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#1 *3RD sfg* killswitch

*3RD sfg* killswitch

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Posted 12 April 2006 - 09:03 AM

I thought that one of the conditions to wear the BoSS tag was to stay active in the fourm... I was just checking out members and what there post count was and i decided to go to the end and check out the post count there and its a little upsetting. we have over 550 members whit ZERO posts. does anyone have any ideas on what should be done or rather if anything should be done. this post goes along with the one from Capt. John BoSS| Tag.
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#2 Billy Pumper

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Posted 12 April 2006 - 09:05 AM

well just give it a while and shadow will respond to our b*tching and once again go through and clean house, hes done it before and i can promise he'll do it again.
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#3 ShLoNkY


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Posted 12 April 2006 - 12:26 PM

This is starting to piss me off too. Some guy in the servers the other day was BoSS|Dickst@in. I asked him if he was an admin several times (I knew he wasn't) and he responded by saying "I registered on the forums months ago." I asked him nicely to remove the @ about 5 times. I set him on fire and, low and behold, he was not an admin. He told me that he is BoSS and that I am not allowed to set him on fire. Not allowed??? After being set on fire a coupla more times, he left, registered on the forums then came back and said "Now I'm in BoSS." :33:

This kid was a general asswipe as well (thats why I said something in the first place) and I should have prolly banned him for a short while, but the point is, that everyone knows that we generally don't care if you wear the tag or not. I, personally think you should have at least 25 posts or something. Keep it low so keep the spam out of here, but have some sort of way to attain "bossdom." 25 posts is enough to see if someone is a complete moran. This is getting a little bit out of hand...... ~Endrant

This is a community and if you don't participate in the community, there is no point.
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#4 Billy Pumper

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Posted 12 April 2006 - 12:31 PM

on another forums i am a member of when you first join you have no posting abilities for 2 weeks, so that your dumbass can lurk...i really like that idea
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#5 ghozy


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Posted 12 April 2006 - 12:59 PM

This is starting to piss me off too. Some guy in the servers the other day was BoSS|Dickst@in. I asked him if he was an admin several times (I knew he wasn't) ...

just a side note if you type ma_users in the console you get the list of users, in that list Admins has "*" sign next to their names.
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#6 RogueAlly



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Posted 12 April 2006 - 01:26 PM

Well at the risk of sounding b*tchy like we seem to be complaining about the new members doing, I too am a bit pissed off about this sh*t. There are a lot of different levels of activity and I can grant some leway on that... but not zero posts or only like two posts per month. ANYONE can do better than that. I like that idea of the 2 weeks spent lurking, but it would work just as well to have it at one week. As for tag enforcing I still dont have a method on that. People just need to shape up in general: staying on topic, posting, treating eachother with respect, not spamming, and basically being an ok person.

for f*cks sake we are a COMMUNITY... to be a member you should have to be active. Is there anyway to make an automatic removal if they dont post in x amount of time (x= monthish)? Guess we'll see where it goes though.

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#7 Ezekiel


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Posted 12 April 2006 - 01:37 PM

A few forums I go to you have to stay active to get access to most of the forum, something of 40 posts every 3 months.

Too bad we couldn't do something like that for the BoSS tag.

Edited by Ezekiel, 12 April 2006 - 03:15 PM.

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#8 Sniprwulf


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Posted 12 April 2006 - 02:06 PM

A few forums I go to you have to stay active to get access to most of the forum, something of 40 posts every 30 months.

Too bad we couldn't do something like that for the BoSS tag.

every30months??? geez 2 1/2 years lol. this community hasn't even been around for 2yrs but I like that idea kind of.
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#9 *3RD sfg* killswitch

*3RD sfg* killswitch

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Posted 12 April 2006 - 02:08 PM

A few forums I go to you have to stay active to get access to most of the forum, something of 40 posts every 30 months.

Too bad we couldn't do something like that for the BoSS tag.

i think he means 40 posts every 3 months... but i could be wrong it might be 1.3 posts every month, or .04 a day roughly... lol ... who knows.
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#10 ShLoNkY


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Posted 12 April 2006 - 02:21 PM

I don't see the problem as being a small amount of participation/dedication..... The problem is that most of the people that sport the BoSS tag that we have never heard of are acting like pricks, making us look bad. :tdown:
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#11 DarkShadow


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Posted 12 April 2006 - 02:23 PM

you people are f*cking ridiculous...

Taking sh*t from some random kid with the tag, then wondering?

If he isnt registered, f*ck him, it isnt that big of a deal imo, its just a f*cking name, No need for people to spaz the f*ck out every time there is somebody with a BoSS tag on, besides, imo only the dedicated few should wear the tag...

Unfortunately half the admins on the servers say "If you wanna join, register on our forums" which is stupid to begin with.
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#12 RogueAlly



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Posted 12 April 2006 - 02:38 PM

so how this is looking to me now is something like this:

if someone is wearing the tag (non-registered) warn them and if they dont fix it or argue... they're gone

if someone is wearing the tag and being a douche, ask them to take it off, if they dont kick... if they come back and continue to be a douche or cuss out the admin... gone

if they ask about joining (not the tag, but joining) then refer to the forum (they should notice it on their own if they actually care)
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#13 Jesus loves your mom tits

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Posted 12 April 2006 - 03:11 PM

I just Joined boss less than a month ago and and im trying to stay active because i like the guys on here there great bunch of guys and always show respect to all boss and admin and never ask for anything unless its to me (i.e. blinding me or drugging me) but i like the idea of if decaded and respectful to all boss's and keepin up with the posts or a certain number of post a month then you can have the tag is a great idea but im knew and still trying to figure out what you can post and what you cant cause i dont want to get banned.
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#14 Ezekiel


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Posted 12 April 2006 - 03:16 PM

I just Joined boss less than a month ago and and im trying to stay active because i like the guys on here there great bunch of guys and always show respect to all boss and admin and never ask for anything unless its to me (i.e. blinding me or drugging me) but i like the idea of if decaded and respectful to all boss's and keepin up with the posts or a certain number of post a month then you can have the tag is a great idea but im knew and still trying to figure out what you can post and what you cant cause i dont want to get banned.

Yay, one of the few smart new members. I did the same thing when I joined BoSS. I read a lot of posts, but didn't really post much, unless I had something relative to say. After I got used to the place, I started posting more, and eventually started topics. Lol, I think the first topic I made was like 1-2 months after I joined BoSS. (Besides the introduction thread.)

Edited by Ezekiel, 12 April 2006 - 03:18 PM.

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#15 RogueAlly



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Posted 12 April 2006 - 03:58 PM

I just Joined boss less than a month ago and and im trying to stay active because i like the guys on here there great bunch of guys and always show respect to all boss and admin and never ask for anything unless its to me (i.e. blinding me or drugging me) but i like the idea of if decaded and respectful to all boss's and keepin up with the posts or a certain number of post a month then you can have the tag is a great idea but im knew and still trying to figure out what you can post and what you cant cause i dont want to get banned.

see this is why jesus is one of the ones I like... smart posting man

so as for my previous post, any thoughts on that... a f*ck off rogueally or good thinkin?
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#16 Tyler Durden

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Posted 12 April 2006 - 04:17 PM

Alrite, I have a lot of replys for other people, so here it goes...

To shlonky's first:
That is a good idea. Give them a probationary period of posting to gain the ability to put the BoSS tag on.

To Rogueally:
I would agree with your x-amount of posts idea, but here is the thing (at least with me). Over the winter I didn't really post..well...at all. But now, I am back, I donated again, and I am participating. If the post thing were in

And to multiple people.
If someone asks if they can join, don't just say "Register on the forums" Say something more like "Participate with the community" and ect.

~end rant~

If some kid has an @ in their name, just don't worry about it...unless they start acting like douches. If you know they aren't an admin and they just play normal then just let it go. If they start threatning like "dont make me ____ you", that should be an INSTANT red flag. Plus, you should really only worry about anyone with a .@.

I'm done now..
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#17 TheCincinnatiKid


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Posted 12 April 2006 - 04:49 PM

I like the idea of a waiting period to get people involved before they can post of wear the tag. I understand Shadow's idea that the tag isnt that big of a deal mainly because people just come register and they have it. I also was one of those people who kinda sits back and reads a lot of posts. but only responds when I have something interesting to say.

Honestly we know the people who play and talk on the forums enough and those are the people that matter. The other guys who join just for the tag are idiots and they dont really matter.
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#18 MainEvent


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Posted 17 April 2006 - 03:30 PM

sh*t, that is pretty messed up. I can't think of a way to filter that kinda sh*t though.
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#19 wyte mafia

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Posted 17 April 2006 - 07:40 PM

everyone knows who the real boss members are. i see ppl everyday who i dont know. its to much work trying to check them all out.
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#20 Tyler Durden

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Posted 17 April 2006 - 07:48 PM

Yea. On vent you will sometimes hear "hey, is this guy a member?" "hold on, let me check...yup,0 posts" Like some guy named "sad but true", I saw him playing the other night with the BoSS tag on with 0 posts. God that gets f*cking annoying.

~end rant~
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