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banted on office

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#1 indica


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Posted 17 October 2007 - 12:49 PM

Indica here. I got banned this afternoon from office around 1:40 PM EST. Not sure exactly why although the ban occurred right after I killed 4 or 5 Ts in a row and was last man standing on my team. I assume they thought I was hax. I am not hax. If there is a demo or something I'd like to see it. My rank on the server is 20 with KDR of 1.72 but that doesn't prove i wasn't cheating... If I could be unbanned that would be excellent since I assure you i was not using any hax. If not, who banned me? Thanks for your consideration.

STEAM_0:1:14980056 was playing under name jewish america but im not jewish... i swear it was a joke! ;)

Edited by indica, 17 October 2007 - 12:54 PM.

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#2 poocrayon



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Posted 17 October 2007 - 01:30 PM

blatant walls. he wasn't even trying to cover it up until i moved to spec, at which time he was running and immediately stopped moving for like 15-20 seconds. Then he started playing again. It seemed quite apparent to me that he was walling and turned them off when i moved to spec. I started taking a demo, but i started it as soon as i moved to spec, so it doesn't have the walls. I don't ban people on a whim, it was very obvious.
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#3 Jack


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Posted 17 October 2007 - 01:42 PM

blatant walls. he wasn't even trying to cover it up until i moved to spec, at which time he was running and immediately stopped moving for like 15-20 seconds. Then he started playing again. It seemed quite apparent to me that he was walling and turned them off when i moved to spec. I started taking a demo, but i started it as soon as i moved to spec, so it doesn't have the walls. I don't ban people on a whim, it was very obvious.

I think you may have missed this thread:

These "Wall hackers" that everyone speaks of is a scapegoat IMO. Some people use a descent pair of headphones and have a GOOD SOUNDCARD. I can hear people comming around the corner and aim accordingly. I, myself have been accused of "wallhacks" many times. Go ditch your sh*tty onboard audio and $10 headphones. If you don't believe me, find someone with an Audigy and play a few rounds.......
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#4 poocrayon



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Posted 17 October 2007 - 03:58 PM

so unban him then...i dont have a valid demo. i stand behind what i saw.
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#5 Boostfed


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Posted 17 October 2007 - 04:07 PM

poo.. let him go .
unban this head plz.
he's always respectful and ive never had an issue with him nor do i think he hacks.. yes ive watched him too
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#6 Massacre


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Posted 17 October 2007 - 05:40 PM

I really think the amount of "hackers" banned on the BoSS servers these days is getting out of control. I really don't believe there's THAT many hackers in CSS. Normally, hackers won't even come onto forums and try to get unbanned, because they know damn well what the reason is. Nearly everyone who is banned from BoSS has been banned for "wall hacking", most recently. Seriously, on 24/7 PUBs with mediocre players, pre-firing, aiming through walls, and having an average 3.0 KDR isn't that difficult. I'm sure I have over 1500 hours played on both D2 and Office each... There's only so few place people tend to go, and with a $100 pair of head phones and a kick ass sound card, they are "wall hacked" pretty easily.
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#7 J.Pizzack


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Posted 17 October 2007 - 07:31 PM

I hack. ban me.

no i dont know my steamid, sry =\
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#8 adrian


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Posted 17 October 2007 - 08:21 PM

Poocrayon. Unban Indica. You gotta have some proof. I have never had any problems with him.
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#9 poocrayon



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Posted 17 October 2007 - 11:38 PM

i'm not some ban-happy admin. this is the first time ive someone post an unban request. this was SOOOOO blatant. he was lining up people that were standing still like 1/2 the way across the map. i use very expensive headphones/audio card. I also do a ton of prefiring/aiming. I know the difference between this and walls.

its only fair to unban him because i have no proof. if anyone wants me to let you know exactly what i saw im almost always in vent.

so pretty much the only way to stop wallhackers is to record 100% of the gameplay on the server, because as soon as there is anyone in spec they turn off their hax.

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#10 Jack


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Posted 17 October 2007 - 11:46 PM

i'm not some ban-happy admin. this is the first time ive someone post an unban request. this was SOOOOO blatant. he was lining up people that were standing still like 1/2 the way across the map. i use very expensive headphones/audio card. I also do a ton of prefiring/aiming. I know the difference between this and walls.

its only fair to unban him because i have no proof. if anyone wants me to let you know exactly what i saw im almost always in vent.

so pretty much the only way to stop wallhackers is to record 100% of the gameplay on the server, because as soon as there is anyone in spec they turn off their hax.

yeah, well, that's why a lot of admins use other names without the boss tag and the @ so it's easier to spec for those wrascally mad !@#$%^&ish jedi haxors that instantly toggle their hacks off when they see and admin go to spec. I mean, just think for a second that being an admin might require some effort and it's not all ma_givecash and instant gratification.

...and get a f*cking demo
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#11 Halcomb


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Posted 18 October 2007 - 01:48 AM

Honestly, despite all the points made thus far, if he hacked... why did it take a new admin and 5 months on the server to catch him? I'm sorry, in the community. He could have been in the server much longer than the "born on" date.

It doesn't take a sh*t hot audio card to be able to hear footsteps. I play on Funk's machine every once in a while and even I can trace a f*cking sound and use the map. (I haven't played CS seriously since zero, and I started during the 1.3, god love the bunny hopping, release.) I prefire obvious corners and honestly I score more headshots than I do non-fatal hits. The fun part about prefiring corners is the fact that you can start at where a crouching player may be and make a backwards arch up across the same field where a standing character may be at head level. Take that "snipah" muzzle of your m4 or use a p90 and you could probably hit the same killing fields.

That's the fun of playing a single map "RE-PEA-TED-LY." People learn. People make better opponents because they learn.

Edited by Halcomb, 18 October 2007 - 02:37 AM.

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#12 Jack


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Posted 18 October 2007 - 01:57 AM

that is soo the most non-drunken post i've ever seen you make.
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#13 Halcomb


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Posted 18 October 2007 - 02:17 AM

that is soo the most non-drunken post i've ever seen you make.

Vodka = nondickface posts.
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#14 Florida_Funk


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Posted 18 October 2007 - 03:07 AM

Vodka = nondickface posts.

I disagree.
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#15 Halcomb


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Posted 18 October 2007 - 03:29 AM

I disagree.

As opposed to my rum and whiskey posts?

Vodka makes me a nicer person by a small margin.
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#16 DarkShadow


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Posted 18 October 2007 - 03:35 AM

I dunno, I don't see why new admins must feel the need to determine a hacker, I'm sorry but wallhacking, even if it was real, does not justify what you did.

From now on you cannot say anybody is hacking unless they pop 30 headshots and go godlike in two rounds.
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#17 Halcomb


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Posted 18 October 2007 - 03:42 AM

I dunno, I don't see why new admins must feel the need to determine a hacker, I'm sorry but wallhacking, even if it was real, does not justify what you did.

From now on you cannot say anybody is hacking unless they pop 30 headshots and go godlike in two rounds.

Hot damn. Either Shadow's drunk or I misread that.
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#18 Massacre


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Posted 18 October 2007 - 07:02 AM

yeah, well, that's why a lot of admins use other names without the boss tag and the @ so it's easier to spec for those wrascally mad !@#$%^&ish jedi haxors that instantly toggle their hacks off when they see and admin go to spec. I mean, just think for a second that being an admin might require some effort and it's not all ma_givecash and instant gratification.

...and get a f*cking demo

Back in the day, there was an admin by the name of Niplick. In his prime, he was like the sheriff of admins (Under the terms of, let's say, Shadow was king). Anyways, he used to spend most of his time ONLY admining. He would change his name to something along the lines of Suicide Bomber and nade himself every round. This was to keep from the suspicions of going into spec, and generally any hackers that were ever in the server wouldn't take any consideration of it. His rank must have been f*cked in the ass like an Asian hooker (SuHh), but the servers were most secure from any hackers or even admin abusers when he was on.
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#19 YoJiMbO


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Posted 18 October 2007 - 07:48 AM

man i die so fast in office i wouldnt have to nade myself, just need a clever name....
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#20 RogueAlly



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Posted 18 October 2007 - 10:43 AM


^ best name ever

Edited by RogueAlly, 18 October 2007 - 11:19 AM.

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