do you really give a sh*t if a 14 year old dude that lives god knows where that you met on the Internet says something mean to you??

As long as you have a good time hanging out with the majority of the people here, who gives a f*ck??

good answer :tup:
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#12 MalleyMcNasty



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Posted 24 August 2006 - 05:37 PM

True, but in the big scheme of things do you really give a sh*t if a 14 year old dude that lives god knows where that you met on the Internet says something mean to you??

As long as you have a good time hanging out with the majority of the people here, who gives a f*ck??

its no dent in my day. but it does bother me a little

Edited by MalleyMcNasty, 24 August 2006 - 05:41 PM.

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#13 Sgt. Bojo

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Posted 24 August 2006 - 05:43 PM

But if this sh*t goes on..im leaving boss.

No don't do it! Stay, play, hey? :weee:
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#14 Yatzee_Squirrel



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Posted 24 August 2006 - 05:45 PM

if internet drama bothers you then do what i do and ignore the f*ck out of it
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#15 MalleyMcNasty



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Posted 24 August 2006 - 05:49 PM

if internet drama bothers you then do what i do and ignore the f*ck out of it

i agree.
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#16 poopsmcgee


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Posted 24 August 2006 - 05:52 PM

Second whiney "you guys are so mean to me" post in two weeks.

just go

and if you don't want ppl calling you a wh*re, maybe try acting like somebody with class. If you don't know what I'm talking about, reread some of your posts.
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#17 MalleyMcNasty



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Posted 24 August 2006 - 05:59 PM

And the purpose of this post wasnt to stir up more bullsh*t its to clear sh*t up.

but there had to be some idiot.
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#18 Frag0holic



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Posted 24 August 2006 - 06:06 PM

OK. The internet is full of assholes, poopsmcgee being one of them. We've all been complaining about this highschool drama sh*t going around, seems the problem still lingers.

Some of Malleys posts have been strange to the point where it just seems like a cry for attention. But most of the time she's just joking around. I, for one, am not bothered one bit by it (although sometimes it interferes with the topic at hand).

But the bottom line is, if you are going to enjoy the internet you have to be able to ignore certain people. Mainly people who offend you or plot against you.
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#19 Inertia


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Posted 24 August 2006 - 06:09 PM

Well it is the internet, people tend to go to extremes, but who the hell cares. Drama, drama, drama, its a game get over it. find the people that you enjoy talking to and mute the rest.
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#20 poopsmcgee


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Posted 24 August 2006 - 06:12 PM

OK. The internet is full of assholes, poopsmcgee being one of them.

thank you frag....i take a compliment where ever I can find one :1:

note that I have not said word one about the wh*reish tones, nakey pics or anything...I couldn't give a crap about that

It's threads like this that are just a stupid ploy to get ppl to talk about how much they like having you around and want you to stay (even if it is only to see your boobs again) And it's childish bullsh*t that belongs somewhere esle, so my suggestion, as in my previous post, is that ppl who create threads like this go elsewhere to do so.
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