Posted 27 October 2006 - 01:10 PM
Posted 27 October 2006 - 01:43 PM

Posted 27 October 2006 - 01:53 PM
STEAM userID STEAM_0:0:10437009 is banned
I might of been banned for a reason i am not aware of, i might have deserved it or not, im just looking for an explanation and maybe if the admin thinks it's right un-banning
Posted 27 October 2006 - 03:31 PM
bottom line; we think y00 h4x.
Have a nice day.
Posted 27 October 2006 - 04:04 PM
Thank You BoSS,
Posted 27 October 2006 - 05:12 PM
Posted 27 October 2006 - 05:12 PM
Posted 27 October 2006 - 05:14 PM
Posted 27 October 2006 - 05:16 PM
That's not really an argument.. it could be many things.. like maybe he and a sibling shared one account and he just got his.... or other things.. i did play with him.. he seemed just kinda good in my opinion.. I've seen other people with much more bs shots and you all decided they didnt hack... but idk.. doesnt really matter to me...I was on when he was banned, and the question was, how does one get so good with a high 8 digit steam id? And if you have a steam id that is older, what reason (beyond a vac ban) would you not be using that one?
Posted 27 October 2006 - 05:16 PM
Posted 27 October 2006 - 06:22 PM
Look kids, my E-Penis is large cuz I have a low steam ID.
Gimme a steam ID of 1:0:99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 and Ill still own the 1337.

Posted 27 October 2006 - 06:30 PM
And for those not seeing any correlation between steam id and skill, there is definitely a correlation. Sure there are definitely exceptions and thats not the only thing I banned for, but it sure was one of the signs.
Posted 27 October 2006 - 06:41 PM
Is a retarded statement cuz what you are saying is that someone with a low steam id MIGHT have been playing the game for longer then the next guy with a higher one. You are also assuming that this person didnt purchase the game thats been sitting on the shelf/warehouse for a number of years and that they didnt purchase it on ebay.
You are also making the assumption that someone that purchased the game a long time ago has actually played the game a lot and put the time in to be good. Most likely, the reality is that most of the people that purchased the game a long time ago dont even play it anymore. Most people that purchase games dont play for hours and hours years after the game was released like most of us do.
I guess my point is that 95% of the people that purchased the game long ago with low steam #s prolly suck dick at the game.
This is a lot of assuming. I think you are wrong.

PS: I say unban him but I dont really care, I just wanted to argue.

Posted 27 October 2006 - 06:51 PM
By the way shlonky thats utter bullsh*t you speak, 95% of the people who bought original CS played it before valve released steam, and still refuse to play on source because its so n00b friendly.
Posted 27 October 2006 - 07:16 PM
I was unaware that you banned him to begin with, f*ck it he remains banned.

thanks for being a good sport though.
Posted 27 October 2006 - 07:17 PM
Posted 27 October 2006 - 07:29 PM
thanks for being a good sport though.
^^^^ lol
Posted 27 October 2006 - 07:45 PM
thanks for being a good sport though.
QFT!! lol^^^^ lol
Posted 27 October 2006 - 09:27 PM
see ya guys around
Posted 28 October 2006 - 01:57 AM
Edited by ghozy, 28 October 2006 - 03:12 AM.
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