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#1 st_nick5



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Posted 24 June 2007 - 09:16 AM

ok i have a suggestion and i am probably going to be banned or get loads of bad comments but what the hell.
how about you put in a new rule saying that you cannot have a go at people just because they are british/american. i was in the office server just now and the entire server (most americans, possibly all) were making racist comments at me, calling me a f*cking faggot, telling me to stfu whenever i said something etc. now, there were two admins on the server, and one of them was slapping me, making sparks appear everywhere i went, freezing me etc. he said it was because i was camping. now i was camping at the start but i didnt realise that i was the only one left on my team so i did apolagise for that. after that i was nearing a corner and i heard footsteps coming round the corner. now i new that they were going to be T's so i stopped and crouched so that when he did come round the corner i could shoot him. ammediatly i get slapped. now i would like to tell all the admins that when i do camp i only camp for a minute then move on. i do not stay in one place for the whole round. one of the admins was also calling me a gay faggot. now i used to like these servers but now this is happening everytime i go on the server and i would like it to stop.

Edited by st_nick5, 24 June 2007 - 09:18 AM.

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#2 At The Gates

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Posted 24 June 2007 - 09:27 AM

yeah...the racism against some people gets pretty bad at times, sorry bro.
this is usually a touchy subject, and unless you were spouting off anti America propaganda like most internet dummies do, I don't think you deserved it, but then again I was not there so I do n0t know the full details.
Maybe the admin who was there will pop in and give us his 2 cents.
Any who don't let that discourage you from playing on our servers, some admins are awesome, some are dicks, but they are usually a bunch of good guys,
Just follow the rules and nobody's feelings will get hurt.
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#3 st_nick5



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Posted 24 June 2007 - 09:32 AM

they probably started the arguament on perpose because they asked me what english people think about americans and i told them the honest truth: a lot of english people think that americans are lazy and sloppy. now i wasnt insulting them because i no that americans arnt all like that and i actually told them i dont think that. but they instantly started yelling abuse and me through the mic swearing at me, insulting me, my family, etc. and it sucks cause i thought this was a server where i finally dont get this sh*t. but sadly i have found its not true.

edit - and if some admins are dicks, why in the hell are they admins???

Edited by st_nick5, 24 June 2007 - 09:35 AM.

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#4 DarkShadow


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Posted 24 June 2007 - 10:08 AM

maybe if you actually posted who did what, that would be wiser.

good advise for you would be to simply shut up about where you from and your opinions on our servers, its a rule for a reason, you know.
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#5 st_nick5



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Posted 24 June 2007 - 10:10 AM

well i was about to get their steam ids but then by internet went down (bt homehub is sh*t) so i didnt get the steam ids
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#6 DarkShadow


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Posted 24 June 2007 - 10:12 AM

from what the logs said, you were camping, got slayed and whatnot for it.
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#7 Blackwasp


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Posted 24 June 2007 - 10:41 AM

pwned by Shadow

that is all

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#8 st_nick5



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Posted 24 June 2007 - 11:44 AM

i was camping i said but i would camp for a few seconds and i would get frozen and beaconed. and what about the racism? does the log not tell you who was making all those immature comments?
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#9 Cleric


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Posted 24 June 2007 - 11:55 AM

If it was over the mic then no.

This is the conclusion I have come to about racism on our server from my own experiences, and Shadow or other admins feel free to add or revise.

We only tolerate equality racism. Meaning whatever anyone says pretty much goes as long as long as it could be said to anyone else on the server. So if I call you a dumb f*ck . . . whatever, as long as I can say that to other people. However, if at any time I start only saying that sh*t to you and repeatedly over many events (yours pretty much was 1 time from your story) then it will get dealt with.

So really it comes down to LEARNING TO DEAL! Are your feelings really that hurt about people over the internet saying sh*t to you, cause if they are I suggest you stay away from the internet. Actually stay away from people in general. Either don't talk on the server and you will be left alone or learn to talk sh*t.

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#10 wyte mafia

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Posted 24 June 2007 - 12:41 PM

i was there, and lost put a beacon on him for camping. then he would not stop arguing that he was not slowing the pace on the game down so lost muted him.... end of story.
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#11 st_nick5



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Posted 24 June 2007 - 12:59 PM

i said that if that guy didnt come round the corner in the next few seconds i would move. he did come round the corner but that didnt stop the admin from slapping me did it? and it was only for a few seconds that i had been there. the other times i was camping i didnt realise that i was the only person on my team left and i did apologise for that. but how come the other ppl were able to argue all they liked when i argued i got muted? i bet if i had spouted some racist comments then i would have been kicked. but oh no not the americans they can do what they like. you know, i used to like these servers they were the only servers i could find where the admins wernt abusing their powers, there were no noobs making racist comments etc. thats gone down the toilet.

Edited by st_nick5, 24 June 2007 - 01:01 PM.

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#12 DarkShadow


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Posted 24 June 2007 - 01:11 PM

what the fuck does racism have to do with you not being able to follow a simple request by not camping? seriously.
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#13 st_nick5



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Posted 24 June 2007 - 01:32 PM

what is wrong with camping?? as long as it doesnt slow down the game camping is fine. and please answer my earlier question: if some admins are dickheads, why are they admins in the first place?

Edited by st_nick5, 24 June 2007 - 01:33 PM.

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#14 DarkShadow


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Posted 24 June 2007 - 01:34 PM

they aren't *dickheads*, they're just doing their job and you have a biased opinion.
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#15 wondergod


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Posted 24 June 2007 - 01:40 PM

st nick...i can see where this is going...and would advise you to just drop it and move on....just let it go...
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#16 st_nick5



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Posted 24 June 2007 - 02:08 PM

st nick...i can see where this is going...and would advise you to just drop it and move on....just let it go...

ok i will stop camping. but admins shouldnt let racism go on they should punish people who are making racist comments. if they do this then i am happy.
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#17 At The Gates

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Posted 24 June 2007 - 02:34 PM

sorry to tell you st..but that's how things go in the servers...we are not racists, but most will make racist comments, usually as a joke.
however, if you were being singled out mainly for being British, then that is wrong.
but the main man has the logs and he has yet to make a comment on it, so it was possible that the admin or whoever made the comments made it as a joke as he punished you...happens all the time.
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#18 st_nick5



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Posted 24 June 2007 - 03:02 PM

it was aimed at me. they were having a go at me calling me stuff like a british prick and sayin "all british are faggots" and stuff like that. it was all aimed at me they would have a go at me everytime i said something and there were two admins in the room and one of them was one of the people having a go at me just cause im british. none of it was good natured they were yelling down the mic if its good natured you dont yell down the mic. but iv had enough of arguing so from now on im gonna set it so that i cant hear anyone through the mic and if it goes on in the text im just gonna leave.
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#19 Ezekiel


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Posted 24 June 2007 - 04:07 PM

They are words, words typed over the internet. Get over it you little pussy and move on. You were asked not to camp, you did. You got chewed out for it. End of story. Grow some balls, learn to ignore shit. And remember this is the fucking internet. No one cares if you are offended.
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#20 Mandraque



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Posted 24 June 2007 - 04:36 PM

yea basically what zeke said. pick your fights.
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