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Women are dirty creatures

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#21 Blackwasp


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Posted 02 September 2008 - 07:03 PM

I'm going to go play CSS, get incredibly pissed off, then ragequit. See ya.

-Corporal Cumdumpster.

im thinking .....about 13-15...some little punk that has zits all over his face and still wet behind the ears...

no wonder its drama ..lmao :tdown:
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#22 matthew0155


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Posted 02 September 2008 - 10:20 PM

Okay, so I wake up from a nap today to find out that I, as well as my best friends, are both deleted from this chick's Facebook. And she's in a relationship with some other dude. This chick's dating my best friend, and has been for over two months now. I go to this dude she's supposedly in a relationship with and sure enough he's making out with her in the main picture. Now I talked to this chick before she bounced to me to my best friend, and she put me through miserable hell lying to me and f*cking sh*t that I stupidly believed. Now we know for sure that she's made an ass out of me and my buddy, and the rest of my friends and everyone else that she's worked with.

All I can say for her new boyfriend is, motherf*cker's dead.

Maybe next week, don't expect to see me on here. I'm old enough to go to jail, and strong enough to beat someone to an inch of their life, and that's what I plan on doing. Nobody f*cks with me or any of my buds like that.

Kid's f*ckin' weak ass trash. He's got the nerd package on, overweight piece of sh*t, with glasses. Easy.

Why the hell do women have to be such pieces of sh*t? It would have been much easier if she would have just broke up with my best friend whether than lie to him for God knows how long. This sounds like some MTV bullsh*t but if it happened to you you'd be pissed the hell off too. There are certain things I can't take in life and this is the kind of sh*t that sets me off.

I apologize for the constant swearing, but I am infuriated, and once I'm set off like this I really have no control over my emotions. Just keep in mind what I put in my introduction, the fact that I'm apathetic. This is why. Because people are f*cking dickheads. Endrant.

hahaha, this looks like 1 of the million comedy/drama stories on the internet that has something to do with a girl that wants to have fun while shes young and a guy that wants to try and keep her whipped.
Besides if this other guy is such "trash" why would you or your buddy have to worry about competing with him.. surely your so much better, more macho, tough, smart, that you can just get another girl... If this isnt the case, then you are just trying to beat that guy down to your level so you can sound right. Speaking of the "MTV bullsh*t" have you ever heard of "being the bigger man bullsh*t"?
oh ya, last thought: "oh no!!!! i got deleted on facebook, what am i ever going to do!!?!?!?!?
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#23 dazed & confused

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Posted 02 September 2008 - 10:46 PM

In all honesty, the thing that struck me as hilarious was "facebook."
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#24 SimplyHasselhoff



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Posted 03 September 2008 - 12:43 AM

I'm going to go play CSS, get incredibly pissed off, then ragequit. See ya.

-Corporal Cumdumpster.

im thinking .....about 13-15...some little punk that has zits all over his face and still wet behind the ears...

no wonder its drama ..lmao :tdown:

I'm thinking you're mentally retarded and didn't bother to read my introduction which states that I'm 19.

We're not worrying about competing with him. I found a lot more out tonight. We all got played, by a GIRL. A f*cking, GIRL. God Dammit. Of all the humiliating bullsh*t. She played a guy when I was talking to her the same way it happened with my best friend. So I was probably that guy.

f*ck. Reality sucks.

Oh, and for the smartasses thinking I cared about gettin deleted. That was just all of the suspicion of her cheating. It just helped us prove she's a two-timing manipulative b*tch.

PS: I use Facebook because I'm not a sociopath, or a social outcast of some sort. I have a life.
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#25 EVIL Shenanigans

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Posted 03 September 2008 - 02:39 AM

....so....why join a community where all you have done is rant about bullsh*t and piss off every member of the given community?

I realize its off topic and you probably wont be able to give a good response (since there really is no good explanation for all the above) but im still asking....
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#26 Jack


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Posted 03 September 2008 - 05:28 AM

Hmmmm...I'll give him a couple points for saying facebook instead of myspace. Take into account that a couple points at this juncture still leaves the score in the negative.

Here are the rules regarding Simplyhasselhoff, b*tches, and relationships:

1. SimplyHasselhoff is required to change his screenname to "Simply Teh Anti-poon"

2. For the last f*cking time, it's just the i n t e r n e t s. If you take every stupid c*nt deleting you off her friends like this seriously, you're just a belltower and a high powered rifle away from being a total f*cking nutter. Cut off the computer and go back to watching Fox news please.

3. Women, generally speaking, are all stupid-overly-emotional-lying-sporatic-decision-making-b*tches and c*nts on some level most levels. I'm also almost convinced by now that much like cats, women posses no soul. They have been like this since the beginning of time, example: jesus's mom and that bullsh*t line about "immaculate conception". "Immaculate Conception" was BC terminology for what we now call "date rape" or the common "oopsy I was drunk, he doesn't count". n1ggas back then were just dumb enough to buy that load of sh*t and be like "sure, i gotcha, the "ghost" knocked the b*tch up.

4. Us hetro-asshole-alpha male fellas understand rule number 3 completely. We put up with with womens insipid sh*t for the same reason man has done it for millenia, it's called P U S S Y. I mean, I've had friends come up to me in the past and be like "Jack, i think "random b*tch" is f*cking other guys" to which I would reply "I would assume so, the b*tch is a stripper...but hey, she does ATM". Seriously, if a girl does ATM, you should KNOW she isn't marriage material.

In closing, I can't tell you what women want, because frankly, none of them know what the f*ck they want. What I can tell you is what I know they don't want, which is some whinny-ass-poo-boy-crybaby-vagina baring male that acts like a little b*tch and crys on an internet forum about her deleting him off a f*cking facebook account.

For the record, you fail at the following:

-The Internets
-Having a penis

...and who made that comment about gear? I've ran a few cycles, didn't turn me into some sniveling enraged crybaby.

Disclaimer: This post is meant to be taken in a good natured fun loving friendly way. I'm an asshole.

Edited by Jack, 03 September 2008 - 05:42 AM.

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#27 IWantWhiteCastle


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Posted 03 September 2008 - 08:18 AM

I'm thinking you're mentally retarded and didn't bother to read my introduction which states that I'm 19.

We're not worrying about competing with him. I found a lot more out tonight. We all got played, by a GIRL. A f*cking, GIRL. God Dammit. Of all the humiliating bullsh*t. She played a guy when I was talking to her the same way it happened with my best friend. So I was probably that guy.

f*ck. Reality sucks.

Oh, and for the smartasses thinking I cared about gettin deleted. That was just all of the suspicion of her cheating. It just helped us prove she's a two-timing manipulative b*tch.

PS: I use Facebook because I'm not a sociopath, or a social outcast of some sort. I have a life.

think what you want, facebook is for fags
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#28 the AntiHippie

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Posted 03 September 2008 - 10:12 AM

wow, just wow.

kid, burn the f*cking bridge and get over it.
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#29 MainEvent


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Posted 03 September 2008 - 11:31 AM

Close this thread, for the love of Satan.
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#30 SimplyHasselhoff



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Posted 03 September 2008 - 12:16 PM

Hmmmm...I'll give him a couple points for saying facebook instead of myspace. Take into account that a couple points at this juncture still leaves the score in the negative.

Here are the rules regarding Simplyhasselhoff, b*tches, and relationships:

1. SimplyHasselhoff is required to change his screenname to "Simply Teh Anti-poon"

2. For the last f*cking time, it's just the i n t e r n e t s. If you take every stupid c*nt deleting you off her friends like this seriously, you're just a belltower and a high powered rifle away from being a total f*cking nutter. Cut off the computer and go back to watching Fox news please.

3. Women, generally speaking, are all stupid-overly-emotional-lying-sporatic-decision-making-b*tches and c*nts on some level most levels. I'm also almost convinced by now that much like cats, women posses no soul. They have been like this since the beginning of time, example: jesus's mom and that bullsh*t line about "immaculate conception". "Immaculate Conception" was BC terminology for what we now call "date rape" or the common "oopsy I was drunk, he doesn't count". n1ggas back then were just dumb enough to buy that load of sh*t and be like "sure, i gotcha, the "ghost" knocked the b*tch up.

4. Us hetro-asshole-alpha male fellas understand rule number 3 completely. We put up with with womens insipid sh*t for the same reason man has done it for millenia, it's called P U S S Y. I mean, I've had friends come up to me in the past and be like "Jack, i think "random b*tch" is f*cking other guys" to which I would reply "I would assume so, the b*tch is a stripper...but hey, she does ATM". Seriously, if a girl does ATM, you should KNOW she isn't marriage material.

In closing, I can't tell you what women want, because frankly, none of them know what the f*ck they want. What I can tell you is what I know they don't want, which is some whinny-ass-poo-boy-crybaby-vagina baring male that acts like a little b*tch and crys on an internet forum about her deleting him off a f*cking facebook account.

For the record, you fail at the following:

-The Internets
-Having a penis

...and who made that comment about gear? I've ran a few cycles, didn't turn me into some sniveling enraged crybaby.

Disclaimer: This post is meant to be taken in a good natured fun loving friendly way. I'm an asshole.

1. It's going to stay the same name. You're going to change your name to "I Simply Cannot Read."
2. I just said in the post above I do not care that she deleted me. Read the above post, if you can.
3. /agree.
4. /agree.

Closing - Read, knew you paid no atttention to what I wrote again, didn't read the rest.

For the record, you fail at the following:
- Lack of high school education
- Second grade reading level
- Having a penis that lacks in length and girth.

You might be an asshole but you're nowhere near my level.
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#31 ashbash


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Posted 03 September 2008 - 01:18 PM


and this is in no way gay...

can you post a picture of yourself? i wanna see if the image i have in my head off you is anything close to being right...
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#32 SimplyHasselhoff



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Posted 03 September 2008 - 01:44 PM


Attached Files

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#33 Inertia


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Posted 03 September 2008 - 02:12 PM

Who is that guy in the blue dress?
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#34 Frag0holic



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Posted 03 September 2008 - 03:15 PM

PS: I use Facebook because I'm not a sociopath, or a social outcast of some sort. I have a life.

Oh, ok. So I guess face to face contact with other humans (instead of typing on a computer in some basement) is a sign of being a sociopath/outcast. You might want to totally reverse your statement.

And I forsee that you have a future (or present) in a fraternity.
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#35 Jack


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Posted 03 September 2008 - 06:28 PM

You might be an asshole but you're nowhere near my level.

Bro, I am an asshole, this is fact. You my friend are a c*nt. The two words aren't synonyms, sorry.
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#36 SimplyHasselhoff



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Posted 03 September 2008 - 07:20 PM

Bro, I am an asshole, this is fact. You my friend are a c*nt. The two words aren't synonyms, sorry.

Make sure you define clearly that you are the literal anatomically correct asshole.
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#37 ashbash


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Posted 03 September 2008 - 07:24 PM

all these big words you use make me want to suck your dick btw.
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#38 Unleashed


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Posted 03 September 2008 - 07:30 PM

wow, just wow.

kid, burn the f*cking bridge and get over it.

It's more like "cry me a river, build a bridge, and get the f*ck over it" :17:
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#39 dazed & confused

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Posted 03 September 2008 - 08:10 PM

all these big words you use make me want to suck your dick btw.

Well of course. Anyone who searches their brain for longer and more complicated vocab for a forum gets a dick-sucking in my book ^_^
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#40 matthew0155


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Posted 03 September 2008 - 08:20 PM

Who is that guy in the blue dress?

exactly my thoughts...

post script: dont close this thread, it's spicing up boss forums!!!
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