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Admins abusing there power.

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#1 Mr.Bubbles


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Posted 18 June 2006 - 11:53 PM

So like usual I was dicking around on some CSS and i had KKK at the end of my name..now yeah this may sound wrong and all but come on now fellas. Everyone else in boss dont have a problem with kkk and i have been playing with it there for a long time...and now i join server 1 and this admin decides to tell me to take it off...yeah it aint that serious so i didnt worry about it and i got kicked and banned....now i know who did it but wtf man....who bans there own members and sh*t...dont no one else have a problem with it.....
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#2 IWantWhiteCastle


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Posted 18 June 2006 - 11:56 PM

Your post makes you sound very unintelligent and deserving of a ban(temp., not perma.) imho.

Its good to see that at least there is one other admin that doesn't care for the racism here. Joking around saying !@#$%^& or anything else I dont really care about..its the blatantly ignorant racist comments that I do..I do punish here and there for this. This however was not me though.

Edited by IWantWhiteCastle, 18 June 2006 - 11:58 PM.

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#3 Sgt.Buttery


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Posted 18 June 2006 - 11:58 PM

Well here's a few things...
You posted in the wrong area. Go to unban requests.

You shouldn't have a name with KKK in it, one because it's racist bullsh*t, and two because the admin asked you to take it off.

So you were kicked an banned for a racist name and not listening to admin. Don't do either.

It was most likely temporary anyway, try getting on later.

(posting your steamid would be nice...)
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#4 Mr.Bubbles


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Posted 18 June 2006 - 11:59 PM

Im not trieng to get unban but wtf man....why is someone just going to ban me for nothing. I mean. Im not the only one who has it in my name and because i say !@#$%^& i get banned?
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#5 IWantWhiteCastle


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Posted 19 June 2006 - 12:04 AM

Im not trieng to get unban but wtf man....why is someone just going to ban me for nothing. I mean. Im not the only one who has it in my name and because i say !@#$%^& i get banned?

Well obviously it wasn't for nothing jackass.
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#6 Mr.Bubbles


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Posted 19 June 2006 - 12:07 AM

Why does everyone take it so serious around here. Im not the only one who is saying it for 1. There were other people in there saying it also. So i mean you can sit here and say im doing wrong and all but NO ONE ELSE HAS A GOD DAMN PROBLEM. I mean if it was affending someone then i would take it of but it wasnt....and then this guy comes along after i have had it in my name for god knows how long and bans me
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#7 Sgt.Buttery


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Posted 19 June 2006 - 12:12 AM

Just change your name.
The KKK lynched black people and wore sheets on their heads.
Are you one of them?
I hope not.
Just do it and stfu.

edit-oh yeah and don't say n*gger if someone says not to.

Edited by SgtBUTTERYMUFFIN, 19 June 2006 - 12:12 AM.

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#8 Ezekiel


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Posted 19 June 2006 - 12:16 AM

I'm with Bubbles on this one. I really don't care if he has KKK in his name. It's just some letters that have a racist meaning oh well, specially on an internet game where people call each other jews, fags and nigs about every 3 seconds.

I've seen him with it on for a while. No one really cared.

I'd just like to know who the admin was that did it. Maybe that would clear things up if he was one of the newer admins.

Edited by Ezekiel, 19 June 2006 - 12:17 AM.

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#9 Mr.Bubbles


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Posted 19 June 2006 - 12:21 AM

it was you were killed who just completley blew it out of wack
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#10 Defeater



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Posted 19 June 2006 - 12:29 AM

Man Bubbles, consult an English style or grammar manual before trying to make a meaningful post. Your first post made zero sense to me. GL with your whole situation.
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#11 ShLoNkY


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Posted 19 June 2006 - 12:35 AM

I am going to see to it that you get perma-banned.

You left out the fact that YouwereKilled asked you nicely twice to take it off your name. You proceeded to call him a faggot, them came into our vent channel saying how he is a b*tch and a fag and whatnot and bragging how you have been in BoSS for whatever.

YouwereKilled handled the situation with maturity saying something along the lines of; "It was a 5 minute ban, go cool off for a few then come back and play."

This was NOT a case of Admin abuse, it was a case of an immature f*ckhead being a retard. If you had just shut the f*ck up it wouldn't have been a big deal. Instead, you had to talk sh*t in vent to YouWereKilled and myself.

Some where along the lines I believe you said "Ban me I don't f*ckin care you faggot." You must care or you wouldnt have started this topic. However, you got your wish ===> BANNED
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#12 AssormentOfCandy


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Posted 19 June 2006 - 12:37 AM

muf*cker u weren't even in counter-strike when your were trying to be all big and bad .. i f*cked yo sh*t up you cried and sat down in a corner and they started talking crap to a admin have fun with that..

edited.. u were being a ass also i was there watching you talk sh*t to both admins and other sh*t so shut your f*ckin mouth and your gay btw and i hate you lots! (GO DIE)

Edited by AssormentOfCandy, 19 June 2006 - 12:40 AM.

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#13 J.Pizzack


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Posted 19 June 2006 - 12:59 AM

Listen...i spoke with Bubbles, and he knows that he shouldnt have had the name like that regardless of it being a joke with some of our other players. of course its not a good idea. he's upset cuz he's played here for a year now, and there are some newer admins who dont know him, and then think they can ban him without letting him explain himself. 1) Sgtbuttery, you have not been here long enough to pass judgement on anyone so stfu, and 2)Candy, you were banned so you dont really deserve to talk sh*t to anyone let alone even have the power to ban. know who you are banning next time, and if i came into the servers wearing BoSS|PizzackTheNegroSlaya, i wouldnt be banned, so give it a rest ok?
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#14 youwerekilled



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Posted 19 June 2006 - 01:00 AM

ok. saying n*gger jokingly is fine with me if you say it with no meaning. but to have KKK on your name is offensive in my opinion. i asked bubbles to remove kkk and he told me no other admin had a prob, so i said i did and asked him again to remove it or be kicked. he refused and was kicked. he came back called me a fag and other names so i banned him for 5 mins. he went on vent called me a fag, b*tch etc., i told him to cool off and come back, then i muted him. he came back, removed the tag, then WHEN I THANKED HIM HE CALLED ME A FAG AGAIN!, so i banned him for 30 mins. never once did i curse back to him or call him any names. i simply asked nicely that he remove KKK from his name.

edit: and pizzack if you heard the sh*t he was screaming at me and shlonky on vent you might not be so quick to back him up regardless of how long hes been here. keep in mind never once did i curse back at him.

Edited by youwerekilled, 19 June 2006 - 01:41 AM.

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#15 Mr.Bubbles


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Posted 19 June 2006 - 01:05 AM

You act like you run this show bud. Yall just need to calm down dude. You just joined up man you dont even know anyone. Like yeah if you knew me it would of never been that serious becasue i know if Stoned Hatter was here he would be backing me up because he does the same sh*t i do. Yeah its a lil F'd up but its just a joke and yeah im goign to yell at you i mean come on now you dont know wtf is going on.
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#16 ShLoNkY


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Posted 19 June 2006 - 01:06 AM

Not to mention:

After the above happened INgame he had the audacity to hop into the Vent channel me and YouWereKilled were in and talk more sh*t.

Bubbles is am immature asshole.

Pretty sure he left out a lot when he talked to you in vent Pizzack.....

EDIT: I, personally, don't give a sh*t about why you got banned in the first place. The fact is that you had to be extremely immature and disrespectful towards YouWereKilled and myself. Repeatedly calling any BoSS member a faggot and a b*tch in Vent is not a good idea. Let alone an Admin......

Edited by ShLoNkY, 19 June 2006 - 01:11 AM.

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#17 iMSeRiOuS


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Posted 19 June 2006 - 01:10 AM

Ok guys I have looked at the situation and I want to talk about new members and old members. Bubbles has been here as long as me... I don't like new admins coming in and trying to abuse there powers on someone who is an old member. It has to stop NOW. Who gives a sh*t if he puts KKK OR !@#$%^&, OR f*cking NEGRO AFRICAN AMERICAN..... I have no problem with that and many people here dont either i mean f*ck even shadow says !@#$%^& everyday. He shouldn't been banned... youwerekilled Bubbles was on vent when this was happening i have no IDEA why u didnt take the responsibility to go into his channel and talk to him. I and many other of the old members have been here and new people and new admins come and try to act like theyve been here longer than anybody on here. AND ESPECIALLY SINCE BUBBLES WAS ON VENT YOU SHOULD OF COME AND TALK TO HIM ABOUT IT. And f*ck i see no problem with kkk at all. It was a joke that bubbles had... people come into the servers with worste names and u dont tell them anything uh... So this is gotta STOP new admins please pull your sh*t together. READ THE f*cking RULES BEFORE YOU BAN SOMEONE. Plus you were taling trash to bubbles and thats why he called you a fag and i have no problem with that either. You are there to make sure nobody camps or hacks or does anybody to harm the server... not f*cking ban people cuz of there f*cking name.
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#18 J.Pizzack


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Posted 19 June 2006 - 01:10 AM

lol i know he cursed you guys out. thats how he is. i know bubbles. he didnt leave that out lol. we all jsut need to chill out...yall are so quick to pick a fight nowadays. bubbles has been here a year. just cuz you dont know him doesnt mean he isnt one of us
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#19 Mr.Bubbles


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Posted 19 June 2006 - 01:14 AM

Yeah and candy you of all people dont need to be saying sh*t because you were already banned and everything so you can stfu. Thanks for backing me up this one guys.
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#20 youwerekilled



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Posted 19 June 2006 - 01:14 AM

nothing is funny about the kkk... i have no prob with people saying !@#$%^&, because it is never serious.

once again... when he came on vent, i calmly said, take five mins off and cool down, only to be called a faggot numerous times... i never called him any names OR talked trash to him...

And once again he was not banned for his name. he was banned for cursing me out and calling me a faggot for no reason.

Edited by youwerekilled, 19 June 2006 - 01:51 AM.

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