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Admins abusing there power.

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#41 Tyler Durden

Tyler Durden

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Posted 19 June 2006 - 08:42 AM

Its been said many times before. Old member or new one, you are NOT exempt from the rules.

Actually, I forget who said this, but BoSS need to follow the rules more strictly than others. If I see some random joe camping or in sniper room, I'll slap and warn them. If they do not listen I'll slay 'em. If they continue to camp, I'll just keep slaying, not much else unless they talk sh*t.
Now if a BoSS member camps, I'll warn them. Then if they don't listen I feel no shame giving them 5, 10, 30 minute ban. If they talk any sh*t and I don't know them, game over, man. Perma-ban, no remorse.
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#42 AssormentOfCandy


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Posted 19 June 2006 - 08:53 AM

i always get 5 min bans but i never complain..i mean i cant go without my daily 5 min ban anymore
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#43 Novahawk



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Posted 19 June 2006 - 08:54 AM

Actually, I forget who said this, but BoSS need to follow the rules more strictly than others. If I see some random joe camping or in sniper room, I'll slap and warn them. If they do not listen I'll slay 'em. If they continue to camp, I'll just keep slaying, not much else unless they talk sh*t.
Now if a BoSS member camps, I'll warn them. Then if they don't listen I feel no shame giving them 5, 10, 30 minute ban. If they talk any sh*t and I don't know them, game over, man. Perma-ban, no remorse.

Yeah something like that.... when i first joined BoSS and started playing CS... i didn't know the rules and didn't really know how to play that well... so one time i found this one room that alot of people go to (the side sniper room) and i was like, hey! this seems like a good spot to sit it... so i did and camped the sniper room, (even though i didnt know it was the sniper room) and i got slayed without a warning or anything and the admin said, a BoSS member should know better than to camp.. and i never camped again... imo admins should do things like that.. because its effective...
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#44 RogueAlly



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Posted 19 June 2006 - 08:57 AM

Okay now that we all got that out of our system. I agree completely with youwerekilled... I wouldn't have bothered with the name, but I would have bothered with him not respecting me. Personally, I think youwerekilled was WAY more generous than I would have been. I would have skipped the kick, given the 5 minute, and if bubbles came into vent and cussed me out, I would have banned him for at least a week and depending on what he said, maybe even forever... he could come back when Shadow does spring cleaning next year. Anyway, that being said... after Nova posts (I saw he was posting before I started this) I'm going to close the topic because everyone has spoken their piece, that and candy wont shut up. Any admin can reopen it to post or reopen it if bubbles wants to post. Personally, I find this matter closed
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#45 Frag0holic



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Posted 19 June 2006 - 10:02 AM

Considering the circumstances I think Youwerekilled acted very well. Bubbles needs to calm down and realize that he's close to being banned for eternity.
Though I don't think a ban was the appropriate course of action in the first place, if Bubbles was already on vent, you should have confronted him about it there.
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#46 RogueAlly



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Posted 19 June 2006 - 05:41 PM

Considering the circumstances I think Youwerekilled acted very well. Bubbles needs to calm down and realize that he's close to being banned for eternity.
Though I don't think a ban was the appropriate course of action in the first place, if Bubbles was already on vent, you should have confronted him about it there.

That makes some sense, but that doesn't show to anyone not on vent or in BoSS that we enforce the rules we impose. After the kick/rejoin and then trash talk to admin a ban was deserved.
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