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f*cking Valve

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#1 Chris82


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Posted 24 August 2006 - 10:05 PM

I'm really starting to get f*cking pissed at Valve. The products are great. The updates, however, suck balls.

Today an update was released for CSS. This update changed the radar.
Posted Image
Very few people (if any) wanted this change. The moment it was announced their forums were flooded with complaints. People sent tons of email. They spammed. They yelled. However, the update was released as if that had never happened. Valve didn't care what their customers wanted.

So, as if the radar wasn't gay enough already, the update introduced a host of new bugs including breaking Mani mod, bet mod, and all other non-stock add-ons.

So not stopping at crashing many, many servers and forcing them to git rid of all mods, the update also introduces a common BF2 bug in which CTs sometimes use T skins and vice versa for no reason and another bug that makes the radar disappear after being flashed under DirectX8 or 9.
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There were countless other problems, and the community was pissed in general.
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Seriously, Valve, up the community input and beta testing, and lower the bullsh*t.

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Made by me. Around 32 frames.
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5 frames on this creatiion. Boredom at 4AM + anger at Valve = this
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Made with 15 images, although the frames total close to 21

Edited by Chris82, 25 August 2006 - 01:08 PM.

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#2 Ezekiel


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Posted 24 August 2006 - 10:20 PM

The day my favorite game of all time died. I can't take it right now. So I guess it's back to Eve Online and BF2 for me. . .
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#3 Chris82


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Posted 24 August 2006 - 10:42 PM

Yes, but Mani doesn't work...

So basically the only person who has any admin power over the servers right now is someone with rcon access. (i.e. Shadow) I miss my sparks!
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#4 RogueAlly



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Posted 24 August 2006 - 10:46 PM

See also communists thread...
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#5 Communist


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Posted 24 August 2006 - 10:48 PM

I REALLY hope we don't lose players from this.

Honestly, as I said in the thread in the CS: Source forum before I noticed this one, I like the new radar. It's still buggy and it'll take some gettign used to, but the idea is great. Being able to see the map and the typical icons on the radar will, in my opinion, improve the gamplay quite a bit, especially on maps where it would be otherwise easy to run in circles if you aren't used to the map.

I honestly do trust that the bugs will be worked out, since I haven't gotten shafted by Valve yet. They've proven very helpful with several other problems I've had and I trust they'll work on this one too. More so since it's a problem with more people.
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#6 Billy Pumper

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Posted 24 August 2006 - 10:49 PM

well its looking like Css might be heading down the road of Tribes.

Back in the day tribes was the game people swore by and loved then the f*cking creators began making "ungrades" and killed the game. the only people who still play it are people who suck it up and people who rewrote everything themselves.

this scares me i havent played since the update, when i play tomarrow i might cry
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#7 Frag0holic



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Posted 24 August 2006 - 11:11 PM

The game is completely f*cked.

...I think I'll have to see what happens but I might just not get back into it.
One thing I do know for sure, I'm never buying a product from them again, f*ck VALVE!! :no:
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#8 Ezekiel


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Posted 24 August 2006 - 11:12 PM

I REALLY hope we don't lose players from this.

To reiterate what I said in your thread, you already lost me as a player till it gets reverted.
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#9 Chris82


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Posted 24 August 2006 - 11:17 PM

Well, my first want is to have Mani and all the other mods up and working. After that, the radar needs to be changed into a serverside CVAR, and the new bugs fixed. Until then, there's always 1.6 at least...
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#10 poopsmcgee


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Posted 24 August 2006 - 11:45 PM

Yes that is some bullsh*t

Of course I have not been able to play CSS for over two months as I am finished with reformatting my machine 3 times a year because one game and one game only crashes constantly.

I've just been playing warrock instead. Valve can go blow a goat.
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#11 medel


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Posted 25 August 2006 - 12:56 AM

can't wait for TF2 now. :D.

Looks like I picked an amazing time to not have a gamable comp.
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#12 RogueAlly



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Posted 25 August 2006 - 10:37 AM

Example of why this update sucks... other than last night with all the AWP wh*re and flashes...

Posted Image
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#13 ShLoNkY


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Posted 25 August 2006 - 10:40 AM

First off the game is not ruined. Yeah the new map thing blows IMO, but the gameplay is still pretty much the same.

Secondly I think Valve is retarded. They apparently do not listen to their customers. When there is a zillion competitive organizations and players why would you force them to all re-learn the game. Who the hell wakes up and says "Hey CSS is a great game, but lets do something to change it." This will hardly ever make anything better.

If there is a bug fix it. If there isnt, don't do a damn thing. The new models were ok, but don't change anything that is going to effect playability.

If it ain't broke, don't f*ckin fix it. ` endrant
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#14 Mr. Sticks

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Posted 25 August 2006 - 11:35 AM

The day my favorite game of all time died. I can't take it right now. So I guess it's back to Eve Online and BF2 for me. . .

Same here...

Valve messed up big time. :pissed:
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#15 Ezekiel


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Posted 25 August 2006 - 11:55 AM

First off the game is not ruined. Yeah the new map thing blows IMO, but the gameplay is still pretty much the same.

Secondly I think Valve is retarded. They apparently do not listen to their customers. When there is a zillion competitive organizations and players why would you force them to all re-learn the game. Who the hell wakes up and says "Hey CSS is a great game, but lets do something to change it." This will hardly ever make anything better.

If there is a bug fix it. If there isnt, don't do a damn thing. The new models were ok, but don't change anything that is going to effect playability.

If it ain't broke, don't f*ckin fix it. ` endrant

I wouldn't have a bit of problem with the update if they didn't force it upon everyone. You don't change the core gameplay and force it on everyone. You just don't. If they give us at least the option of using old radar on the servers then I'll probably be able to learn to live with the new crouch, but I believe this update should have been completely optional.

But till something is done. f*ck you Valve. I'm playing a game you haven't had the chance/ability to ruin yet.
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#16 Chris82


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Posted 25 August 2006 - 12:16 PM

List of significant mods/plugins known to be broken by update:

Mani Mod
DeathMatch Mod
Bet mod
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#17 Xiertic


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Posted 25 August 2006 - 01:18 PM

So I was playing today and trying to figure out where the last few remaining CTs were.. I didn't hear a single gunshot or a footstep, but I did see in the top right of the screen where one of my boys on T had died. So I just look up at the radar for the newest red X (dead teamate), see that it's in the PJ room, and go to the room. Sure enough the CT is there, and I blast him. I giggled for a split second, then said wtf is that sh*t. It's so cheap, so many ways to tell where people are now.

If you're shooting at someone and they run around a corner, no longer do you have to wonder if they kept running, are waiting for you, or whatever. No stopping and listening for that split second in hopes of hearing a footstep or something to help you figure out what they're doing. Nope, again just look up at the radar and see where they are.

I hate this.

Edited by Xiertic, 25 August 2006 - 01:19 PM.

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#18 Xiertic


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Posted 26 August 2006 - 03:33 PM

I just threw my headphones off and quit playing in frustration. Camping CTs with awps abound, it's pathetic how much camping is going on. Until mani is fixed and admins are restored, I won't be playing. It's crap now.
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#19 Ezekiel


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Posted 26 August 2006 - 03:40 PM

I decided to hope on last night because BF2 crashed 3 times in a row. I join in run out and get flashed and killed by 3 CTs, then immediately close the game. I refuse to play with flashes right now. So lame.
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#20 ShLoNkY


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Posted 26 August 2006 - 05:44 PM

It will be fixed shortly if it isn't already. I have been having a ton of fun the last few days AWPn and flashbangin the sh*t out of people. :1:

Definetly nothing I would want on the servers permanently, but a little change from time to time can be a good thing, if only for a few days. Nothing like hearing you f*ckers b*tch when I chuck a flashnade out teh window then pick off half the team with the AWP. :1:
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