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#1 Billy Pumper

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Posted 06 October 2007 - 01:13 PM

You are at home watching the news and you start seeing stories about people begining to get "sick" You know immediatly from watching all of the movies that it is the Zombie Apocalypse. You have to get prepared or just gtfo. You have 5 days till complete infection of the general public aka mayhem. What do you do?

Infection is spread from blood contact. ex getting bit, blood getting in your eye or open wound....

Zombies are fast (28 days style)

Zombies will be around for 4 months, no help or government for 6-8 months.

Communication (cell phones, tv) go down shortly after

What do you do? where do you go? how do you survive?

I will post mine later since we all know i will survive cause im a redneck.

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#2 -=Penguin=-


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Posted 06 October 2007 - 01:49 PM

I'll buy one of those underground bases and buy a year supply of food,weed and get a tv with an xbox 360(powered by one of those generator thingys) and a b*tch. No1 is gunna get in cuz it will be a crazy door thats like 20 inches thick in the ground. Im high right now so i have a creative thought :0
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#3 Smalls


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Posted 06 October 2007 - 01:59 PM

I'll buy one of those underground bases and buy a year supply of food,weed and get a tv with an xbox 360(powered by one of those generator thingys) and a b*tch. No1 is gunna get in cuz it will be a crazy door thats like 20 inches thick in the ground. Im high right now so i have a creative thought :0

I'll just go with him :tup: :20:
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#4 korosys420


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Posted 06 October 2007 - 02:05 PM

1st i'd hit up the ammo store an take as much sh*t as i can. then i would find a nice spot in the woods. get a few buddies and some b*tches, an hit up the liquor store. after that id live in the woods till sh*t rolled over. if they come by to get me they'd be killed.
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#5 $VT-c0brA


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Posted 06 October 2007 - 02:48 PM

no.1 I live in sc so you know i have guns....and 2 pit-bulls!!
lock the doors bar up the windows make sure i have plenty of scotch and ammo..
anything comes near my back door they will be eaten alive or "dead" in this case by "marley" the chocalate rednose. If something tries the front then they gotta make it through "sam"(which is not going to happen...ask any nigger that comes near my house)
If those two fail which is not likely then they would have to make it through the unbearable sound of my screaming kids and wife...then me and a shit ton of fire pwr...
we will be fine if z- day rolls around any time soon!
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#6 Boostfed


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Posted 06 October 2007 - 02:53 PM

id run to the nearest light and post up the batman sign cuz were definately in need of help.. then just get in a car and roll to southeast dc where black folks shoot everything that moves.. call up lostcauz cuz hes like 20 min away and i know hes bringing the smoke and women for the repopulating stage of the rescue.

then when all is clear we will drive my civic thru the front door of my work and gank the z06505 vette and the nsx-type s and roll the f*ck out. tho i do admitt it will be hard to see with a fine latin females face bobin on my sexpole.

last but not least.. call up flordia funk cuz hes the security head for nasa at the space station.. get him to stop face f*cking cromosome for a few seconds just so lostcauz,myself and the women can snatch the keys to the shuttle and were blastin off for 6 months..


Edited by Boostfed, 06 October 2007 - 03:05 PM.

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#7 King_Dude


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Posted 06 October 2007 - 03:03 PM

ewww 28Days Later Zombies :tdown: I am more of a Ramiro Zombie fan my self. But w/e.
Location Of Choice
1. Old Missile Silo in the mid west. ( i would redo the place make it more secure ect.)
2. If i really had to chose a local location i would probably go hide in the everglades.
Weapon Of Choice
1. Shotgun.( remember they are fast zombies not slow zombies so The Zombie Survival Guide is useless.

NOTE: Lots and lots of MRE's!!



Its a zombie simulation. Click around on the links there are a few different versions.

Here is a direct link

Edited by King_Dude, 06 October 2007 - 03:12 PM.

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#8 Halcomb


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Posted 06 October 2007 - 03:25 PM

1. Buy a Beneli M4 semiauto shotgun and assuming my parents are coming with me, that means I will already have access to an AK47, AR14/M4, 2 .44s, 2 9mms, 1 .45, 3 Remington 12 guauges, 2 Winchester 30-30, a Remington 700 and an assload of ammo.
2. Overnight 4 months worth of MREs.
3. Enough Bottled water and a water purifier.
4. Travel to Key West where one of our friends lives on a big ass house on stilts. (and not one that can be pushed over... even by a hurricane apparently)
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#9 Mike2077


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Posted 06 October 2007 - 04:14 PM

Go to Glacius' house.
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#10 Mr. R�d

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Posted 06 October 2007 - 04:57 PM

idk the Winchester?
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#11 Ezekiel


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Posted 06 October 2007 - 06:02 PM

Go to Glacius' house.

What he said.
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#12 EpicFail:/



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Posted 06 October 2007 - 06:07 PM

Keypad entrance blast doors. Pwnd.
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#13 Billy Pumper

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Posted 06 October 2007 - 07:32 PM

Keypad entrance blast doors. Pwnd.

you have 5 days dumbass. goodluck getting some blast doors ordered and installed before you get eaten. and installing them on sheetrock is pretty pointless.
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#14 Frag0holic



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Posted 06 October 2007 - 09:58 PM

You have 5 days till complete infection of the general public aka mayhem. What do you do?

Play along.
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#15 EpicFail:/



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Posted 06 October 2007 - 10:32 PM

Maybe I already have them >.>
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#16 ShLoNkY


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Posted 07 October 2007 - 09:36 AM

Not sure I could make it to Glacius's house in time. That would be ideal. He has enough ammo to kill every fuckin zombie several times over. I'd be willing to bet he can hit something too.

If I had 5 days to prepare, Id grab all the guns and ammo I have, hop in my F-150 and head to the nearby armory/army reserve training facility. They have some pretty heavy-duty bunkers in there and some serious firepower I imagine. If the armory was over-run with zombies, I am pretty confident that I have enough ammo to cut them down. From the looks of the facility, it has very heavy steel doors and is made entirely of concrete so it would be perfect.

I have never been in there, but I'm sure the are well supplied with food and weaponry. If not, at least I'd have a heavily fortified place to camp out. I'd be willing to bet they even have some bigass deisel generators and a supply of fuel. If I'm really lucky there'll be some mortars/rockets/tanks/MGs and shit to play with.

If shit really hit the fan I'd break out the Stihl and kick it old school:

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Between the weaponry, the Stihl and the Ole F-150 I think I would be in good shape no matter what happens.

Where the fuck is Glacuis on this post??
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#17 Ezekiel


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Posted 07 October 2007 - 12:29 PM

Well if Glacius doesn't post that he is alive soon I'd have to go with plan B.

It's a brilliant plan really which involves me grabbing a few guns. . .

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A few sticks. . .

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Some rolls of duct tape. . .

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Fasten together a tripod with the sticks and tape the gun on top of the sticks.
Then take a wrench. . .

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And repeatedly hit the gun until it turns into these.

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Repeat until satisfied.
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Posted 07 October 2007 - 12:29 PM

1. Get in contact with a few friends (who are also the types that would know what was going down)

2. Spend life savings on shotguns and ammo (and maybe something fun, like a crossbow)

3. Get to north-central Mississippi (cause there arent many peeps there)

4. Stick it out...

EDIT: LOL @ the TF2 ref zeke...

Edited by *CHILIDOG*, 07 October 2007 - 12:31 PM.

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#19 ShLoNkY


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Posted 07 October 2007 - 01:14 PM

Thats priceless Zeke :tup:

Too bad your sentries will be shooting airsoft pellets. :1:

Real guns usually dont have orange things over the ends of the barrels, nor do they have tags that say "Hop Up" on them.

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#20 Billy Pumper

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Posted 07 October 2007 - 03:39 PM

ok here it is


I have a farm house in the middle of nowhere out of site and mind from any one (sleeps 11 comfortably). It is on a large hill so i could see anyone coming within 300 yards. (past that i am hidden by trees). It is about 25 minutes from the nearest town, which is itsself only about 40,000 people. On my way out of town I am going to back my truck through the back door of a gun store close to my house and load it down with ammo. I would make sure I had enough canned food and meat to last me for 6 months. Power wouldn't be a problem because i have a generator and the house is run mostly by natural gas with a tank on the property. gas really wouldn't be a problem either because I have 2 500 gallon gas tanks. The only problem is that i would have to move them. But since i have a fork lift, a trailer that can carry both and 5 days this won't be a problem. The house is fed by its own well so water wouldn't be a problem, and in case ground water could become contaminated i can boil it.

I think i would also try to find a way to stay in contact with glacius incase one of our strongholds was about to have to be abandoned.

I am pretty much set. For the next 4 months anyone i see that isn't with me or invited out gets shot in the face at 300 yards.

In the even of a "rush" I geuss i am fucked because i don't have a cellar out there or any kind of safe room. But i doubt that would happen way out in the middle of no where. >:)

this will also be my plan in the event of a pandemic flu out break, which if you read about is fucking scary and something the govt says is envitable. I already have enough tamiflu to cover myself and some loved ones. you guys should check this shit out and prepare.

eventually i would like to build my own farmhouse/bunker. When i am older i will definately have a "basement" to it that more of a bomb shelter stocked up hardcore.hopefully to survive a "rush" Believe me i am going to do this and my gf thinks its hilarious. She is buying me the zombie survival guide for my bd.
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