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Unban request

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#21 RazielKT



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Posted 01 April 2013 - 10:23 AM

IDK I think I have to side with Raziel here.. If you got banned from ESEA for cheating then you are up to something. I actually know some of the main guys at ESEA personally, having met them at a snowboard contest several years ago. While I don't play in "leagues" or "scrims" because I think it takes the fun away from CSS, I am going to email them about you  and see what they say. 

Thank you Eroc for responding to this matter, its just beginning to be too much when we have to leave because him and his friends are always cheating, and he is denying it when i have evidence, its good to know a few admins care.

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#22 RazielKT



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Posted 01 April 2013 - 07:27 PM





This is one of his members that was cheating in office today, and possibly one his teammates in esea that got banned for cheating as well, and he is also a 61 mill steam account, meaning is was just recently made, which also means he made another account and re-bought the game because his entire account got Vac-banned for cheating ofcourse.

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