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#1 the AntiHippie

the AntiHippie

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Posted 06 August 2008 - 01:33 AM

You know, I generally don't care about racism on the servers but as of late it has been particularly bad in the office server. Not only from regulars but from admins as well. Now, I'm a fan of free speech and all, but when every other word is n*gger, you just make yourself look ridiculous, ignorant, and juvenile. And when someone in the server asks if the racism can be toned down, the response from regulars, community members, and admins is more racist banter. I was on for a while this evening and that is exactly what I saw happen.

I know that when I am typing in the server, my language is far from clean, but frankly it just looks bad on the community especially when the admins are using the admin messaging to say n*gger over and over and over again and I think it would be nice to relax a little bit on the racism.

Edited by the AntiHippie, 06 August 2008 - 01:35 AM.

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#2 Unleashed


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Posted 06 August 2008 - 02:29 AM

Honestly who gives a f*ck.. its the internet, as soon as u join something online, you should expect/ignore that sort of behavior.. If it bothers u that much just do what i do, get on vent and communicate through there, i usually ignore the ingame chat.
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#3 dazed & confused

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Posted 06 August 2008 - 04:19 AM

Honestly who gives a f*ck.. its the internet, as soon as u join something online, you should expect/ignore that sort of behavior.. If it bothers u that much just do what i do, get on vent and communicate through there, i usually ignore the ingame chat.


I was there I'm pretty sure, and one guy asked for the racism to be toned down, out of probably 28 people, the other 27 telling him to f*ck off. And like unleashed said, if it bothers you jump on vent and start talking with people from the community. The game easily gets 2x more fun with vent, and you get to ignore people who complain on the in-game chat.
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#4 Komit


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Posted 06 August 2008 - 04:28 AM

but frankly it just looks bad on the community especially when the admins are using the admin messaging to say n*gger over and over and over again and I think it would be nice to relax a little bit on the racism.

I've said this before and I'll say this again. We have enough jackasses that dont even use the forums and just paid their way to admin without even getting a name making us look bad. Someone saying !@#$%^& I think is the least of our worries.

EDIT: I know servers arent cheap to run, etc. but you can't expect much from admins that have been in the community maybe 2 months.

Edited by Komit, 06 August 2008 - 04:37 AM.

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#5 Scroll_Lock88



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Posted 06 August 2008 - 10:59 AM

I've said this before and I'll say this again. We have enough jackasses that dont even use the forums and just paid their way to admin without even getting a name making us look bad. Someone saying !@#$%^& I think is the least of our worries.

EDIT: I know servers arent cheap to run, etc. but you can't expect much from admins that have been in the community maybe 2 months.

Let's not even get on the subject of all the BoSS|<Insert random ass name here> that are on the server that NEVER get on vent, NEVER post on the forums, hell they havent even put a intro thread on the forums. These are the same people that ask for admin?

You people that reply to the people that ask if they can join need to really point out that being ACTIVE on vent, and ACTIVE on the forums is a requirement, not a option.
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#6 Komit


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Posted 06 August 2008 - 11:09 AM

Let's not even get on the subject of all the BoSS|<Insert random ass name here> that are on the server that NEVER get on vent, NEVER post on the forums, hell they havent even put a intro thread on the forums. These are the same people that ask for admin?

You people that reply to the people that ask if they can join need to really point out that being ACTIVE on vent, and ACTIVE on the forums is a requirement, not a option.

I don't reply to em, this doesn't apply to me :P
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#7 the AntiHippie

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Posted 06 August 2008 - 01:52 PM

I'm just saying that it makes all of you who talk like that look retarded.

I posted this as a rant and not a complaint for a reason. I don't give a f*ck if people are throwing n*gger around, just keep in mind that it makes you look ridiculous. Maybe you people are just venting and using the ambiguity of the internet to make sure that people irl don't f*ck you up or stop taking you seriously, I don't know. But you all sound like a bunch of retards when that sh*t is going on. Just saying.
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#8 fadetoblack


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Posted 06 August 2008 - 02:03 PM

If you think our Office server is bad, you should watch "The last !@#$%^& on earth" Starring Tom Hanks!
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#9 dazed & confused

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Posted 06 August 2008 - 02:08 PM

Really now? I didn't think that the use of the word would make one sound "mentally slow." Maybe I should embellish my typing by not using that word. Not.

The fact is that in a game of Counter Strike: Source, people hardly ever show their true selves. Actually, no, scratch that, in an IN-GAME CHAT in a video game about blowing peoples heads off no one cares for political correctness or intelligence. To be honest everyone who plays is looking for something that will make them laugh, in which case "!@#$%^&!@#$%^&!@#$%^&" helps achieve that goal. If anyone takes the use of that word, especially when in such a sequence, god help them. As for sounding retarded, most people (as I've said before) do not care. Most of the people who join the office server are looking for spontaneous CSS play. I doubt the use of the word would matter in their case because they're there for the game, not the people. People who enjoy the server for both play AND members join the community.
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#10 Unleashed


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Posted 06 August 2008 - 02:42 PM

I'm just saying that it makes all of you who talk like that look retarded.

I posted this as a rant and not a complaint for a reason. I don't give a f*ck if people are throwing n*gger around, just keep in mind that it makes you look ridiculous. Maybe you people are just venting and using the ambiguity of the internet to make sure that people irl don't f*ck you up or stop taking you seriously, I don't know. But you all sound like a bunch of retards when that sh*t is going on. Just saying.

Usually what i find when people say that, it is them who are letting people f*ck with them irl. It's a game, its for entertainment. Dont take it serious.
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#11 the AntiHippie

the AntiHippie

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Posted 06 August 2008 - 02:49 PM

Really now? I didn't think that the use of the word would make one sound "mentally slow." Maybe I should embellish my typing by not using that word. Not.

The fact is that in a game of Counter Strike: Source, people hardly ever show their true selves. Actually, no, scratch that, in an IN-GAME CHAT in a video game about blowing peoples heads off no one cares for political correctness or intelligence. To be honest everyone who plays is looking for something that will make them laugh, in which case "!@#$%^&!@#$%^&!@#$%^&" helps achieve that goal. If anyone takes the use of that word, especially when in such a sequence, god help them. As for sounding retarded, most people (as I've said before) do not care. Most of the people who join the office server are looking for spontaneous CSS play. I doubt the use of the word would matter in their case because they're there for the game, not the people. People who enjoy the server for both play AND members join the community.

First off, I disagree with your first point of people not showing their true selves on the internet. The ambiguity of the internet allows people to say whatever the hell is on their minds without any repercussions. As a result, while you will not find out perhaps the personal sh*t about someone's life, you tend to get a feeling of their true personality, more raw than irl because they have no fear of the people they are talking to and feel no responsibility for the conversation.

Secondly, if you are looking for laughs, make a joke. Saying 'n*gger n*gger n*gger' over and over and over again does not constitute humor.

Thirdly, the part you have played in why I posted this rant, combined with the inept sentence structure of the lecture you gave me above lead me to believe that you are either retarded or type without proof reading. For example: "If anyone takes the use of that word, especially when in such a sequence, god help them."
Is a meaningless sentence. I think you meant to put a 'seriously' in there somewhere.

Fourth, although you are an admin, your posting history/activity makes me not consider your lecturing seriously.

Finally and honestly, I ignore the sh*t that is said in the in-game text. It's when asshole admins like you type it in and it flashes across the middle of my screen that it starts to get on my nerves.
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#12 the AntiHippie

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Posted 06 August 2008 - 02:53 PM

Usually what i find when people say that, it is them who are letting people f*ck with them irl. It's a game, its for entertainment. Dont take it serious.

You want to f*ck with me irl? I don't quite understand what you are getting at here.
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#13 Armageddon


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Posted 06 August 2008 - 03:02 PM

You know, I generally don't care about racism on the servers but as of late it has been particularly bad in the office server. Not only from regulars but from admins as well. Now, I'm a fan of free speech and all, but when every other word is n*gger, you just make yourself look ridiculous, ignorant, and juvenile. And when someone in the server asks if the racism can be toned down, the response from regulars, community members, and admins is more racist banter. I was on for a while this evening and that is exactly what I saw happen.

I know that when I am typing in the server, my language is far from clean, but frankly it just looks bad on the community especially when the admins are using the admin messaging to say n*gger over and over and over again and I think it would be nice to relax a little bit on the racism.

I see where you're coming from

but honestly who cares... :whatever:

Edited by Armageddon, 06 August 2008 - 03:02 PM.

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#14 �HADOW109



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Posted 06 August 2008 - 04:08 PM

Theres nothing you can change, assholes are assholes and the admins deal with them. The point is to just have fun. Just ignore the annoying people. :tup:

Edited by �HADOW109, 06 August 2008 - 04:09 PM.

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#15 MainEvent


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Posted 06 August 2008 - 04:10 PM

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#16 the AntiHippie

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Posted 06 August 2008 - 04:39 PM

Theres nothing you can change, assholes are assholes and the admins deal with them. The point is to just have fun. Just ignore the annoying people. :tup:

In this instance, the admins were a huge part of the problem.

But you know, there is a reason I posted this is Rants and Raves and not in Feedback, and that is because I am just sharing my opinion on the situation. Obviously, it doesn't bother me too much or else I would stop playing on the server. Just posting my opinion of the banter that is occurring on the server.
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#17 Unleashed


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Posted 06 August 2008 - 04:40 PM

You want to f*ck with me irl? I don't quite understand what you are getting at here.

I thought my sentence was pretty clear lol, but oh well. Anyways i should of just ignored this useless rant and gotten on with my life like i usually do. :whatever:
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#18 the AntiHippie

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Posted 06 August 2008 - 05:03 PM

I thought my sentence was pretty clear lol, but oh well. Anyways i should of just ignored this useless rant and gotten on with my life like i usually do. :whatever:

If you meant to imply that I let people f*ck with me irl, then you should talk to the people that know me irl. Quite frankly, if people talked like they do in the servers irl around me, they'd be picking their f*cking teeth up off the floor.
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#19 Unleashed


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Posted 06 August 2008 - 05:19 PM

If you meant to imply that I let people f*ck with me irl, then you should talk to the people that know me irl. Quite frankly, if people talked like they do in the servers irl around me, they'd be picking their f*cking teeth up off the floor.

Thats my f*cking point, if people talk to you like that in real life, then do something about it. But this is the INTERNET, who gives a flying f*ck. If you really care, theres plenty of carebear servers out there for 12 and under. /end discussion
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#20 Frag0holic



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Posted 06 August 2008 - 05:27 PM

I know that when I am typing in the server, my language is far from clean, but frankly it just looks bad on the community especially when the admins are using the admin messaging to say n*gger over and over and over again and I think it would be nice to relax a little bit on the racism.

That sounds more like a Stoned Hatter stunt than anything else. :weee:
It's all in good fun imo... and you're usually more in the loop if you're in vent listening to the admins and regulars conversations. Sometimes the server chat can be weird when taken out of context.
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