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Admins abusing there power.

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#21 AssormentOfCandy


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Posted 19 June 2006 - 01:27 AM

btw you weren't here for a year apparently signed up JUNE ... yeah thats a year yeah buddy + ur just going along with people saying i was banned more than half the people weren't even here when i was banned.. they have just been told about me BTW i was hyper 8 energy drinks might not affect you but they affect me.. im addited so i cant stop

damnit sorry thought i was still 05

Edited by AssormentOfCandy, 19 June 2006 - 01:28 AM.

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#22 ShLoNkY


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Posted 19 June 2006 - 01:27 AM

This is how I see it:

Bubbles recieved a 5 minute ban for a reason that is debateable. No big deal as it was 5 minutes. It should have ended here, but didn't.

Bubbles then acted extremely immature and disrecpectful after being warned numerous times. He was given a second and third chance to shut the f*ck up and didn't.

YouWereKilled acted with maturity even after being called fag a bunch of times. Anyone that knows him knows that he does not abuse Admin powers.

It is for this reason that he should be banned IMO.

EDIT: STFU Candy, you have nothing usefull to say.

Edited by ShLoNkY, 19 June 2006 - 01:28 AM.

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#23 AssormentOfCandy


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Posted 19 June 2006 - 01:31 AM

alright but i did here him say many times "Who the f*ck are you" "dont tell me what the f*ck to do"-Directed a shlonky "ive been here for a year so o well" "yeah the f*cking asshole admin banned me" "i dont give a sh*t waht that fagget says" all quotes from him.. sorry i didn't stfu

Edit- He goes back into the server and whatnot with the same name went in and play with him for a good amount of rounds a;sp///
# 4850 "BosS|Mr.Bubbles KKK" STEAM_0:0:5386183 12:44 80 0 active

Edited by AssormentOfCandy, 19 June 2006 - 01:43 AM.

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#24 J.Pizzack


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Posted 19 June 2006 - 01:42 AM

lol wtf? did you record it? freak....
anywaze...yea that sounds like bubbles alright! :tup:
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#25 Nagash


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Posted 19 June 2006 - 01:53 AM

ok this is how I see this, no matter how long you been in BoSS you still have to respect the admins. if an admin asked you to do something you do it otherwise take his punishment like a man. I back Killed here 100%. I wouldn't want to be yelled at like that in game and on vent.

I think bubbles need to understand that wearing the BoSS tag doesn't mean you are immune to bans and kicks. There is a message that appears on the servers while you ae playing, 2 in fact, one says respect admins and the other says to listen to the admins imo bubbles did neither.

and btw Candy STFU you aren't an admin and there what you means nothing in this case.
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#26 Billy Pumper

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Posted 19 June 2006 - 01:55 AM


i myself hate !@#$%^&s. there is a difference between black people and !@#$%^&s like there is a difference between white ppl and white trash. i could care less about whether someones feelings were hurt over the internet. if you aren't big enough to look past immature people trying piss you off then you shouldn't be on the internet. that is why i just about never ask ppl to change their names.

however. bubbles you should not have disobeyed an admin. i know you have been here for a long ass time, but the new admins don't. you have 40 posts and you hardly ever play source so don't come in there acting like your sh*t don't stink. repect what the admins say cause they spend money to keep the servers up.
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#27 Tyler Durden

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Posted 19 June 2006 - 01:58 AM

Here is the thing. This could all have been avoided if he had just changed his name. But he disregarded what happened and decided to be a prick and spam vent, as I am told.Next time, just listen to the admin. It might be Shadow in disguise, and you don't want to piss him off. He won't ban you, but lets just say 10 fps and leave it at that.
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#28 kidcapri


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Posted 19 June 2006 - 02:21 AM

Ok first off there is a difference in saying !@#$%^& at some random point in a game and making kkk or white power a part of your name. Saying !@#$%^& may not offend anyone because people can just blow that off. But when a person of another race comes in the server and sees kkk at the end of a boss members name, it makes this community look like a lump of sh*t. Over the past few days i have seen more and more "white power" dumbasses in the servers. This is f*cking retarded and needs to be dealt with. If you were even an active member of this community, you would know that we have people here that are not of white american descent. For example: Gaara. Now gaara may not give a sh*t or he may give a sh*t, but the point is, we should be respecting each other. Saying things like kkk and white power in the servers isn't respecting each other. Alot of people can look at that and say, what a dumbass. On the other hand, some people can't. Those people will leave and not want to be a part of this community. They could have been one of the coolest mother f*ckers on the forums and the servers, but we as a community f*cked that up.

That being said, I agree with youwerekilled. Bubbles should not have acted the way he did towards shlonky and youwerekilled, but I do think he may deserve a second chance.
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#29 J.Pizzack


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Posted 19 June 2006 - 02:27 AM

thats rediculous...you cant say one is ok and one isnt. you dont make that choice, its a personal opinion. personally i dont think either is particularly nice, but you seem to be saying that calling a someone the 'n word' is ok because CLEARLY its just a joke, well i know that the whole KKK thing was a joke...f*cking NEWSFLASH!! A FEW OF YOUR ADMINS MADE THAT TAG!!!. bubbles followed suit, cuz it was an inside joke to them....

FTR, It was taken care of, it wasnt permaban.

Edited by J.Pizzack, 19 June 2006 - 02:28 AM.

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#30 kidcapri


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Posted 19 June 2006 - 02:37 AM

I don't agree with either of them. I was just saying that saying kkk or white power makes alot more of an impact on someone. Neither are respectful though. It may have been a joke to the admins and bubbles but to someone of another race may have taken offense. I have seen this happen many times on the servers. Some idiot says white power or some other racist sh*t and people respond with "f*cking racists" and leave. I have seen this type of sh*t alot in the past couple days. This gives people a negative view on this community and that is what I was trying to say in my post.
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#31 DocSeuss


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Posted 19 June 2006 - 02:49 AM

well on the topic what is offensive, it is completely up to the person that sees it. You cant have a double standard allowing the saying of one word and not the other.

Even though it might be viewed as a joke by you, it might be very serious to others. It really should be somewhat allowed, or not allowed at all. This is especially true when it comes to this topic. There are many different people enforcing the rules, and as said above, words are interperated differently.

Also i think bubbles could have handled it better, and it sounds like YouWereKilledBy did a very good job of handling it.

But either way this is an issue that will be very hard to enforce, unless it is extreme on each side.

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#32 Nagash


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Posted 19 June 2006 - 02:58 AM

well on the topic what is offensive, it is completely up to the person that sees it. You cant have a double standard allowing the saying of one word and not the other.

Even though it might be viewed as a joke by you, it might be very serious to others. It really should be somewhat allowed, or not allowed at all. This is especially true when it comes to this topic. There are many different people enforcing the rules, and as said above, words are interperated differently.

Also i think bubbles could have handled it better, and it sounds like YouWereKilledBy did a very good job of handling it.

But either way this is an issue that will be very hard to enforce, unless it is extreme on each side.



I agree with you.

but at the end of the day it still comes down to 1) respect the admins 2) listen to the admin(on at that time)

not evry admin enforces the rules exactly the same but we all try to do our best to uphold shadows rules and make it a fun place for all to play. I personally don't like the KKK in a name nor do I like the calling of each other a n*gger all the time. I bet I could offend alot more people calling them rednecks. I sometimes hate it when I see so much disrespect on our servers whether its from BoSS members or non-BoSS members.
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#33 youwerekilled



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Posted 19 June 2006 - 03:04 AM

read this

the last thing ill say is that i dont even remember bubbles saying NI33er, that was not the issue i had w/ him. the issue was with the KKK in his name.

Edited by youwerekilled, 19 June 2006 - 03:13 AM.

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#34 Billy Pumper

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Posted 19 June 2006 - 03:09 AM

like i told shadow i would tone it down.

but like i said earilier it is the internet suck it up everyone. you were killed i still agree you did the right thing though
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#35 Chris82


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Posted 19 June 2006 - 06:22 AM

ok this is how I see this, no matter how long you been in BoSS you still have to respect the admins. if an admin asked you to do something you do it otherwise take his punishment like a man. I back Killed here 100%. I wouldn't want to be yelled at like that in game and on vent.

I agree. I probably wouldn't have done anything because of his name, but I do support what YouWereKilled did.

About the n*gger and KKK thing, that brings up a whole issue. The word "n*gger" has changed so much in society, but most people would agree that today, it might be described as

a term that is racist, as long as the speaker of it is not black

Black people call each other it all the time, sometimes referring to it as "their word." This begs the question: Can a race of people "own" a word? No, no they can't, so it needs to be defined as acceptable or inappropriate no matter who says it.

!@#$%^&, as defined on UrbanDictionary.com, means:

describes an ignorant, uneducated, foolish individual regardless of race, color, religion, sexual orientation, etc.
2. endearing term between two or more individual to describe a friendship or bond.

1.Shut up, you !@#$%^&
2. Chris, you my nigga.

The word was associated with blacks in Colonial America because of their slave status. At least 200 years later, it is still associated with blacks and taken as offensive. When someone says it, they may or may not be talking about a black person. Usually, they are joking around, i.e. someone says on Vent "You dirty n*gger. You didn't get that f*ckin headshot." That's different from someone in the KKK saying "Tonight we are going to f*cking kill these dirty n*ggers because they deserve to die."

N*gger should be accepted as equal no matter who says it.

Then again, I've seen BoSS members and other people call people "Kikes" on the server, an an offensive term not commonly used in slang. I don't have a problem with Jews. I don't know why some people do, but it should be controlled.
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#36 DarkShadow


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Posted 19 June 2006 - 06:35 AM

You Know I sort of agree with this, when I logged in six hours ago I got a PM from Bubbles about it, granted, Times are changing and acceptance of Blacks and whatever are Indeed equals to you if not better in some cases, * Cough * , Billy, Redneck, * Cough *.

But it does make us look pretty homotastic if we have people like that on our servers giving us a bad name, Bubbles, All I can say is just suck it up, YouWereKilled, You did the right thing to ask him to change his name, He acted immaturely but whatever.

Bubbles, I know things are changing somewhat and some of the admins you gotta get a feel for, Just slap Danvai in the face with a handful of ground chalk and be friends.

* Edit * Holy f*ck this post looks gay from a 3rd person Point of View.
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#37 Lost


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Posted 19 June 2006 - 07:17 AM

* Edit * Holy f*ck this post looks gay from a 3rd person Point of View.

No it doesn't.. Your maturity about this is key to it getting resolved.. You want this community to be respected as much as the rest of us.

Its been said many times before. Old member or new one, you are NOT exempt from the rules.
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#38 IWantWhiteCastle


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Posted 19 June 2006 - 08:19 AM

The problem that I have with this is no matter how many posts are made Bubbles will just not understand and think hes right. He admitadly did not listen to an admin who had a simple request and then ran his mouth.

I am bitter about this situation because I found myself in the position the other day where I was considering banning him. I jokingly called him a hacker after he killed me one round and he then proceeded to talk sh*t to me several times in a row without me saying a word..I ignored it and let him be but I was definitly considering it.
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#39 Tyler Durden

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Posted 19 June 2006 - 08:33 AM

Ok, so pretty much Bubbles. As far as I can see you are on thin ice, mate. Watch your step. I, for one, am not afraid of banning another BoSS member is they deserve it.

And Shadow, don't worry, we all have slightly gay posts every once in a while. You were just overdue. :tup:
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#40 DarkShadow


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Posted 19 June 2006 - 08:34 AM

Guess so, lost.
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