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Battlefield 2142 has spyware?

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#1 XxInColdBloodxX


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Posted 17 October 2006 - 06:39 PM

Well i was watching G4, and they had a news report that Battlefield 2142 has spyware.
What they said was it gives away your IP and your web browseing history and some other stuff.
Well guess who is now not getting it. :tup:
Someone give E.A a cookie, i suppose you can pull this crap when you own the rights to everything...
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#2 Mandraque



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Posted 17 October 2006 - 07:09 PM

yea thats some fuked up sh*t
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#3 Florida_Funk


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Posted 17 October 2006 - 07:32 PM

See that's why I stopped at BF2. I racked up like 250-300 hours and then just quit. Ea f*cked up everything about that game, so there was no way I was going to go out and spend my hard earned $ on some bug filled, patch needing, piece of crap. I hate EA/DICE they ruined one of my favorite games and now they set off to wreck another.
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#4 pusadolfo


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Posted 17 October 2006 - 08:43 PM

nice!! i won't buy it now, thx
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#5 Ezekiel


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Posted 17 October 2006 - 09:24 PM

I'll still get it.

EA can know the porn sites (Straight you f*cks. I swear one gay joke and I kill someone.) I go to, and the forums I read. I don't give a sh*t. As for IP address, they already have that anyways.
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#6 DarkShadow


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Posted 17 October 2006 - 09:25 PM

Lol f*ck that sh*t, bf2142 sucks anyways.
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#7 Communist


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Posted 18 October 2006 - 01:58 PM

EA Games: f*ck up Everything.

Look what they did to Westwood.

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#8 ShLoNkY


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Posted 19 October 2006 - 10:32 AM

I'll still get it.

EA can know the porn sites I go to, and the forums I read. I don't give a sh*t. As for IP address, they already have that anyways.

Gay porn i presume??

hehe someone had to do it. :1:

BUt yeah f*ck ea
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#9 Lost Hatter

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Posted 19 October 2006 - 11:03 AM

Wish i would have known that before i installed it....lol oh well sh*t happends
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#10 Ezekiel


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Posted 19 October 2006 - 12:28 PM

I installed it. Ran a spyware remover. Removed the sh*t. Played BF 2142 for a few hours. Ran my spyware, and nothing.

Run a spyware remover and there's no issue.

As for the game. I'm loving it. :tup:
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#11 MainEvent


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Posted 19 October 2006 - 03:06 PM

nah dude, f*cking BF destroyed 200 hours of my life... i could of been downloading some porn... or getting a PhD..... f*ck!
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#12 DarkShadow


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Posted 19 October 2006 - 10:24 PM

I was just playing BF2142 and I just uninstalled it for the fifth time, I gave it a chance, it f*cking blows because it doesn't even feel the same as BF2, BF2 was cool because it had a smooth / fluid way of playing, this is all jumpy and sh*t, needs like 4 patches to be on par with BF2.

As for the Spyware, I think its f*cking stupid and anyone who supports it is stupid, you do realise their STILL going to rollout addons for it and still charge as much as BF2 Euro Force and Armored Fury, mix that WITH the money they make from the adverts... thats bullsh*t.
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#13 Billy Pumper

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Posted 20 October 2006 - 01:45 AM

If you run bf2142 along side software like TDImon free TCP/UDP monitor, http://www.sysintern...ies/TdiMon.html, you will find that one of the remote connections that BF2142.exe uses is to

If you go to NetworkSolutions and WHOIS the IP Address you will get:

WHOIS Record For

Record Type: IP Address

IGA Technologies, LLC RSPC-68993-1122139655 (NET-72-3-184-144-1) -

IGA is IGA Worldwide and they handle the ads.


Possible solutions is to block port 17475 or better yet block ip address range -
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#14 DarkShadow


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Posted 20 October 2006 - 01:46 AM

yeah, I noticed that sh*t as well, quite surprised because my firewall said that the IP you posted, or something in that range was portscanning me or some sh*t.
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#15 At The Gates

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Posted 20 October 2006 - 06:24 AM

I have to agree with shadow on this though, about how bad the new battlefield is...the game play honestly feels like a downgrade, and the vehicles just blow...I mean the walkers ARE a cool concept for the new BF game...but when you play it, it is horibly designed...and the only way they balanced the walkers against infantry or land vehicles...what did they do...they mad a EMP grenade...thats it, and the things still take a sh*t load to kill, killing the balance.bah I wont buy it, but im still waiting on NWN 2 and gothic 3 to take over whats left of my personal life.
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#16 Mandraque



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Posted 20 October 2006 - 06:31 AM

yea i playid the demo...the game is truly a let down...most guns feel identical to the ones in BF2. Exept rockect in rocket launchers go up after you shoot them(??????). The titans are the most unimaginative thing you could imagine, they could had done alot better with that concept. The walkers are slow and clumsy, the only way for one to know the way one is looking is to get the outside view, but then you cant aim....Its 2142 and it still feels way to much like BF2
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#17 DarkShadow


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Posted 20 October 2006 - 06:45 AM

Remember 1942 and all the free mods you could download that were awesome? then EA stole their idea's? Take Eve of Destruction for Example, The EA/Dice Crew Loved how many people played that mod, it was truely fun, and then EA/Dice had to get greedy, and f*cking make BF: Vietnam, Which SANK like a lead weight. that sh*t died after the first year.

the thing is simple, EA/Dice make a *mod* which normally is NOT better then the community made ones, and sell it for top dollar as if it was actually different... If you aren't following me on this, then picture Doom3 Releasing a Special addition with 2-3 added weapons, no new features, and charging you 50 dollars for it when in reality, its only worth 20-30 at launch, Tops.

Does this make sense? f*ck No, Take Armored Fury and Euro Force expansions for example with BF2, it was released at a launch fee of 10 dollars, no new content, few new guns, and that was all, where was Special Forces added completely new unlocks, weapons, gameplay structures and features in general such as grapple hooks and ziplines.

Battlefield 2 Sold well Because most of it was designed by the Team which made Desert Combat, another highly successful mod for BF1942, Dice loved the idea so much they hired the team to work on BF2, and that is why it is so popular.

The thing that gets me is the price, as I said, its 49.99 at EBGames, + tax right... So picture this, instead of actually making a good game, and selling a sh*tload of copies like with BF1942 or BF2, they make a crap MOD, yes, a MOD, and add a nipple to it, so EA can suck it like a baby with breastmilk, the nipple I reffer to being ingame advertising...

In-Game Adverts are the same thing as regular. there is NO difference except I'm guessing you cant click on them unless they implemented an ingame web-browser, in which case I would laugh until I died, but the money they make will be more then the game actually sells for, can you say... Greedy?

The Reaon Question you have to ask yourself is simple.
Is a mod Worth the 50 Dollars + Tax + Spyware for In-Game Ads? The Question is just as simple, No.
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#18 Ezekiel


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Posted 20 October 2006 - 08:03 AM

The Real Question you have to ask yourself is simple.
Is a mod Worth the 50 Dollars + Tax + Spyware for In-Game Ads? The Question is just as simple, No.

For me it was $40 and no spyware or ingame adds. So yes, it's worth it to me. I actually like the gameplay of 2142 over BF2. I honestly never cared for BF2. Jets and helichopters were way overpowered, even against antiair emplacements. A helichopter shouldn't take 3 hits to down with f*cking antiair missiles at 20ft. And if you think about it, every entry in the series of Battlefield is basically a mod. It's just slightly modified from the last game. But if you look at most game series, that's what they are. You don't drastically change a winning formula. Halo series, Soul Caliber, Doom, Quake, UT, C&C, Warcraft, Elder Scrolls, they all pretty much stick to the same formula minus a few graphical and technological innovations. Yet, people don't b*tch nearly as much about it.

I love 2142 so far. I love the vehicals especially. The vehicals are more balanced this time around with the active defense. Making vehicals a little more skill based and not hulking giants of mass destruction.

Anyone that says the walkers are useless, all I really have to say is, god you must suck at that game. I've gone on so many 15+ kill rampages with that thing it's rediculous. And not just infantry, I've taken out 2 tanks at once with that thing. You just have to learn the active defense and when best to use it.

But whatever, I'm still going to be playing this game for a long time.
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#19 XxInColdBloodxX


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Posted 21 October 2006 - 09:37 AM

The game is ok, i do like how the aiming is pretty solid, but then again that can take the challenge. Im not much for the titian ship, its pretty cool but it takes away what i liked in battlefield 2, but then again you can still play conquest mode. I played the demo, i havent bought the game, becuse EA is just greedy. Do you know how many people buy madden? and since its the only football game since they own the rights to it. But putting spyware into a game is Stupid and greedy. If i paid for the game, i would be pissed. Becuse i paid for it, and now its gonna watch its gonna advertise for crap i dont want. I dont trust most ad's. Also i really dont have to money nor credit card.
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#20 �HADOW109



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Posted 21 October 2006 - 10:53 AM

My computer is too vulnerable for spyware, If I crash my computer for the 9th time it will probably explode :20: . Beside BF2042 and BF2 never exactly interested me. I bought BF2 and I only played it about 20 times and I got bored of it. But, I think the original BF1942 was the best. :tup:
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