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Stacked Teams

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#1 Ezekiel


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Posted 05 March 2007 - 01:35 AM

Alright, we've all known there's always been problems with Ts constantly being stacked. But lately shit has gotten out of hand. Including a major portion from our members and admins.

Constantly I see the Ts with a 3 - 1 or 5 - 1 win ratio on the servers. Which is rediculous and leads to nothing but problems. CTs are constantly bitching that teams are stacked (Which they are.) and the Ts are constantly bitching about the CTs camping. But the thing is they camp because the stacked teams (Mostly at least.) Then no T (But a few, I know a few of you out there are willing and do switch sides.) are willing to switch sides, and bitch to no end when I switch them to CT.

I've started only giving cash to the losing side (CTs.) which has cause a lot of bitching from the Ts. Which is completely retarded. If you're on the side with a 4 - 1 ratio, you shouldn't need any cash.
The problem though, is I notice some admins just giving cash to everyone, which needs to stop. We need to try and balance the team. Not just throw cash at every nublet that bitches for it.

Another thing is everyone needs to stop being so picky. Go to the losing side, help them out. Don't give me the same lame ass excuse on how you only can only use an AK. (Which I've had a few admins say to me, which is gay considering you can GIVE YOURSELF A FUCKING AK!)

Basically just try and go to the losing side, help them out. Don't bitch at the CTs for camping when they have a win ratio of 1 - 4. Don't give the winning side cash. And to the admins try and swap players around to balance the teams.
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Posted 05 March 2007 - 01:46 AM

I give money to everyone, but only when i personally need it. And as you probably know, I'm not a team stacker. (not to say that you accused me in the first)
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#3 Frag0holic



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Posted 05 March 2007 - 01:48 AM

It was pretty rediculous tonight... we had a few ppl join CT and even it out (and inspire them to actually rush) after a while.
We just have to distinguish between camping cause you're pinned down and camping to get a cheap kill (sniper rooms). And like you said, switch sides when the other team is down badly. It usually means MORE kills if you're good.
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#4 IWantWhiteCastle


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Posted 05 March 2007 - 01:53 AM

If everyone would just hit f*ckin auto assign things wouldn't be so bad
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#5 TheHobo


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Posted 05 March 2007 - 02:47 AM

If everyone would just hit f*ckin auto assign things wouldn't be so bad

lmao i hit auto assign no matter wat map im on because i dont care wat teams is on. and lately i've heard a lot of comaplints about the stacking and wat not but for the past couple of days every time i get on the teams are stacked to the cts.
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#6 Billy Pumper

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Posted 05 March 2007 - 04:07 AM

If everyone would just hit f*ckin auto assign things wouldn't be so bad

that is what i do every time i join. and if it gets stacked for some reason i always go to help out. lately i havent been enought though (cause i suck now)
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#7 DarkShadow


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Posted 05 March 2007 - 05:37 AM

I agree with ezekiel, ban cinci!
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#8 $VT-c0brA


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Posted 05 March 2007 - 08:59 AM

If everyone would just hit f*ckin auto assign things wouldn't be so bad

+1.....i hit auto assign every time....and i agree w/ zeke as well.....don't pay all if ct's are getting raped, switch teams and stop worrying about a fucking kdr.. :tired:
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#9 fadetoblack


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Posted 05 March 2007 - 09:47 AM

I'll play on the CT team from now on. BTW how do you just give 1 team cash?
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#10 Silent Bob

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Posted 05 March 2007 - 10:10 AM

My name is Silent Bob and I approve of this message :tup:
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#11 monster


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Posted 05 March 2007 - 10:28 AM

Agreed, maybe removing the ranking from the servers will help. Kids like cincin are constantly checking their rank, whilst stacking the teams like b*tches.
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#12 Ezekiel


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Posted 05 March 2007 - 11:22 AM

I'll play on the CT team from now on. BTW how do you just give 1 team cash?

ma_setcash "*" (Number)

"#CT" - to give just CT cash
"#T" - to give just the Ts cash
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#13 wyte mafia

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Posted 05 March 2007 - 12:28 PM

t stacking has been a prob but i have delt with it by going spec for a round and swaping ppl around untill i think its pretty fair.
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#14 poopsmcgee


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Posted 05 March 2007 - 05:47 PM

A big problem is BoSS members from the losing team (from now on known as CT) switching to to T. Those people should be switched back or kicked out by admins. I see BoSS members doing it all the time. When you call them on it you always get some lame sh*t lik e"i hate ct" or the eternally faggy "i'm a t for life" Generally BoSS members are the stronger player son their respective team and the y should never be caught switching to a winning team. If they do, they should be kicked and repeat offenders should get short bans.
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#15 Hoon


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Posted 05 March 2007 - 06:02 PM

nooooo don't reset ranks!!!
i'll play on CT side!

but i must admit... i can't kill people with an m4 *Hoon gets shot by ezekiel*
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#16 TheCincinnatiKid


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Posted 05 March 2007 - 06:22 PM

I was one of the people that started this revolution of unstacking teams.

I played as T for a long time cause I liked it better, but I do not enjoy playing on T when the teams are stacked.

I unstack whenever possible and since when do I check rank all the time?...

Also why am I getting called out???.....I am not the worst offender by far.

Edited by TheCincinnatiKid, 05 March 2007 - 06:24 PM.

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#17 wyte mafia

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Posted 05 March 2007 - 06:24 PM

I was one of the people that started this revolution of unstacking teams.

I played as T for a long time cause I liked it better, but I do not enjoy playing on T when the teams are stacked.

I unstack whenever possible and since when do I check rank all the time?...

Also why am I getting called out???.....I am not the worst offender by far.

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#18 XxInColdBloodxX


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Posted 05 March 2007 - 06:31 PM

Ok, i'll play on Ct side, although i've been playing Dust2 lately.
So to clear this out, we should switch players if the teams seemed to stacked?
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#19 Ezekiel


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Posted 05 March 2007 - 06:36 PM

Ok, i'll play on Ct side, although i've been playing Dust2 lately.
So to clear this out, we should switch players if the teams seemed to stacked?

Yes, switch players to make teams even. People will bitch, but it's all for the greater good. Course BoSS members should switch first if able, then if that isn't enough, the others.

Side note: Cinci does switch sides when the teams are stacked. So leave him be.
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#20 Splunk


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Posted 05 March 2007 - 08:50 PM

ya i'll start doin it, CT FTW.....hmmm what if cts start gettin stacked lol. Its a never ending cycle

is there a way that auto balance could take the top players or somthing, that could help too

Edited by Splunk, 05 March 2007 - 08:51 PM.

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