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Please stop banning me

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#1 Strange Peaches

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Posted 22 January 2007 - 05:52 PM

I thought for awhile if it was worth to even try to make an unban request to get back on. I have no idea how I would go about doing it.

Last night, at about 11:30, I killed some people, all crazy headshots, and I got banned. I've seen deks and Chilidog and PedFish do the same thing. If I had to bet, I'd say the BoSS guy who was flanking me from the side hall would have banned me because he wouldn't think I'd know he'd be there, but he killed a teammate and his blue X was on the minimap, and it was fresh, so he was still there.

I decided I would just ask you what proof I need to show, so that once and for all, that I'm no hacker. I'll do it.

Before a big break from CSS, I remember people shouting something about checking the PBSS of accused hackers. I haven't seen anyone talk about that since I got back on. Is it still there? What can I do?

Also, aimbots are noticably different looking than adrenaline/heavy metal shaking. The aimbot predicts where the bullet will go as soon as it starts to get inaccurate, aiming low and getting HS's all the time. I don't do that. I get killed. It's a big difference and a massive throwoff to look for when discerning between the two.

Or do you assume I wall? I have no idea how not to prove that. There are only so many hallways a T can walk down, especially ones that show up on the minimap around the corpses of dead teammates and under a bunch of "Player A >>Killed>> Your Teammate Who Was Right Next To You" death texts.

I've been banned in other servers before for this same stuff, and I didn't care because the servers weren't that good. But BoSS is damn fun. I would like to get back on.

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:7402218

Edited by Strange Peaches, 22 January 2007 - 07:42 PM.

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Posted 22 January 2007 - 07:09 PM

Don't know who banned you, but I'd just like to say that none of my Headshots are crazy :tup:
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#3 Strange Peaches

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Posted 22 January 2007 - 07:14 PM

Don't know who banned you, but I'd just like to say that none of my Headshots are crazy :tup:

You can never know, because you never received your headshots.
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#4 The Drizzle

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Posted 22 January 2007 - 07:39 PM

We have a demo of you playing for just this purpose. When the admin that banned you comes back, well sort it all out, but seeing as how this is the second time you have been banned, I cant Guarantee anything.
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#5 �HADOW109



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Posted 22 January 2007 - 07:57 PM

Wow didn't you get unbanned like 3 days ago? :tdown: Someone unban the dude again.
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#6 TheCincinnatiKid


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Posted 22 January 2007 - 08:44 PM

I was there watching with several other BoSS members and we came to the conclusion that the guy looks funny when he shoots.

We spec'd everyone in the server and compaired and he shakes oddly when he fires. There is a demo somewhere, but I cant remember who took it (may have been Cleric). It wasnt just crazy headshots, but a very shakey crossairs that only shook when firing.

So we decided that based on that it looked funny and didnt feel right we did what we did.

Edited by TheCincinnatiKid, 22 January 2007 - 08:46 PM.

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#7 Strange Peaches

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Posted 22 January 2007 - 09:07 PM

I was there watching with several other BoSS members and we came to the conclusion that the guy looks funny when he shoots.

We spec'd everyone in the server and compaired and he shakes oddly when he fires. There is a demo somewhere, but I cant remember who took it (may have been Cleric). It wasnt just crazy headshots, but a very shakey crossairs that only shook when firing.

So we decided that based on that it looked funny and didnt feel right we did what we did.

But is "not feeling right" enough? It obviously didn't yield kills all the time, so by shaking and not yielding kills, it can't mean that a bot is in effect.

This is going to sound lame and contrived, and I honestly don't know if you care or believe this, but what the hell; I was on albuterol as a kid (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albuterol), and from that I developed this annoying twitch. My hand, when extended, can't stay still, although I'm usually as relaxed as can be. This twitch reflex isn't good for a lot of things, but it's all right for twitch games.
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#8 desidakuno5



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Posted 22 January 2007 - 09:12 PM

if the guy cares this much, he prolly aint a hacker, a hacker would just move on to the next server. but haven't seen the video so i dont know

Edited by desidakuno5, 22 January 2007 - 09:13 PM.

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#9 Cleric


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Posted 22 January 2007 - 09:39 PM

But is "not feeling right" enough? It obviously didn't yield kills all the time, so by shaking and not yielding kills, it can't mean that a bot is in effect.

This is going to sound lame and contrived, and I honestly don't know if you care or believe this, but what the hell; I was on albuterol as a kid (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albuterol), and from that I developed this annoying twitch. My hand, when extended, can't stay still, although I'm usually as relaxed as can be. This twitch reflex isn't good for a lot of things, but it's all right for twitch games.

I never made a demo of him. That was someone else (I believe the admin who I will wait to step foreward).

Peaches, what everyone found odd when we spec 'd you was that when you used the M4 and shot your screen would shake (Not all the time but on 90% or up on your headshots and kills). Whether you were close or far away your screen would shake and you would get a head shot. It was odd but since you had been banned and unbanned the general consensus was it was a mistake and you are just that good and we will deal with you killing us on occasion.

After specing others who used the M4 no one else did this shaking when shooting but you. Still kind of figured it was just you. Then you went on a few runs where you would kill 5-6 people in multiple directions (not like running through them like Fluke or myself do). Getting multiple headshots in different directions while your screen is shaking is even odd for the best players who get a lucky spray. Deks, Chili, Pedi, and even the other good players like Sniper, EZ, Lost, etc. rarely spray. There multiple headshots are usually double taps with an AK or Famas to the head.

So you can understand why our attention was drawn to you. Maybe it was a second mistake, but know one I know or have ever spec'd shoots like that accept for someone who has an aimbot. But I didn't ban you and don't have a say in whether you will stay banned. Wait for the admin to step foreward or for one of the gods to step in.
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#10 Sniprwulf


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Posted 22 January 2007 - 10:32 PM

I made the demo, I banned you and several people were there and your screen does shake. So you're saying you twitch... ok but how do you explain that you only twitch when you fire because from what I've seen the mouse shakes JUST when you're shooting and is perfectly still when you're not so don't give us that explanation; sorry I don't buy it. I'll upload demo soon. Its not a whole lot of you b/c I was playing at the time but others were spec'ing too. You can fast forward a lot of it but the thing that really is weird is the frames from 62000 'til the end. Unless you explain that idk man, I'm standing by it.

Edited by Sniprwulf, 22 January 2007 - 10:38 PM.

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#11 Strange Peaches

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Posted 22 January 2007 - 10:40 PM

I made the demo, I banned you and several people were there and your screen does shake. So you're saying you twitch... ok but how do you explain that you only twitch when you fire because from what I've seen the mouse shakes JUST when you're shooting and is perfectly still when you're not so don't give us that explanation; sorry I dont buyit. I'll upload demo soon. Its not a whole lot but others were spec'ing too. You can fastforward a lot of it but the thing that really is wierd is the frames from 62000 'til the end. Unless you explain that idk man, I'm standing by it.

Aimbots, from what I have seen, shake even if there is no one on the screen. The better ones insta-target their heads, no matter what level of accuracy the gun currently has. You see low, single shot HS's with those. You'll find neither circumstance in my play.

Also, is there any way you can check my system? Did anyone answer the PBSS question? Is that still around?
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#12 Sniprwulf


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Posted 22 January 2007 - 10:47 PM

Aimbots, from what I have seen, shake even if there is no one on the screen. The better ones insta-target their heads, no matter what level of accuracy the gun currently has. You see low, single shot HS's with those. You'll find neither circumstance in my play.

Also, is there any way you can check my system? Did anyone answer the PBSS question? Is that still around?

you didnt answer the question why your screen shakes when you shoot though after i refuted your argument. i'm uploading the demo right now. i mean i understand that you want to be cleared and all and it just all looked mad suspicious since i've seen you play a buncha different times and others too.

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#13 Strange Peaches

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Posted 22 January 2007 - 11:38 PM

you didnt answer the question why your screen shakes when you shoot though after i refuted your argument. i'm uploading the demo right now. i mean i understand that you want to be cleared and all and it just all looked mad suspicious since i've seen you play a buncha different times and others too.


I watched it. I think I'm fine, but I'm no judge.

My mouse is still for easy shots. As in, when I'm practicing on my own team, and when I do the strafe-prefire thing (see that P90 camper in that box paper room in T spawn). That shotgun death at the start was pretty normal. Me continuing to spray once the target is dead (a classic everyone indulges in), realizing where the enemies are based on the MM, are signs of normal play. If you can't tell by how much I can't just stand there and wait for my teammates to die at the bottleneck so that I can rush in, well, I get impatient. I do the mini-strafe thing when waiting in ambush for someone to come around the corner, like by the cabinets for that final segment. Suspicious? Whatever you want. I think you probably need to watch some aimbot demos to see what they do look like. They aren't suspicious at all; they're instant-bans; not subjected to this sort of weird analytical observation.
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#14 onyx



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Posted 22 January 2007 - 11:40 PM

The funniest part of that demo is trying to get a boost from oblivious hoon.

I know I have no part in this, xept for that peaches has pwned me MANY times, and I never really thought he was cheating until i saw that demo.

An m4 should never jerk around like that ever. An ak is easier to hide cuz it jumps around like crazy anyway.

When we play lan games we have played with some private hacks that one of the guys bought, and they look just like that. Not as obvious as Catalyst tactics or the fknowned hacks, but they still jerk around and it's easy to tell on weapons with less recoil.

Pretty damning evidence Mr. Sniprwulf has there.
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#15 Strange Peaches

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Posted 23 January 2007 - 12:09 AM

The funniest part of that demo is trying to get a boost from oblivious hoon.

I know I have no part in this, xept for that peaches has pwned me MANY times, and I never really thought he was cheating until i saw that demo.

An m4 should never jerk around like that ever. An ak is easier to hide cuz it jumps around like crazy anyway.

When we play lan games we have played with some private hacks that one of the guys bought, and they look just like that. Not as obvious as Catalyst tactics or the fknowned hacks, but they still jerk around and it's easy to tell on weapons with less recoil.

Pretty damning evidence Mr. Sniprwulf has there.

The problem with assuming my m4 jumping is haxing is that I don't kill anything with it. That guy in the beginning, I missed two bursts. In fact, the whole problem with assuming I'm hacking is that I kill everything. I don't.

And why hasn't anyone answered my question about PB yet? Can you tell I'm trying to cooperate, here?
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#16 Sniprwulf


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Posted 23 January 2007 - 12:23 AM

I think you probably need to watch some aimbot demos to see what they do look like..

Dude, you're the last person that needs to lecture me on that. So uhm, i was wondering when you were planning on answering my question. :>.<:
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#17 wyte mafia

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Posted 23 January 2007 - 12:28 AM

well the sig he made me is all the proof i need, there is no way in hell this guy has ever hacked or cheated at anything in life. so thats about it.
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#18 Strange Peaches

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Posted 23 January 2007 - 12:39 AM

Dude, you're the last person that needs to lecture me on that. So uhm, i was wondering when you were planning on answering my question. :>.<:


I've typed out paragraphs more than I should have over the course of this topic and the previous topic explaining everything I do in every way I can.

Copy and Pasting:

Suspicious? I've been playing on that server for months! Mostly daily, too. I was 25th in rank, with a ratio of like 1.6! I've played with PedFish and Xan, all or most of the BoSS members, (although I think not with "ghozy"), the regulars, all good players and challenges.

I know where you are at set times during the match based solely on where my team has gone and where it has neglected to go. It is an incredibly simple tactic, to know where people are based on just those two pieces of information. If you take it to the next step, you fire the gun before you even round the corner, and with a bit of luck, you have a HS. It's just a feeling you get after playing on the same map, and the same game, which somehow (and I don't know how) retains its novelty and challenge after hours and hours of playtime. I hear it's not so useful in CAL, but in the average game, people play average strategies.

If you play long enough, you've seen the camping spots used over and over again, and at the same times during the match, (again, with just those two bits of information) that to fire preemptively is something natural. More often than not, I'm right. It's the not the best tactic, as I am given away on the minimap. If you wait until I reload, I'll have to pistol. For example, one CT is left and we've defended the T spawn with great strength and are now sweeping the map. I notice he has a ratio of .25. I will wager that he is crouched down on top of the boxes in the lower CT sniper area, either toward the ceiling or behind the boxes in the corner. I fire the AK before I even round the corner.

For example. Say T refuses to leave the spawn. It's practically a given that some guy is crouched in the little L shaped hallway near the cabinets in the middle of the spawn. I pop out of the corner and get a quick clean HS which is downright difficult to react to and somewhat cruel. If I were a T, it's practically a given that someone with a silenced m4 is sitting on the dumpster outside the window, crouched down. I can fire through the smoke to HS that person in a quick strafe, because I've done it so often and I know where it is. These are well-used camping spots, but I've seen and used them all in cs_office, there are no "unnoticeable" ones for me. Although I still have trouble getting across the tree for the T garage rush.

I'm just giving examples so you know I'm thinking about this, and not using some stupid hack. Although I get accused sometimes for ridiculous scores, it usually doesn't lead to a ban if you spectate the accused. I also think I had a score of something like 10 - 7 at the time of banning. I've also been playing long enough to have regulars see me get terrible scores and good ones.

Also, aimbots are noticably different looking than adrenaline/heavy metal shaking. The aimbot predicts where the bullet will go as soon as it starts to get inaccurate, aiming low and getting HS's all the time. I don't do that. I get killed. It's a big difference and a massive throwoff to look for when discerning between the two.

This is going to sound lame and contrived, and I honestly don't know if you care or believe this, but what the hell; I was on albuterol as a kid (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albuterol), and from that I developed this annoying twitch. My hand, when extended, can't stay still, although I'm usually as relaxed as can be. This twitch reflex isn't good for a lot of things, but it's all right for twitch games.

Aimbots, from what I have seen, shake even if there is no one on the screen. The better ones insta-target their heads, no matter what level of accuracy the gun currently has. You see low, single shot HS's with those. You'll find neither circumstance in my play.

I decided I would just ask you what proof I need to show, so that once and for all, that I'm no hacker. I'll do it.

</Copy and pasting>

Your question: Why does your screen shake when you shoot people? Short Answer: Adrenaline/Heavy Metal/Twitch. Long Answer: Read above essay.

And once again:
And why hasn't anyone answered my question about PB yet? Can you tell I'm trying to cooperate, here?
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#19 Sniprwulf


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Posted 23 January 2007 - 01:23 AM


I've typed out paragraphs more than I should have over the course of this topic and the previous topic explaining everything I do in every way I can.

Copy and Pasting:

Suspicious? I've been playing on that server for months! Mostly daily, too. I was 25th in rank, with a ratio of like 1.6! I've played with PedFish and Xan, all or most of the BoSS members, (although I think not with "ghozy"), the regulars, all good players and challenges.

I know where you are at set times during the match based solely on where my team has gone and where it has neglected to go. It is an incredibly simple tactic, to know where people are based on just those two pieces of information. If you take it to the next step, you fire the gun before you even round the corner, and with a bit of luck, you have a HS. It's just a feeling you get after playing on the same map, and the same game, which somehow (and I don't know how) retains its novelty and challenge after hours and hours of playtime. I hear it's not so useful in CAL, but in the average game, people play average strategies.

If you play long enough, you've seen the camping spots used over and over again, and at the same times during the match, (again, with just those two bits of information) that to fire preemptively is something natural. More often than not, I'm right. It's the not the best tactic, as I am given away on the minimap. If you wait until I reload, I'll have to pistol. For example, one CT is left and we've defended the T spawn with great strength and are now sweeping the map. I notice he has a ratio of .25. I will wager that he is crouched down on top of the boxes in the lower CT sniper area, either toward the ceiling or behind the boxes in the corner. I fire the AK before I even round the corner.

For example. Say T refuses to leave the spawn. It's practically a given that some guy is crouched in the little L shaped hallway near the cabinets in the middle of the spawn. I pop out of the corner and get a quick clean HS which is downright difficult to react to and somewhat cruel. If I were a T, it's practically a given that someone with a silenced m4 is sitting on the dumpster outside the window, crouched down. I can fire through the smoke to HS that person in a quick strafe, because I've done it so often and I know where it is. These are well-used camping spots, but I've seen and used them all in cs_office, there are no "unnoticeable" ones for me. Although I still have trouble getting across the tree for the T garage rush.

I'm just giving examples so you know I'm thinking about this, and not using some stupid hack. Although I get accused sometimes for ridiculous scores, it usually doesn't lead to a ban if you spectate the accused. I also think I had a score of something like 10 - 7 at the time of banning. I've also been playing long enough to have regulars see me get terrible scores and good ones.

Also, aimbots are noticably different looking than adrenaline/heavy metal shaking. The aimbot predicts where the bullet will go as soon as it starts to get inaccurate, aiming low and getting HS's all the time. I don't do that. I get killed. It's a big difference and a massive throwoff to look for when discerning between the two.

This is going to sound lame and contrived, and I honestly don't know if you care or believe this, but what the hell; I was on albuterol as a kid (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albuterol), and from that I developed this annoying twitch. My hand, when extended, can't stay still, although I'm usually as relaxed as can be. This twitch reflex isn't good for a lot of things, but it's all right for twitch games.

Aimbots, from what I have seen, shake even if there is no one on the screen. The better ones insta-target their heads, no matter what level of accuracy the gun currently has. You see low, single shot HS's with those. You'll find neither circumstance in my play.

I decided I would just ask you what proof I need to show, so that once and for all, that I'm no hacker. I'll do it.

</Copy and pasting>

Your question: Why does your screen shake when you shoot people? Short Answer: Adrenaline/Heavy Metal/Twitch. Long Answer: Read above essay.

And once again:
And why hasn't anyone answered my question about PB yet? Can you tell I'm trying to cooperate, here?

I read everything man and well here's what I think I've been playing cs for just as long as most have 2+ years and i know all about where to look for spots for campers n sh*t. Thats not what I have in question. It was just plain, in simple writing, when you fire, your mouse bounces around, alot. Aimbots yes are obvious but they're not perfect. There are low level ones too that aren't as obvious. If you knew this then you wouldn't be lecturing me on what an aimbot is.

I understand luck hs's because that's the physics of source. I mean I've talked it over and I mean usually people who do hack don't come back and don't usually ask to be unbanned. And I see your argument and I say you can get unbanned unless anyone else wants to say that he should be.

You have to admit when someone's mouse bounces around only when they shoot and gets random hs's more often then not, its not normal. Cinci and others defly saw it. After reading your request I've changed my mind though and say go for it man, it's a game and I believe you.
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#20 Sniprwulf


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Posted 23 January 2007 - 01:23 AM


I've typed out paragraphs more than I should have over the course of this topic and the previous topic explaining everything I do in every way I can.

Copy and Pasting:

Suspicious? I've been playing on that server for months! Mostly daily, too. I was 25th in rank, with a ratio of like 1.6! I've played with PedFish and Xan, all or most of the BoSS members, (although I think not with "ghozy"), the regulars, all good players and challenges.

I know where you are at set times during the match based solely on where my team has gone and where it has neglected to go. It is an incredibly simple tactic, to know where people are based on just those two pieces of information. If you take it to the next step, you fire the gun before you even round the corner, and with a bit of luck, you have a HS. It's just a feeling you get after playing on the same map, and the same game, which somehow (and I don't know how) retains its novelty and challenge after hours and hours of playtime. I hear it's not so useful in CAL, but in the average game, people play average strategies.

If you play long enough, you've seen the camping spots used over and over again, and at the same times during the match, (again, with just those two bits of information) that to fire preemptively is something natural. More often than not, I'm right. It's the not the best tactic, as I am given away on the minimap. If you wait until I reload, I'll have to pistol. For example, one CT is left and we've defended the T spawn with great strength and are now sweeping the map. I notice he has a ratio of .25. I will wager that he is crouched down on top of the boxes in the lower CT sniper area, either toward the ceiling or behind the boxes in the corner. I fire the AK before I even round the corner.

For example. Say T refuses to leave the spawn. It's practically a given that some guy is crouched in the little L shaped hallway near the cabinets in the middle of the spawn. I pop out of the corner and get a quick clean HS which is downright difficult to react to and somewhat cruel. If I were a T, it's practically a given that someone with a silenced m4 is sitting on the dumpster outside the window, crouched down. I can fire through the smoke to HS that person in a quick strafe, because I've done it so often and I know where it is. These are well-used camping spots, but I've seen and used them all in cs_office, there are no "unnoticeable" ones for me. Although I still have trouble getting across the tree for the T garage rush.

I'm just giving examples so you know I'm thinking about this, and not using some stupid hack. Although I get accused sometimes for ridiculous scores, it usually doesn't lead to a ban if you spectate the accused. I also think I had a score of something like 10 - 7 at the time of banning. I've also been playing long enough to have regulars see me get terrible scores and good ones.

Also, aimbots are noticably different looking than adrenaline/heavy metal shaking. The aimbot predicts where the bullet will go as soon as it starts to get inaccurate, aiming low and getting HS's all the time. I don't do that. I get killed. It's a big difference and a massive throwoff to look for when discerning between the two.

This is going to sound lame and contrived, and I honestly don't know if you care or believe this, but what the hell; I was on albuterol as a kid (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albuterol), and from that I developed this annoying twitch. My hand, when extended, can't stay still, although I'm usually as relaxed as can be. This twitch reflex isn't good for a lot of things, but it's all right for twitch games.

Aimbots, from what I have seen, shake even if there is no one on the screen. The better ones insta-target their heads, no matter what level of accuracy the gun currently has. You see low, single shot HS's with those. You'll find neither circumstance in my play.

I decided I would just ask you what proof I need to show, so that once and for all, that I'm no hacker. I'll do it.

</Copy and pasting>

Your question: Why does your screen shake when you shoot people? Short Answer: Adrenaline/Heavy Metal/Twitch. Long Answer: Read above essay.

And once again:
And why hasn't anyone answered my question about PB yet? Can you tell I'm trying to cooperate, here?

I read everything man and well here's what I think I've been playing cs for just as long as most have 2+ years and i know all about where to look for spots for campers n sh*t. Thats not what I have in question. It was just plain, in simple writing, when you fire, your mouse bounces around, alot. Aimbots yes are obvious but they're not perfect. There are low level ones too that aren't as obvious. If you knew this then you wouldn't be lecturing me on what an aimbot is.

I understand luck hs's because that's the physics of source. I mean I've talked it over and I mean usually people who do hack don't come back and don't usually ask to be unbanned. And I see your argument and I say you can get unbanned unless anyone else wants to say that he should be.

You have to admit when someone's mouse bounces around only when they shoot and gets random hs's more often then not, its not normal. Cinci and others defly saw it. After reading your request I've changed my mind though and say go for it man, it's a game and I believe you.
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