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Mr. Clean banned

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#21 Chris82


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Posted 22 June 2006 - 05:38 PM

I witnessed the whole scene yesterday, although I will say nothing about it to avoid getting involved.

Edit: Ok, I will give my side of the story anyways, since i guess saying nothing would be like spamming.

A few minutes after I joined, I saw clean get slayed, but I didn't look too closely into it. Then afterwards, I speced clean and I saw him at the top of the garage window (one where t's usually camp) with a bunch of other rushing ct's. Imserious and several T's came out of garage and clean turned around and shot at them. He killed them, but afterwards he was slayed and an admin message saying "Dont f*cking camp clean" came up. One guy said something to the extent of "Admin must be having a bad day" and was kicked. Afterwards there was no message from admin until clean was in the far office and shooting at the t's that were rushing out. He was then slayed and banned.

Now i didnt see any sniper room camping, but clean sometimes did do stuff that was borderline camping, like camping in the garage (on dumpster), for which he was slayed several times.

I was not there, but camping on the dumpster in garage if Ts rush garage is not a bannable offense. Tons of people, including BoSS members/admins do that. If I'm dead, and I see someone on CT camping there, I wait until no Ts are coming out of the back office, and then I send the sparks!

However, I do frequently play with serious on the servers and he's never banned anyone without reason while I was there.

The objective of CS_ maps implies that the CTs rush and the Ts camp to fend them off. However, sometimes the Ts rush instead. When this happens, CTs should be allowed to camp in garage to fend them off, as long as they continue to their hostages after all visible Ts have died.

Mr. Clean, sniper rooms are grounds for slaying without warning. You played on the servers for a while, you should have known the rule.

Also, nobody should disrespect an admin. The result is unpleasant. Trust me, back talking an admin can get you kicked, banned, etc...
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#22 Clean



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Posted 22 June 2006 - 05:43 PM

Yes, I know the rules because I've played on BoSS servers for 2 or 3 months. I don't camp sniper rooms. Ask anyone, I don't ever camp sniper rooms. Also, I did not back talk the admin. I told him that what I was doing was not camping since I was moving around the map. Has anyone ever seen me as being unpolite to an admin or calling anyone names? I don't do that sh*t. The BoSS servers are my favorite servers in the game, I rarely play on others, and I have done nothing to deserve a ban from them.
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#23 poopsmcgee


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Posted 22 June 2006 - 09:29 PM

Why does someone getting banned always have to be so dramatic :tdown:

So whats the deal was it a perma ban? If not, this thread needs to be closed IMHO. :tired:
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#24 Clean



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Posted 22 June 2006 - 10:04 PM

Yes, it was a perma ban. If it was just a kick or a five minute ban I wouldn't have made this post. I'm not trying to sound rude or sarcastic but "banned" is in the title.
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#25 poopsmcgee


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Posted 22 June 2006 - 10:40 PM

Funny gaara when you say "closed" nothing happens. You need to work on your magical thread closing ability. Maybe make yourself some admin power out of your funky little sand bottle.

I guess if it's permanent and this thread doesn't get you unbanned, your only recourse is to PM one of the gods and plead your case? Is that proper procedure around here? If not, I might get banned for this post. :21:
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#26 $VT-c0brA


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Posted 22 June 2006 - 10:54 PM

Funny gaara when you say "closed" nothing happens. You need to work on your magical thread closing ability. Maybe make yourself some admin power out of your funky little sand bottle.

I guess if it's permanent and this thread doesn't get you unbanned, your only recourse is to PM one of the gods and plead your case? Is that proper procedure around here? If not, I might get banned for this post. :21:

closed....so give it a rest already.........shadow will pass final judgement on this....so there you havr it.... :mellow:
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#27 wyte mafia

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Posted 23 June 2006 - 09:53 AM

cle4n = n0 c4mp3r.....5 buck5 s4y5 7h47 cle4n w45 pwn1ng s0m3 b17ch35 h4rdc0r3 4nd s3r10us w45 p14y1ng 4nd c1e4n pr0b 0wn3d h15 4ss. S3r10us g3771ng p1ss3d, c4ll5 c7e4n a h4x0r 4nd b4nz h1s 4ss.

i opend this topic to post one last thing. from playing with serious a bit back when he was a regular i know what kind of admin he is and so does sob and all the others from last year. he is a immature little kid who should of NEVER had admin. in fact the only reason i payed for admin in the first place was because of him kicking and baning me and others because we would not do a 16 vs 16 knife match over and over on server one. also i have played with clean many many times and he may camp, but he only camps where everyone elce does, i have never caught him in the sniper rooms either. i dont believe serious for one sec and i think clean should be unbaned asap ty. :tup:

ok now back to closed...........for now

Edited by wyte mafia, 23 June 2006 - 09:55 AM.

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#28 IWantWhiteCastle


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Posted 23 June 2006 - 11:14 AM

There is no reason to close this topic. The issue is not resolved, he is not unbanned, and serious hasnt posted anything back. Whether he was in the wrong or not this thread shouldnt be closed until its official that hes gonna stay banned or get unbanned.
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#29 wyte mafia

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Posted 23 June 2006 - 11:21 AM

i just closed it so they would not get mad for leaving it open after they closed it, heh but i agree with you, but it is nice to only have admins be able to post after everyone has said what they want. i hate spam in unbann requests.....
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#30 IWantWhiteCastle


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Posted 23 June 2006 - 01:09 PM

i just closed it so they would not get mad for leaving it open after they closed it, heh but i agree with you, but it is nice to only have admins be able to post after everyone has said what they want. i hate spam in unbann requests.....

Yea I'm not mad or anything and wasnt really directing it at you, just didnt feel that the close was the right thing to do for this topic since its still goin on
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#31 Sgt.Buttery


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Posted 23 June 2006 - 02:39 PM

Clean recently came into server 3 and started complaining...
Thought I would throw that out there...

I am impartial to whether he remains banned or not.
I just thought i would give some more info. ^___^
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#32 Clean



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Posted 23 June 2006 - 04:46 PM

I came in and asked where server 1 was, because I didn't see it on my list, and then I stated that I had been banned from it. I don't feel that my statement was a complaint.
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#33 RogueAlly



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Posted 23 June 2006 - 05:36 PM


i saw your name today though... "mr clean has connected" weird

Edited by RogueAlly, 23 June 2006 - 06:28 PM.

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#34 Clean



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Posted 23 June 2006 - 05:53 PM

Thank you very much.

I am still banned. hmm

Edited by Clean, 24 June 2006 - 05:35 PM.

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#35 Clean



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Posted 24 June 2006 - 11:14 PM

This isn't a double-post, just a post to make sure someone can read this. For some reason my ban is still in effect.
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#36 DarkShadow


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Posted 06 July 2006 - 03:59 PM

Unbanned STEAM_0:0:7515220
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