I got my xbox360....
Posted 05 April 2006 - 10:03 PM
Posted 05 April 2006 - 10:59 PM
1) Those "patches" are not just to fix minor issue with the consoles. Most of them are simply updating the backwards compatabilities of the 360. Allowing you to play more xbox games on the 360.
2) Only 3% of the consoles are defective. 2% of them are because f*cktards stash the power brick behind a shelf under 3 ft of cables making it overheat. Also, 3% is a VERY good defect rate. Average new electronics usually average around 8% defect rate. Why don't you here about other electronics? Because simple electronics don't have fan boys looking for a small problem to turn into a giant slander campaign so they can jerk off to their console of choice.
3) The PS3 (Which I will be getting.) Will cost around 900-1k to manufacture. Because of the useless Blue Ray drives they are putting in. (No real support for Blue Ray exists, and most games these days barely take 1/5th of the space on a standard duel layer DvD. So adding all that blue ray space is just making things more expensive for no reason.) Sony has predicted that in the first fiscal year that they will lose over 2 billion dollars because of the PS3, until the console takes hold. Which is already going to be hard with a predicted $450-500 price tag. And games costing $70 each.
4) The revolution will be released, around or before the PS3. Since it's price point in much lower, more budget/casual gamers will be taking that up over the PS3.
5) If PS3 is last into the market, with a budget console, and well foundated console already out. It's going to be really hard for the most expensive, and last out the gate to make much headway.
I'm being perfectly honest here. I don't take rumors. I have no fanboyism to any console. I've owned every major console during it's time as current gen. I'm just looking at the facts, and making a guestimation of what could happen. I will definately be getting a PS3 and a Revolution. Just not on launch date. Because I doubt I will have the cash for both around Christmas.
Also note: Blue Ray drives, are only around 3-4x speeds, compared to 12x speeds of console drives. Making streaming, continous worlds even hard to achieve.
Edited by Ezekiel, 05 April 2006 - 11:02 PM.
Posted 06 April 2006 - 06:33 AM
Posted 06 April 2006 - 03:22 PM
Posted 06 April 2006 - 08:05 PM
Which is already going to be hard with a predicted $450-500 price tag. And games costing $70 each.
I was at EB games the other day and some guy asked the worker how much it was going to be and this is what he said.."Sony promised it was going to be under $600. Like someone would be like "Oh, only $600!?!? Wow, that will be easy..."
Back to the subject about the 360. I have one and it is amazing. I couldn't be happier with it. The games are f*cking awesome, and the new ones coming out are going to blow the old ones away.
Any way, the system is very reliable. When I play my regular Xbox, all of my 20 minute sessions are done with "Disc cannot be read" popping up on the screen. With my 360, that isn't a problem. I just hook up my iPod (yea, thats right), put on some death metal, and start killing some nazis!
-End Ranting and/or raving-
Nintendo sucks.
Posted 06 April 2006 - 08:13 PM
Posted 06 April 2006 - 11:40 PM
Posted 07 April 2006 - 12:40 AM
you can hook up your ipod to your xbox????? what???I was at EB games the other day and some guy asked the worker how much it was going to be and this is what he said.."Sony promised it was going to be under $600. Like someone would be like "Oh, only $600!?!? Wow, that will be easy..."
Back to the subject about the 360. I have one and it is amazing. I couldn't be happier with it. The games are f*cking awesome, and the new ones coming out are going to blow the old ones away.
Any way, the system is very reliable. When I play my regular Xbox, all of my 20 minute sessions are done with "Disc cannot be read" popping up on the screen. With my 360, that isn't a problem. I just hook up my iPod (yea, thats right), put on some death metal, and start killing some nazis!
-End Ranting and/or raving-
Nintendo sucks.
Posted 07 April 2006 - 01:43 AM
you can hook up your ipod to your xbox????? what???
yeah I did it at my friend's place... pretty sweet
Posted 07 April 2006 - 12:26 PM
do you really like it?? most of my friends that have it told me that they like it but it wasn't worth the money they paid for it... i personally haven't played on one just wonderin if i should buy one or not... lol just give me a lil more insight on it when you give me a chance
You should wait for more games to come out and a price drop (probably in time for Christmas). Not enough games to satisfy the price tag. The user interface is pretty nice, though.
Posted 07 April 2006 - 12:42 PM
Right now I have been playing Call of Duty 2 (the d-day level is f*cking awesome) and Dead or Alive 4. (Honestly pretty good)
Things are looking good. Hopefully the updated FF7 will come too. If it does, you will not see me until I am satisfied with completing it.
The only bad thing about the iPod is that it only plays any music you got in mp3 form. And music that you downloaded from iTunes doesn't work...which is why I stopped going legal.
Posted 08 April 2006 - 03:03 PM
I don't think I'm ever going to get another gaming console this thread has persuaded me so.
Computers all the way!

Posted 08 April 2006 - 10:05 PM

Posted 09 April 2006 - 09:09 AM
Maybe I shouldn't have said anything cuz Ezekiel just freaked out.
I don't think I'm ever going to get another gaming console this thread has persuaded me so.
Computers all the way!
Haha... I used to be a straight console gamer, that was until I built my first computer. Nowadays I'm practically just on my computer and mainly about cs.
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