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Anyone Else Get Spooked By Some Games?

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#1 Xiertic


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Posted 07 September 2006 - 01:35 PM

So the other day I was watchin' some old vids and I came across the Mesh Does Doom videos. Always good for a laugh, so I watched 'em.. And it made me wanna play through DOOM 3 and it's expansion again. I'm not too far into it yet, just about to hit the Delta Labs, but I gotta say at times it really creeps me out. My mother-in-law said she could hear me through the house on several occassions bursting out with things like "OH SHIIIIT" or "JESUS f*cking CHRIST!"

It's odd, I can watch almost any horror flick without so much as flinching. Put me in front of a game like DOOM 3 though and start to get really tense if I play for long sessions. When I quit after a play session earlier today my palms were completely sweaty, was kinda funny.

It's not just DOOM 3 though, there are quite a few games that can do it to me. Not *all* games that are supposed to be scary, but the ones that do it, do it well. F.E.A.R. wasn't that bad I didn't think, though there were admittedly a few moments that really made me jump. While I still hold DOOM 3 as the scariest game I've played, the absolute scariest moment ever I think goes to the Shalebridge Cradle level in Thief: Deadly Shadows. I remember starting that level, it was around midnight and everyone else had already gone to bed. 5 or so minutes into the level I turned this sh*t off so that I could try it again the next day when people were up and the sun was out. :1: Anyone that's played that level should understand.

Anyone else that gets a bit skeerd by these kinds of games?
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#2 ghozy


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Posted 07 September 2006 - 02:03 PM

Since you play too close to screen on PC, it is sometimes easy to get involved with PC games. If you really get scared and don't like it (some people might like it) turn off the music in the game. It makes the game suddenly less stressful.

Not scared but when I played the action game Nocturne, there are moments of things moving in the background so fast, so brief. I couldn't decide if i really saw something or i just got tired. I felt better after reading they have done it in purpose. I usualy don't see such illisions things in RL. I thought its cool.

Edited by ghozy, 07 September 2006 - 02:04 PM.

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#3 Xiertic


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Posted 07 September 2006 - 02:09 PM

Since you play too close to screen on PC, it is sometimes easy to get involved with PC games. If you really get scared and don't like it (some people might like it) turn off the music in the game. It makes the game suddenly less stressful.

Being scared is like half the fun of those sorts of game though, I think. It's like going to a horror movie, you do it because you WANT to see something scary.

I agree with you on music/sound, it makes up 3/4 of the mood and atmosphere of most horror games, especially DOOM 3. Playing DOOM 3 with a good set of surround sound headphones is almost a requirement if you really want to get the full effect of it all.

Edit: Because really, it's not the monsters in DOOM 3 that are scary, or in F.E.A.R., or in any of these games. It's the atmosphere and the feeling of dread that is produced by the sounds, the enviroment, and just *knowing* that something is coming.

Edited by Xiertic, 07 September 2006 - 02:11 PM.

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#4 Billy Pumper

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Posted 07 September 2006 - 02:15 PM

there have been a few games where i had to hit the pause button get out of my chair and have a cig as i calm down lol.
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#5 Frag0holic



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Posted 07 September 2006 - 02:15 PM

the absolute scariest moment ever I think goes to the Shalebridge Cradle level in Thief: Deadly Shadows. I remember starting that level, it was around midnight and everyone else had already gone to bed. 5 or so minutes into the level I turned this sh*t off so that I could try it again the next day when people were up and the sun was out. :1: Anyone that's played that level should understand.

Hehehehe I loved that level. If I feel like getting chills down my spine I play that level late at night. f*ck all those horror flicks, they all fade in comparison to Shalebridge Cradle! A true masterpiece for sure.
I used to play a game called Pathways into Darkness when I was a little kid, god damn that game scared the sh*t out of me. It was basically a shooter inside dark pyramids, you could only see 10 feet in front of you, but you could hear the sounds of zombies and mummies from far away. :wtf:
Some other games that have a really creepy feel to them are Clive Barker's Undying, Resident Evil (the first one!!), Alien vs. Predator (playing as a marine), Thief: The Dark Project and Alien Resurrection (PS1).
Creepy games ftw.. though I never really got into any RE games except for the first one, none of the clones ever whatever that series is called.
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#6 ghozy


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Posted 07 September 2006 - 02:19 PM

Some other games that have a really creepy feel to them are Clive Barker's Undying, Resident Evil (the first one!!), Alien vs. Predator (playing as a marine), Thief: The Dark Project and Alien Resurrection (PS1).
Creepy games ftw.. though I never really got into any RE games except for the first one, none of the clones ever whatever that series is called.

I agree with your list and the RE subject.
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#7 Xiertic


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Posted 07 September 2006 - 02:25 PM

Hehehehe I loved that level. If I feel like getting chills down my spine I play that level late at night. f*ck all those horror flicks, they all fade in comparison to Shalebridge Cradle! A true masterpiece for sure.
I used to play a game called Pathways into Darkness when I was a little kid, god damn that game scared the sh*t out of me. It was basically a shooter inside dark pyramids, you could only see 10 feet in front of you, but you could hear the sounds of zombies and mummies from far away. :wtf:
Some other games that have a really creepy feel to them are Clive Barker's Undying, Resident Evil (the first one!!), Alien vs. Predator (playing as a marine), Thief: The Dark Project and Alien Resurrection (PS1).
Creepy games ftw.. though I never really got into any RE games except for the first one, none of the clones ever whatever that series is called.

Ah, someone else that recognizes that pure leetness that is Shalebridge. I've played through it several more times since the first time I ran through it, and it was still pretty creepy. Nothing can ever compare to that first time though when I had no idea a tall what was going to happen..... Awhile back I had my brother-in-law (Blackwasp), his son, and my niece all sit behind me while I played the level.. Was kinda funny, the kids were uber spooked before I was even out of the basement, and I'm pretty sure Black was even a little freaked. :1:

That Pathways into Darkness sounds pretty freakin' sweet, again I must reference DOOM 3 'cause a lot of the rooms in the facility are like that. You can walk in and hear zombies moaning or imp claws going across the floor, but you can't see a damn thing. It'll get to your nerves pretty quick.

Couldn't agree more on the Resident Evil thing. That game had a real sense of dread from start to finish, Hell I even had dreams about it. RE2 only had one or two creepy moments. I think afer RE1 the series shifted a bit more towards action and pretty graphics, which is a real shame. I'll never forget the first time I played #1, the first zombie you come to is eating that guy then gets up and comes after you. I was spazzing out so bad I forgot the controls and the damn thing just ended up eating me, which made me spaz more. A few rooms after that there's the zombie lying in front of the shelf that grabs your foot as you walk by, that one made me jump backwards and tip my chair over. :1:

there have been a few games where i had to hit the pause button get out of my chair and have a cig as i calm down lol.

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#8 Ezekiel


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Posted 07 September 2006 - 02:33 PM

Alien Vs Predator 2 is the only game that has really ever scared me to the point where I needed a break. Damn marine should have had a heart attack after what I put him through.
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#9 Frag0holic



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Posted 07 September 2006 - 02:47 PM

Alien Vs Predator 2 is the only game that has really ever scared me to the point where I needed a break. Damn marine should have had a heart attack after what I put him through.

Yeah, it was AvP2 I was thinking about. That marine campaign is freaky as f*ck!

That Pathways into Darkness sounds pretty freakin' sweet, again I must reference DOOM 3 'cause a lot of the rooms in the facility are like that. You can walk in and hear zombies moaning or imp claws going across the floor, but you can't see a damn thing. It'll get to your nerves pretty quick.

It WAS a sweet game, it's from 1991 so it'd be pretty ugly by now ;) Contrary to Doom 3 however, you were always low on ammo in this game, and sometimes you had to take enemies out with your bare hands and lose like half of your health. Then you had to sleep, and everyother time you did you were rudely interrupted by a rotting zombie.
I really didn't like Doom 3, probably because it broke from its predecessors so much. It did make me jump a couple of times though. The fact that it was so dark was more annoying than scary IMO.

the RE clone I was thinking of is Silent Hill.

Speaking of scary shooters, did anyone play Hexen or Witchaven by any chance? Those games f*cking rocked.
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#10 kidcapri


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Posted 07 September 2006 - 02:49 PM

I sh*t my pants while I was playing donkey kong once. If that counts. :perk:
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#11 Ezekiel


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Posted 07 September 2006 - 02:52 PM

I played Hexen when I was young, but I don't remember getting very far. It was a original take on the FPS though.
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#12 Xiertic


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Posted 07 September 2006 - 03:11 PM

Contrary to Doom 3 however, you were always low on ammo in this game, and sometimes you had to take enemies out with your bare hands and lose like half of your health. Then you had to sleep, and everyother time you did you were rudely interrupted by a rotting zombie.

I'm playing in Veteran Mode right now on DOOM3, the games hardest difficulty (aside from that stupid "difficulty" you unlock after beating veteran). I can't remember the last time my armor dropped below 50, and I'm within 50 bullets of the max amount you can carry in all my guns.. Actually a few of them I think do I have max ammo in.

So yeah I'll give you that, it's a touch too easy in terms of how much health/armor/ammo is lying around.

Edited by Xiertic, 07 September 2006 - 03:11 PM.

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#13 Mr. Sticks

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Posted 07 September 2006 - 04:35 PM

there have been a few games where i had to hit the pause button get out of my chair and have a cig as i calm down lol.

I know exactly what you're talking about. I've had to do that myself a few times, except for the smoking part. There have been times where I had to pause the game, get out of my chair, turn on the lights, and then look around my room and in my closet to make sure everything was okay. I just get so involved in some of the horror games I've played, which isn't all that many, to be honest.

I think the game I got the most scared playing was quite a few years back, probably when I was 11 or 12, and I played RE3: Nemesis on the Gamecube. I would get so freaked out walking through the streets of town that I almost couldn't stand to play the game for more than 20 minutes at a time. I was anticipating Nemesis to pop out of any and every corner, or to bust through a window, or to sneak up behind me. The bad part though, was that while Nemesis was big, he was fast! And through a very large portion of the game he runs around with a f'ing Rocket Launcher, making things even worse. I never finished the game, but one part I remember very specifically is being in a restaurant with Carlos (I think that's what his name was) and talking with him, when all of a sudden Nemesis bursts in! You then had maybe 20 seconds MAX to decide whether you were going to escape through the hatch in the floor, run outside (where he could still get to you) or fight him. That part freaked me out because I wasn't expecting Nemesis.

Then the only other moment I can remember that really, really freaked me out was the bathroom in DooM 3, because that was also very unexpected.

Edited by Mr. Sticks, 07 September 2006 - 06:24 PM.

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Posted 07 September 2006 - 06:06 PM

The Remake of the original Resident Evil for GC made me jump a few times.
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#15 Xiertic


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Posted 07 September 2006 - 06:25 PM

I can honestly say RE3 never really freaked me out. In terms of "horror" it never really did anything that hadn't already been done in RE2, it felt kinda the same to me. I did however experience most of the same nervous feelings you describe the first time that I played through the first Resident Evil.. But God that's been a long, long time ago.

Then the only other moment I can remember that really, really freaked me out was the bathroom in DooM 3, because that was also very unexpected.

If you're talking about the part where you look in the mirror, then yeah, gg. That part made me jump like a little b*tch too.

Edited by Xiertic, 07 September 2006 - 06:25 PM.

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#16 J.Pizzack


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Posted 07 September 2006 - 07:47 PM

lol i had to stop playing doom 3 some point after the lab levels. they ruined it for me. ruined it b/c I am apparently a huge vagina and i couldnt even play this game in broad daylight without coming close to sh*tting my pants.

oh and the only freaky part of RE3 was when you were in the police station and nemesis jumped through the f*cking window at you unexpectedly. other than that tho, RE3 wasnt on the same level as the previous.

Edited by J.Pizzack, 07 September 2006 - 07:50 PM.

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#17 DarkShadow


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Posted 07 September 2006 - 10:39 PM

you think thats bad? try this one Level in Cold Fear, I was on the ship and I shot at the Electric box, the room was flooded and I had to jump on sh*t to not get zapped, i walked up the stairs and there was a headcrab'd zombie or some sh*t on the top step Pushing me back into the f*cking water and killing me, that scared the sh*t out of me, I spazzed for like 5 minutes, truely in shock still thinking *did he REALLY JUST f*cking THROW ME INTO THE ELECTRIFIED WATER!?!?!*
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#18 Xiertic


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Posted 08 September 2006 - 08:44 AM

you think thats bad? try this one Level in Cold Fear, I was on the ship and I shot at the Electric box, the room was flooded and I had to jump on sh*t to not get zapped, i walked up the stairs and there was a headcrab'd zombie or some sh*t on the top step Pushing me back into the f*cking water and killing me, that scared the sh*t out of me, I spazzed for like 5 minutes, truely in shock still thinking *did he REALLY JUST f*cking THROW ME INTO THE ELECTRIFIED WATER!?!?!*

Cold Fear is a pretty awesome f*cking game, with a really creepy atmosphere to it. And if I remember correctly, it was dirt cheap when I bought it, so it's a hard deal to beat. I remember that part you talk about, and yeah I kinda spazzed out as well, one of those true "omfg what do I do?!" moments.

lol i had to stop playing doom 3 some point after the lab levels. they ruined it for me. ruined it b/c I am apparently a huge vagina and i couldnt even play this game in broad daylight without coming close to sh*tting my pants.

Alpha Labs or Delta Labs? I'm about to enter the Delta Labs right now on Veteran mode, and alpha labs did a very good job of making me jump the whole time through them.. And I know that Delta is gonna be ever worse. Plus this is my first time playing through the game on Veteran, which means there are gonna be monsters this time that I've never had to put up with before.. So yeah, I'mma probably sh*t my shorts.
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#19 Communist


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Posted 08 September 2006 - 01:51 PM

That's the exact reason that I'm not into those games. I nearly had a heart attack in the dark elevator fight in Episode One (though that may well have been justified- that is not a fun battle with only a shotgun and a pistol), and you've all seen my type HEART ATTACK when someone shoots me from behind in CS:S.

Oddly enough, my girl friend, L, can't get enough of those type of games. I can't understand it- maybe I'm just more of a strategy guy- but she's playing Clock Tower 3 and I'm just sitting there with a horrified look on my face. It's kinda embarrassing.

...Scissorman and Scissorwoman from that game are SO pedophiles.
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#20 Stoned Hatter

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Posted 08 September 2006 - 09:14 PM

ok when i was 19 and silent hill first came out that game used to scare the sh*t out of me and well doom 3 kinda does and sometimes the sound of a awp does in source but hell it is why i play most games

frag thanks for stating that i would be younger if that was the case and yes i am 25

Edited by logan412, 09 September 2006 - 09:32 AM.

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