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Admin Abuse (I think it was eroc but could be someone else)

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#21 DustWolf



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Posted 31 July 2012 - 05:25 PM

You were talking shit.
You in particular consistently talk shit to me when I'm in the server.
I never said you were a bunch of baddies.
I did say you don't the objective after I won a round because you didn't do the objective.

No, You didnt say we were a bunch of baddies, You called me a baddie, but then i raped your face 5 times in a row, While you were "Camping Projor". Then You said something like You guys dont seem to know how to do the Objective. Maybe we dont, but we know how to do the "Mission" Which eleminate all the T's and When u guys are "Camping Projector", Its pretty hard just to move forward on u guys when you're all camping in one area. So I play picks which means I see if i can pick off T's when they peak out. But we do secure the hosties in T's Spawn the hostages you guys seem to ignore which is an attempt at the objective. You can't secure all of the hostages if the entire team is in the same room with 2 of the hostages so the only option left in order to complete the mission is to kill the remaining T's who are babysitting the hosties, We Just cant Finish it With all you T's "Camping Projector" and were not just going to rush cause time is running down and Die. It's funny how when CT's are badd, you guys rush your asses off but when teams are fair, you guys play unfair and load projector room making harder for CT's. That's also ruining the gameplay. So an admin slayed me for slowing down the gameplay. But thats what the timer is for isnt it and, If all the T's were'nt camping projector the gameplay would have been moveing faster. So how can you say i was slowing down the gameplay?
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#22 OptimusGrind



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Posted 31 July 2012 - 05:32 PM

No, You didnt say we were a bunch of baddies, You called me a baddie, but then i raped your face 5 times in a row,

I didn't call anyone a baddie.
"but then i raped your face 5 times in a row" is a good example of why no one likes you though.
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#23 DustWolf



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Posted 31 July 2012 - 05:45 PM

I didn't call anyone a baddie.
"but then i raped your face 5 times in a row" is a good example of why no one likes you though.

Oo really? Well if u didnt call me a baddie then who did? last time i checked i was on early just woke up, and you called me a baddie cause i was like 10-6 or something, Then later that day you start trolling on who cares about a video game or kdr or some shit. But if u dont care then when i come into the server sometime why r u like 83-25 and camping so hard to keep that score? some shit huh.. But u dont care.. Noooo, Not at all..
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