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Dell, I wont be on for awhile!!

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#1 Cleric


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Posted 16 April 2006 - 06:07 PM

First, I won't be on for a few weeks. My computer basically died. Specifically my power supply for my computer just gave out. Worst case is the mother board but I cant even trouble shoot because it wont turn on at all. Not even the little green light on the motherboard.

Which brings me to my rant. So i call tech support to get some voice who asks me to respond to yes or no and that the bot will not what to do. I think i yelled yes and no like fifity times and it still didnt understand me. So i fainlly get to the tech support guys becuase my computer is still under warranty and they better come out and fix it. So, obviously the guy is Indian and i cant understand a word he is saying.

Long story short i hate Dell and their tech support. Reliable my ass. This is the second big mess up ive had with them. The first one was with my hardrive during Finals week. The only reason i didnt fail was becuase i attached a copy of the receipt to each paper explaing why it was late. And now this my power supply needs to be replaced and possible the mobo.

Reasons why i am going to build my next computer. Ill keep you guys updated on the situation.
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#2 Billy Pumper

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Posted 16 April 2006 - 06:12 PM

man that sux, geuss you learned your lesson with the dell
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#3 RogueAlly



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Posted 16 April 2006 - 06:39 PM

yeah... you know we'll help with the new computer. Maybe we need to do a bombing run on dell?
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#4 At The Gates

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Posted 16 April 2006 - 06:39 PM

sorry to hear that cleric, I learned that lesson about dell about 4 years ago.
and btw, stay away from cingular, theyre just like dell except for cell phones, as theyll do every little thing to rip you off and the support sucks. :tdown:

Edited by At The Gates, 16 April 2006 - 06:40 PM.

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#5 Sniprwulf


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Posted 16 April 2006 - 07:21 PM


lol. sorry to here that man, hope that your motherboard is fried, its outdated/no longer carried, and they give you a better one
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#6 Cyprus


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Posted 16 April 2006 - 08:24 PM

Hey man same thing happened to me. I could not get passed the machine. It keep on asking to repeat my answer. Finally it gave up and sent me to the tech support. And yeah he was Indian. So i asked the guy "How do I reformat my computer." In an Indian accent he said, "Ok. First tell me when you want to reformat my computer." I then said, "Because I have a lot of spyware and my computer is running slow." He then said, "Well you should not have spyware on your computer, it is really bad, blah blah blah." And i told him, "Can you just tell me how to reformat my computer." And he just kept on going on with the spywayre crap. I then hung up and did it myself. After two hours, the same guy called my house, and started talking about spyware to my parents. He would not stop! What the hell is wrong with those Dell people!?
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#7 Cleric


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Posted 16 April 2006 - 09:57 PM

Hey man same thing happened to me. I could not get passed the machine. It keep on asking to repeat my answer. Finally it gave up and sent me to the tech support. And yeah he was Indian. So i asked the guy "How do I reformat my computer." In an Indian accent he said, "Ok. First tell me when you want to reformat my computer." I then said, "Because I have a lot of spyware and my computer is running slow." He then said, "Well you should not have spyware on your computer, it is really bad, blah blah blah." And i told him, "Can you just tell me how to reformat my computer." And he just kept on going on with the spywayre crap. I then hung up and did it myself. After two hours, the same guy called my house, and started talking about spyware to my parents. He would not stop! What the hell is wrong with those Dell people!?

Yes I know, the first guy I hung up on becuase I didnt have my express number. So then he called me back, asking if i still needed help. I said yes and he said what is the number. I then spent the next five minutes trying to get him to tell me where this number is. It apparenly is in the back but that would be to hard to say.

Edited by Cleric, 17 April 2006 - 08:12 AM.

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#8 Blank



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Posted 16 April 2006 - 10:12 PM

i find it very frustrating talking to any customer service over the phone. i had to call Symantec about my Norton subscription and i basically got nowhere, i think i yelled at him even. all i wanted was my license to be reset because i had to buy a new master hard drive (thank god i didnt have to call microsoft, whew).

i hate my credit card's customer service more. but thats a different thread :P
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#9 Cyprus


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Posted 17 April 2006 - 03:16 PM

Oh yeah another time i had to reformat my computer I called up Dell because my Dell system would not boot up after i reformatted.
They asked me to do a hard drive test, so I did. I told them the results, and they said that i would have to send my hard drive to dell, and they would send me a new one in a week or two. I told them couldn't i just buy one from a store, and they said doing that would void the warrenty. I asked them if i can fix my hard drive somehow, and they said no i couldn't because it fried. I hung up and fixed my computer myself, the hard drive was not really broken... Called them back up and lolled at them.

Edited by Cyprus, 17 April 2006 - 03:17 PM.

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#10 MainEvent


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Posted 17 April 2006 - 03:28 PM

That sucks man. Hope you get your computer fixed. :whatever:
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#11 Cleric


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Posted 20 April 2006 - 04:20 PM

Thouhgt id give an update on my computer situation. It is day 7 and still no hope. The Dell techs have been out here 3 times already and still can't get the piece of sh*t to work. So far I have a new Power Supply, a Mobo, and a Processor. I dont get it becuase even if you had just those three you should still be able to get to bios or at least for it to start, but nothing. So becuase they have to clue I am getting ANOTHER new Power Supply and possibly new Ram (how the hell is Ram the problem when it wont even start).

I am praying to the gods of videogaming and computers that they fix this machine or I am going to go Office Space on it in the middle of the University soccer field.

They are coming back tomorrow . . . again to try once more. I will keep you guys posted about day 8 in the weird adventures with Dell.
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#12 Novahawk



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Posted 20 April 2006 - 04:45 PM

Dang they replaced all of that and it still doesn't boot up? then its probably the hard drive... The hard drive is probably toast and thats why.. because in my Computer Engeneering class at school.. our teacher got some old ass computer for us to "troubleshoot," well it was troubleshoot if we wanted but it was mainly take it apart and put it back together... and good thing he didn't tell us that thermal paste is toxic.. oh wait... but anyways.. so our computer wouldn't start at all.. like nothing happens when you push the power button... so when we took it apart and it still would do nothing so i started messing around with it.. the only thing that i could do is take the jumper out.. so i did that... and the comp started but would not boot up to the os (because the hard drive was improperly set which made it not see it).. oh and the teacher guy was like.. oh at least you got somewhere... i was like wtf.. i did more than you could.. and all he says is at least you got somewhere.. wtf..

But anyways.. what im trying to say is unplug your hd and try starting it up with all of the new stuff they gave you.. if it still doesn't then it is the PSU or whatever...

Edited by Novahawk, 20 April 2006 - 04:45 PM.

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#13 Cleric


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Posted 20 April 2006 - 05:40 PM

But anyways.. what im trying to say is unplug your hd and try starting it up with all of the new stuff they gave you.. if it still doesn't then it is the PSU or whatever...

I tried that. After they left today. I unplugged the video card, I/o cards, cd-drive, dvd-drive, hard drive, took out the ram so that the only thing that was let was the Mobo, the processor, and the power supply (all of which are brand spanking new).

Turned it on and nothing happened. Figured well maybe it is something as simple as the cord and i just got all this new crap for nothing so i switched out the cord from the outlet to the power supply. Nothing happened. I cant even get the mobo to beep when there is no Ram in it. The only thing I get out of the machine is that the green light on the mobo is on.

I think they sent me a bad power supply. That or he bent a pin when they put the processor and messed it up. I honestly don't know what else to try. It has to be one of those three but they are all new so yeah im F'd.

Oh and the fan is connected to the mobo but it won't go on which makes me think the power supply is bad. If you have an idea please help me becuase Dell isn't.

Edited by Cleric, 20 April 2006 - 05:43 PM.

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#14 Novahawk



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Posted 20 April 2006 - 07:08 PM

Well the only thing i can think of is a bad mobo... if the green light is on on the mobo that means that the PSU is feeding it power, but the cpu fan not working is strange... that means the mobo is not sending the power to the fan.. so my guess is that you had a bad mobo, and they gave you another one... heh... dell support... :20:
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#15 ghozy


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Posted 20 April 2006 - 07:27 PM

Thouhgt id give an update on my computer situation. It is day 7 and still no hope. The Dell techs have been out here 3 times already and still can't get the piece of sh*t to work. So far I have a new Power Supply, a Mobo, and a Processor. I dont get it becuase even if you had just those three you should still be able to get to bios or at least for it to start, but nothing. So becuase they have to clue I am getting ANOTHER new Power Supply and possibly new Ram (how the hell is Ram the problem when it wont even start).

I am praying to the gods of videogaming and computers that they fix this machine or I am going to go Office Space on it in the middle of the University soccer field.

They are coming back tomorrow . . . again to try once more. I will keep you guys posted about day 8 in the weird adventures with Dell.

its the dell. they should remove the dell from your computer. then it will work normally.
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#16 Cyprus


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Posted 20 April 2006 - 07:31 PM

its the dell. they should remove the dell from your computer. then it will work normally.

Lol! Yeah Dell is like an evil soul corrupting your computer.
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#17 iMSeRiOuS


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Posted 20 April 2006 - 09:20 PM

lol.... yo thats got to suck ass.... how old was the computer????
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#18 Cleric


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Posted 20 April 2006 - 10:21 PM

lol.... yo thats got to suck ass.... how old was the computer????

Only a year and a half, isn't that sad. Already reached its breaking point :33: .
The funny and ironic thing is (this is before I was interested in computers and when I knew nothing) I orginally picked Dell becuase I thought it would be RELIABLE! This is like a big donky dick slap right in the face. :tdown:
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#19 kidcapri


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Posted 20 April 2006 - 11:19 PM

So the light on the motherboard is actually on. That means that it is getting power. You have gone through everything else except for the fact that you have to push the on/off switch on the the case for the comp to turn on. the cpu fan isn't going to turn on without pushing that switch. Now I suspect that you did push the on/off switch on the case. After pushing that and it still not coming on you can only suspect a couple of things. Your power supply (newly replaced so very unlikely), the processor (newly replaced so very unlikely), The motherboard (newly replaced so very unlikely). So those things shouldn't be the problem. My guess is that it is the switch itself. Maybe a wire came loose from the switch on the front of the case. Maybe when they installed the new motherboard they mixed some wires up. If you have a reset switch on the front of your case, push that. They may have gotten the two mixed up. If that doesn't work (warning this may void your warranty) pull the front of the case completely off and look for loose wires around the switch. If you don't see any then there is still the possibility of mixed up wires. If they left the motherboard manual for you, you can probably check that out by yourself. If they didn't then you should wait for them to check it. On some computers if any wires are in the wrong place the computer won't turn on at all. So that is what I am thinking the problem is. The switch itself. After trying these things or having a technician try them and the thing still doesn't work, then throw it out the window and kill yourself for buying a dell. LOL.

Hope I was of some help.


Edit: You aren't going to get any beeps or any sign of something not working correctly until the computer actually turns on. Its the wires to the switch, its got to be.

Edited by kidcapri, 20 April 2006 - 11:23 PM.

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#20 Cleric


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Posted 21 April 2006 - 01:35 PM

You aren't going to get any beeps or any sign of something not working correctly until the computer actually turns on. Its the wires to the switch, its got to be.

Checked it. I didnt mention in the previous thing but the light for the switch on the front of the comuter is on and flashing amber. Still nothing working though. It just flashes, no beeps, nothing turns on (also checked to make sure the cord to the monitor is secure and put the video card back into but still nothing).

You know your computer is f*cked up when even Dell can't fix their own sh*t. :tdown: :33:
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