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Vista is still a buggy, PoS OS, correct?

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#21 Frag0holic



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Posted 06 February 2008 - 12:38 AM

Windows firewall, my firewall asks me when something needs to get out and i hit unblock and it never has had an issue, so i don't know what other problems there are, now if its older software it may not have permission to utilize resources that may make you think its not doing anything like going online, running it in admin mode (right click and run as admin or properties and click the check box) will solve this or turn UAC off and same thing. don't like windows firewall, turn it off. BTW i've run 64bit vista since load with no av of any sort, no virus or spy ware to date ;)

Unfortunately it's NOT that easy. Many XP games will not run on Vista, period. Some will not work online, some not over LAN. Nobody can find a definitive solution apparently, and some solutions work for some but not others. Really fucked up shit.
Granted, I am oldschool, and remember when XP and even Win98 were released. Same shit precisely, if not worse... Just saying it's a real nuisance for people who want to play some of the older games.

if you computer is coming with vista, then use vista. its not horrible, it may not bench AS GOOD as xp, but they had 7 years to get xp where its at, i'm sorry everyone is so afraid of change, but it'll be ok, vista is not horrible and its not going anywhere.

That is a good point. MS operating systems need several years to... shall we say... mature. Though some never do heh. Windows 97, 2000, Millenium anyone? I don't think that will be the fate of Vista though.
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