Is saying hi worth it?
Posted 20 February 2006 - 10:57 AM
Now since i didnt see a post in the forums I said "Sup how are you". Not anything unreasonable and I am trying to make people feel welcome. I dont get to see people regularly on the servers because i can only play on the weekend so when i get the chance to say hello i do. So instead of getting a sup back or at least a hi, I get flamed for being new to BoSS because they havent seen me around and my score sucks. Now my score did suck and i am still new but im not that new and at least i know who the real BoSS members are. So i just shut up and went on playing saying hi and talking to the people i know.
I just pisses me off that these younglings just because they have the BoSS tag now, have high ranks, and are only on the servers a lot feel like they can talk sh*t to whoever they want, even another BoSS member. They talk sh*t to people who dont know the rules whenever they do something wrong. An example being some new person was in the sniper rooms and killed a few people. I asked nicely to the guy "[name] plz dont camp sniper rooms BoSS rules," because no admin was on to say it. Normally if you just ask nicely they wont do it. But right after i said that BoSS|[name] says "stay the f*ck out of the SNIPER ROOMS!" and starts cuz'n the guy out for being a noob! Argument insues, blah, blah, blah. They talk sh*t to each other for 10 minutes. The dude leaves and the BoSS|BeingAnAss victorious in his effort to show how much of a f*cktard he is just talks more sh*t to everyone else who is on and is doing something wrong or he doesnt like.
Bah whatever, i know eventually theyll probably f*ck up and get banned but i could careless. Why should i be nice to someone when they flame me for saying hello AND call me the f*cking NOOB! f*ck OFF! Whatever, i figure saying hello isnt even worth it anymore unless it is someone i know.
The real funny thing is they probably wont even read this, becuase all they do is play on the servers. And if they do read this I dare you to reply!
Posted 20 February 2006 - 11:03 AM

Posted 20 February 2006 - 11:08 AM
Posted 20 February 2006 - 11:17 AM
Posted 20 February 2006 - 11:17 AM
Here is one guy I saw..
BoSS| The Marine (in funny characters, I asked, he said he was registered..) - Registered 26 Dec 2004, 3 posts

Edited by Lost, 20 February 2006 - 11:18 AM.
Posted 20 February 2006 - 12:06 PM
Edited by ghozy, 20 February 2006 - 12:06 PM.
Posted 20 February 2006 - 12:16 PM
Ban em.

Posted 20 February 2006 - 01:14 PM
...Some people use different names when playing than what they registered with...
hey dont make fun of me

I just show 0 respect towards these assholes and put them in their place if they start acting like they're better than everything else in the servers because they're wearing the BoSS tag.
Watch out nubs, Deathblooms will be on the prowl again soon

Posted 20 February 2006 - 02:47 PM
roger thatBan em.
Posted 20 February 2006 - 05:48 PM
but yeah i tell ppl to stay out nicely, alot of ppl don't know b/c i do an admin msg to them and they usually go 'oh okay sorry didnt know, wont do it again.' if they dont listen, tellem to stay the f*ck out or else. after that, burn/slay/kick/ban

n esp when an admin's in the server, lett'em do it. thats what we're here for

Posted 20 February 2006 - 11:43 PM
yeah... exactaly what derek said... imo.. people who dont post on the forums at all and wear the boss tag should be banned.. because they think the tag will make them be treated better.. which is not so.. and they are not part of the community (because they dont post) so they should not be allowed to wear the tag.. or be banned if they refuse to take it off.. thats just my opinion though..
I agree with Novahawk.
I also have noticed an influx of BoSS|homos. I joined BoSS and didn't put the tag on until I asked DocSuess if it was ok to wear the tag.
Posted 21 February 2006 - 10:47 AM

Posted 21 February 2006 - 03:14 PM
Posted 21 February 2006 - 10:51 PM
I just felt the need to vent some fumes. It just struck a couple of nerves of mine

I changed my mine though, it is worth saying hi to people even if they are a dumb low IQ b*tch.
Mainly because you guys were cool and nice to me and got me to stick around so I figure there's probably some others out there who are in the same place i was and if all they see is the Asstards who run around then they might not stick around like I did and get to know the real cool peopel who comprise BoSS.
Whatever, just a thought. RANT OVER!

Edited by Cleric, 22 February 2006 - 09:20 AM.
Posted 21 February 2006 - 11:20 PM
oh and u guys just like say stuff bout me on vent...thats mean....hahaha
Posted 21 February 2006 - 11:51 PM
i reply! dont know if u mean me or something....
oh and u guys just like say stuff bout me on vent...thats mean....hahaha
I dont mean you nachos. Your cool!

Posted 22 February 2006 - 12:02 AM
oh and u guys just like say stuff bout me on vent...thats mean....hahaha
lol nachos your cool, i gots no prob witchu!
(gates was bashinya on vent lol)
i was about to close this but i've closed too many topics today

Edited by Sniprwulf, 22 February 2006 - 12:02 AM.
Posted 22 February 2006 - 01:55 PM
Posted 22 February 2006 - 01:56 PM

Edited by NC Derek, 22 February 2006 - 01:57 PM.
Posted 25 February 2006 - 02:57 PM
lol get a new watch, and go to bed!I own noobs....
yeah im sry..its f*cking 4:30am and im f*cking bored...my brain is fried, and im tlking to Ozzy... -_- <------ me right now
edit: and i can't f*cking tell time WTF >:|

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