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..|.. Comcast ..|..

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#1 Scroll_Lock88



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Posted 09 November 2008 - 06:27 PM

f*cking comcast, past few weeks have had ping spikes. One minute it's at it's normal 30-50 ms, then it will jump to 150 - 8000 ping every few seconds, there is no rhyme or reason to it.

So I just called them up and got yet another female rep on the other side. Asked me the same god damn questions, then I mentioned that last time I called I swapped from my linksys modem I had to their original RCA modem. She asked me did I call them up to swap it. What? OF COURSE I DID YOU DUMB b*tch!!! I wouldnt have internet if i just swapped the f*cking thing! Then she asked me why I didnt return it? WTF??? WHY WOULD I GIVE YOU A MODEM YOU DIDNT GIVE ME?????

At that point I was on the verge of total nuclear meltdown. I asked for a tech to come out tomorrow, she said that if they didn't find anything I would be charged 35$. At that point I told her to go f*ck herself and I'm switching to AT&T internet then hung up on her.

Sorry for the rant but I just needed to type something out otherwise I would be pissed off for the rest of the night about it...........

Yes, I know AT&T isn't much better, atleast they dont put that bandwidth throttling on their network yet.
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#2 MainEvent


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Posted 09 November 2008 - 06:50 PM

f*ck that, you're lucky. Over here I have Virgin Media.
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#3 AssHattery


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Posted 09 November 2008 - 07:18 PM

im in vt and i've had the same f*cking problem so i think its just sh*tty f*cking service....the great thing is i live in a small town and there is no other service here.... f*cking comcast
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#4 Jack


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Posted 09 November 2008 - 07:50 PM

f*ck that, you're lucky. Over here I have Virgin Media.

so you, much like your isp, are virgins.
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#5 Jack


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Posted 09 November 2008 - 07:50 PM

f*ck that, you're lucky. Over here I have Virgin Media.

so you, much like your isp, are virgins.
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#6 Scroll_Lock88



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Posted 09 November 2008 - 07:58 PM

Found out that if i switch to AT&T DSL, it's only 35$ a month for the next 2 years, + they give me a 100$ cash back for switching from comcast

Service is 6 mb down / 768 up, which isnt much different from comcast that I had.

So hopefully, I shall have lag free internet soon!
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#7 Sniprwulf


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Posted 09 November 2008 - 11:10 PM

Lol, 3rd rant on comcast. I here you dude...

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#8 matthew0155


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Posted 09 November 2008 - 11:17 PM

i guess comcast has sucked for 3 years!!!
what have you learned?
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#9 Link2086


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Posted 09 November 2008 - 11:26 PM

Comcast blows hard. I had it for a few years before going off to college. When it first started out, it was great, but lack of major competition and being the "first" mainstream broadband provider has made them lazy. They buried the cable to our house about two feet below ground, so every time we tried to do any kind of yardwork or renovations, the cable would get cut. They also had it running under our neighbor's yard to use less cable, so every time our neighbor had yardwork done, it would cut our internet. This would take days to fix, and eventually they just put a "temporary cable" ABOVE GROUND and said "we'll be back to bury it on Monday." They never came back. It took a month for them to send someone out for it. And honestly, the service wasn't that great anyway. We would have switched to FiOS, but it wasn't available in our area yet, and there really wasn't any other option.

And of course there's the traffic monitoring/bandwidth throttling, which I hate, and the fact that they're strongly considering capping connections and charging a buck per gig you go over...bleh. Not a fan at all. You're probably making a good decision, Scroll.

Edited by Link2086, 09 November 2008 - 11:27 PM.

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#10 Chris82


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Posted 10 November 2008 - 07:37 AM

they're strongly considering capping connections and charging a buck per gig you go over...bleh.

What do you mean considering, they're already doing that.
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#11 Stoned Hatter

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Posted 10 November 2008 - 09:26 AM

well i am sorry my comcast is working great no ping spikes here in upper "northeast kindom" Islandpond vermont
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#12 Link2086


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Posted 10 November 2008 - 11:17 AM

What do you mean considering, they're already doing that.

Really? My bad, I thought that was a "future plan" they were going to implement.
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#13 MainEvent


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Posted 10 November 2008 - 01:04 PM

Really? My bad, I thought that was a "future plan" they were going to implement.

Don't worry, he's just moody.
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#14 Bumblebee


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Posted 10 November 2008 - 10:45 PM

well i am sorry my comcast is working great no ping spikes here in upper "northeast kindom" Islandpond vermont

Holly sh*t f*ck hatter... I used to live there long ago with most of my family. Thats really wierd. Nice place :tup:

Oh and if you ever have that problem with dsl its most likely the box for your phone line at your house. Usually its a lose connection in the box somewhere and its easy to fix but ive never had comcast or anything other than dsl... cept 56k...
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#15 AssHattery


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Posted 10 November 2008 - 11:44 PM

ya i guess water can get into the cable box on the outside of your house just gotta get the nigs to come look at it
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#16 Aziz



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Posted 11 November 2008 - 04:10 PM

I used to have problems with comcast internet. The customer service would make me shoot myself every time. Once, when i called to say my internet shut off, the woman rep asked me if my computer was on..... i stayed silent for about 30 seconds and didnt know what the f*ck to do :20:

Dont have any problems anymore, however. My download speeds are high up and i can be playing online, while downloading numerous files - something i was unable to do for a while. :tup:

Im waiting for verizon fios to come around my neighborhood. Want to check it out.

Good luck, man.
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#17 Armageddon


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Posted 11 November 2008 - 10:08 PM

i got the comcast 3 way (phone, internet, tv) and its the worst decision i've ever made. the tv is by far the worst of the 3. i miss my satellite......
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#18 Halcomb


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Posted 22 November 2008 - 01:09 AM

I wouldn't worry about it. The FCC has already pulled their shorts down once, the courts seem to do it once a quarter now.

Comcast takes two steps towards fighting piracy (and/or throttling) then gets forced three steps back by the courts. Honestly, with their blatant violation of user privacy the courts can't do much without pissing off the people who have a voice.

Think about it, say a judge rules favorably towards an ISP or any major group against a ton of people (of voting age, mind you) and there's an out cry? The judges who condone that type of action won't make it in the next election or at least the electable ones (Federal, State, County and City heads.) I mean, look at how many privacy groups have stepped up and started lobbying.

Major industry conglomerates and their lackeys aren't handing out personal subpoenas anymore, they're laying out blanket "John Doe" letters asking for quick settlements.

They're going down in a ball of flames at the moment and I'm hoping that it's a matter of time before the ISPs themselves are federally regulated on what they can and what they cannot do to an individual without a court mandate to throttle/whatever said user.
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#19 mr.lively


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Posted 24 November 2008 - 12:17 PM

hooray for campus connection! ping<10 almost always, 10m dl 5m up, still not as good as high end fios, but f*ckin a, works for me. comcast blows though, got that at home.
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#20 Unlikely


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Posted 24 November 2008 - 01:49 PM

Harsh times indeed. Here in Harrisburg I�ve never had a problem with Comcast. I get the dual package of on demand and high speed internet. We get HBO and Encore promotion, every six months they tell us the normal price is going to kick in and I tell them I�m going to verizon fios. Haha. They instantly renew the promotion. I�ve been doing that for the past three years, so roughly six times.

Anyway, if your house/apartment had sh*tty wiring to begin with that could be the cause. Maybe not necessarily comcast�s fault.

Edited by Bonglord, 24 November 2008 - 01:49 PM.

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