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#21 QuickShot838


    Grey Knight

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Posted 03 November 2007 - 11:18 PM

Wow, don't even bother trying to explain to stubborn people who continue to use IE. Trust me, I've tried numerous times already with people in my programming class who think they "know a lot" but are future-less fags who play flash games the whole period and receive an F as a grade. WOW... here are some statements from a vagina-lipped Ukraine kid.

"Dude who the f*ck uses mozilla firefox... if its sooo "good" why isn't it acknowledged by microsoft... wow go use IE loser"

"wtf are you talking about the Xbox360 has better graphics than computers and plus using a keyboard for games? wow gay"

"I have orange box.... on the xbox360"

"Kaspersky is gay dude use norton it pwns"

"Halo 3 on xbox live is better than all your gay games on PC stfu"

This kid has no friends. He assumes that he can become a "great computer engineer". He thinks he has a life.
He is very religious. Conclusion: he is a homosexual mentally challenged jewish negro.

maybe hes one of those guys that hates you sooooo much that he wants to disagree with you on everything... being religious isnt a bad thing
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