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Dell, I wont be on for awhile!!

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#21 Cleric


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Posted 22 April 2006 - 11:44 AM

This may be stupid but quite frankly I am out of ideas and im drawing on straws to get this machine to work.

Is there any chance that the problem is because of the battery on the mobo and it needs to be replaced. Perhaps my last mobo really did get fried and this one just doesnt have a charged battery to start up bios. It probably has been sitting on a shelf for ages in a Dell warehouse so before i go buy out and buy one any suggestions or reasons why not to?

Current conditions of computer:

-won't turn on (no bios)
-battery lights are not on
-green light on mobo is on
-light in front of machine for on/off button flashing amber
-no beeps when ram is not present on mobo
-CPU fan not on

Currenly only the powersupply, processor, mobo, is hooked up all of which are new. The chord to the outlet has been changed so it is new, and the cord from the mobo to the on/off is secure and not loose.

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#22 Novahawk



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Posted 22 April 2006 - 12:02 PM

Dang.. i don't know.. im out of ideas.. but here is some totally random sh*t that i would try just for the heck of it:
1)push and hold the power button for like 10 seconds.. see if the flashing stops.. and push it on again...
2) try hooking everything back up because maybe dell is gay and made their stuff not turn on if all of the stuff is not present..
3)try replacing the battery i guess... but it really doesn't matter.. but try it anyway...
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#23 Sniprwulf


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Posted 22 April 2006 - 01:54 PM

It still could be any number of things. Did you take off the plastic behind the cpu mounting bracket behind the motherboard? I know my computer didnt work when I hadn't removed it. If you can't find the solution in less than a week you should make dell f*ckin hand you a new one.

Edited by Sniprwulf, 22 April 2006 - 02:06 PM.

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#24 ghozy


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Posted 22 April 2006 - 02:04 PM

yeah they should just give you a new one. this is too much trouble for you to handle. just tell them take that craputer, and give you a new one.
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#25 Cleric


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Posted 25 April 2006 - 07:03 PM

Latest update.

Dell log: Day 12 in wonderland

So dell came back again for the fourth time. He replaced the powersupply again (didn't work). This is where i lost all hope after hearing these words from his mouth. I am not joking this is what he actually said. I could not make this up becuase you have to be retarded or have IQ of grapefruit to think it for the job he holds.

"Well Iguess it could be the cpu fan"

I gave up at that very moment and proceeded after he left to go out and buy the case for my new computer (nice new coolmaster). After I had cooled down I gave dell a call. Talked to some guy in India who looked up my case report. Told me that tomorrow I am going to recieve a new cpu fan and controller for my computer because they had problem solved that, that is the problem.

I then proceed to ask and what if it is not becuase you guys where sure it was the power supply, motherboard, cpu, and power supply again the last few times. He assured me it wasn't. I then asked well in case it is not again what would happen. He assured me it was going to be the controler or cpu fan. I told him i have finals next week and i need a computer to type. That I didn't pay 25 grand a year to get screwed out of my grades becuase of a computer failure. He again assured me that it would be fixed and that this was a fluke. I then told him that a similar situation happend last year during finals week and I lost two of my final papers.

I was hoping that this would be that last push to having dell give me a new computer (in addition to the one I am going to build). Instead what ended up happening was that the guy reassured me again that it would work and to easy my worries he was going to send a hard drive SATA case module in case it didnt so i can use my hard drive.

So yeah dell continues to screw me becuase having my hard drive work while it might seem helpful does nothing for me becuase i still don't have a computer to type on.

Tune in tomorrow for Day 13 in wonderland
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#26 Ezekiel


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Posted 25 April 2006 - 07:10 PM

I love this show. I can't wait for the next episode.
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#27 Novahawk



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Posted 25 April 2006 - 08:29 PM

I love this show. I can't wait for the next episode.

Agreed... :20:
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#28 Sniprwulf


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Posted 25 April 2006 - 09:58 PM

Geeze cleric.. this is really rough man. This is the reason why I bought gateway instead of dell when I was too retarded to make my own lol.

...does nothing for me becuase i still don't have a computer to type on.

uhmm... just wondering... what are you typing on now then???
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#29 Cleric


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Posted 25 April 2006 - 10:03 PM

Currently I am in the Library now, taking a break from typing a paper. Although lately I seem to be using my roommates computer to check e-mail and the forums when he is not using it. Also he has a sh*tty IBM laptop from a few years ago but at least he has a computer to type his papers on without traveling all the way over to a library, which is about to boot me out becuase they are going to close for the night.

Edited by Cleric, 25 April 2006 - 10:04 PM.

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#30 youwerekilled



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Posted 26 April 2006 - 02:03 AM

my dell has been pretty good to me... (knock on wood), that is not to say however that i have never screamed at the customer service people @ dell... they are f*cking retarded, so by the book, and so damn monotone that i invision spears going through their monotone throats when i talk to the....phew.... anyway yeah... im buiding my comp next time...
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#31 ghozy


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Posted 26 April 2006 - 08:53 AM

you should demand the new computer like you don't know any sh*t about computers. "this thing is broken, your guys can't fix it, and I'm not sure i want a piece of crap like that in my house. please send me a new one!"
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#32 Stoned Hatter

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Posted 26 April 2006 - 10:33 AM

just a hint of advice cleric build your own computer with a amd prossesser and board chip set i bet you 10-1 odds you love it better than any dell ever maybe more expesvive or cheaper check out newwegg.com for prices and sh*t man ask people for advice on it we can help :tup: :tup: even this stoner built his computer
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#33 Cleric


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Posted 26 April 2006 - 02:46 PM

just a hint of advice cleric build your own computer with a amd prossesser and board chip set

I already bought the case and im looking at what motherboards to buy that have a 939 socket on them for AMD processors.

Dell log: Day 13 in wonderland

So I get a call today from the tech guy saying he wants to set up an appointment. Im thinking maybe today will be the day that I get my computer to work. Some time goes by but no one comes. Getting closer to the appointment time no calls or guy knocking on my dorm door. An hour has passed im hungry as all hell because my lunch was scheduled at the same time when this guy was suppose to come. So he is an hour late now. I give the tech guy a call. He tells me that he isnt coming. :huh: He connects me with a Dell tech representative in the office to answer my questions and concerns

Apparently the next set of parts (controller and the CPU fan) are on back order. So much for the appointment. They might be in tomorrow they might not. They don't really know when (what a suprise). The lady I was talking to not really wanting to deal with the sh*t I am telling her refers me to the manager.

He does the usual Happy Dell manager questions. "What can i do for you?" Very bluntly I said, Fix my computer in the next two days or give me a new so I can write my final papers." Oh an since he didn't come I didn't get the module to take the files off my harddrive.

I tell the guy my story. So basically he calmed me down and said that if they can't fix it after the CPU fan and controller that I would get a new computer.

YEAAAAAAA!!!!! Of course he didnt really say when I would get the new computer and if it would be in time for my finals week.

Stay tuned tomorrow for the next episode: Day 14 in wonderland.

Edited by Cleric, 26 April 2006 - 02:50 PM.

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#34 Ezekiel


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Posted 26 April 2006 - 03:06 PM

Man this show is suspenseful. Damn too be continued. Please tell me this has a happy ending, you know, where all Dell corperate offices mysteriously implode in the middle of a work day?
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#35 Cleric


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Posted 27 April 2006 - 03:02 PM

Dell log: Day 15 in wonderland

So the Dell guy came out and replaced the controler and CPU fan. Of course it didn't work. I did find out some interesting things though. If you have a Dell computer and a part breaks the part you recieve is not new, it is refuberished from other people's broken computers.

So the usual process happend. The GOOD NEWS IS I AM GETTING A NEW COMPUTER FROM DELL! Finally, those bastards caved in and it should come either on Friday or Monday of next week. This nice thing is they don't make my model anymore so I am getting the next one up which I believe is XP 400 or XP 600 don't know yet.

Anyways I hope it will be here by Friday so I can be back on and play a little CS with you guys before finals. My day just got a little better.

Ill keep use guys posted, incase dell finds a way to mess this up. :tup: :weee: :tup: :1:
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#36 ghozy


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Posted 27 April 2006 - 03:05 PM

Yeah!!! That's what I'm talking about! Congrats.
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#37 Ezekiel


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Posted 27 April 2006 - 03:16 PM

Worst ending EVER! I wanted to have some Dell personel blood shed. :33:

Just kidding, glad to hear your things are starting to work out.
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#38 Cleric


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Posted 02 May 2006 - 02:41 PM

Dell Log: Day whatever its the last episode

Got my new computer from dell today. Its an XPS 400. 3.0Ghz Pent D processor, 1gig ram, 250 GB harddrive, Augidy Sound Blaster Card, and a brand spanking new GeForce 7800 GTX videocard. Overall much better then my old system.

While it currently looks like a sexy beast after my experience with dell I am still going to build my new computer over the summer. I don't trust this thing and believe it could die just like my last one at any momment.

See you guys this weekend. I will be back on to pwn some noobs. :tup:

P.S Ez there will be no season two. The pilot episodes are over bad ratings.
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#39 Ezekiel


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Posted 02 May 2006 - 03:48 PM

P.S Ez there will be no season two. The pilot episodes are over bad ratings.

Awhhh..... But hey, at least the computer they gave you is pretty fire. :tup:
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#40 Sniprwulf


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Posted 02 May 2006 - 08:52 PM

thats actually a pretty decent setup w/the 7800gtx
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