Anyone Else Get Spooked By Some Games?
Posted 08 September 2006 - 10:21 PM
Doom 3 is certainly scary. When I first played the demo and that Asian guy turned into a demon after satanic symbols were flashed everywhere...I quit D3 and jumped right on Vent to talk to everyone.
Half-life 2 scared me in the Ravelholm chapter...when I was walking and all of a sudden I heard the hiss of a posion headcrab/zombie. Why are poison headcrabs so shiny? And hairy?!
Some stuff in San Andreas is weird too. Like bodybags and a payphone in the desert that rings but nobody answers...that disappear in the day, and ghost cars in back o' beyond.
Multiplayer games scare me sometimes if someone sneaks up on me when all is quiet. But the scariness of D3 lasted. With mutliplayer, there's always people there to say/type "lol" and "pwnd," which, believe it or not, I find comforting.
Posted 09 September 2006 - 01:25 AM
wtf, I tought you were older than me :P If you were 13 when Silent Hill was released you'd be 20 today.ok when i was 13 and silent hill first came out that game used to scare the sh*t out of me and well doom 3 kinda does and sometimes the sound of a awp does in source but hell it is why i play most games
Posted 09 September 2006 - 08:31 AM
Edit: Or maybe I was in afk channel and Shadow pulled me out and did that sh*t? If it was you Shadow, I hate you now. lol
Edited by Xiertic, 09 September 2006 - 08:33 AM.
Posted 09 September 2006 - 09:33 AM
Ravenholm was pretty cool for sure. Alot like Shalebridge Cradle in Thief 3 (but not nearly as gut wrenching).
wtf, I tought you were older than me :P If you were 13 when Silent Hill was released you'd be 20 today.
yeah i dunno how old i was when it first tcame out i just remeber it was for playstation 1 and yeah iam 25 lol
Posted 09 September 2006 - 11:22 AM
You were in the AFK channel. I moved you and whispered that sh*t, I thought you would enjoy an extra scare or two. Then I put you back into the AFK channel, just so if you alt-tabbed you'd be wondering if it wasn't in all in your headOkay so I was on Vent yesterday and I was playing DOOM 3 (even had DOOM 3 as my comment) and I *thought* I was in the afk channel, but I dunno apparently I wasn't. I heard the voice of one of you f*ckers go "don't go into the light" and it just about made me sh*t my pants. So whichever one of you did that, congratz on nearly giving me a heart attack. I would've checked my channel but had forgot about it by the time I finally exited, just now remembering it this morning.
Edit: Or maybe I was in afk channel and Shadow pulled me out and did that sh*t? If it was you Shadow, I hate you now. lol

Posted 09 September 2006 - 12:51 PM
You were in the AFK channel. I moved you and whispered that sh*t, I thought you would enjoy an extra scare or two. Then I put you back into the AFK channel, just so if you alt-tabbed you'd be wondering if it wasn't in all in your head
. I guess you could hear that it came from a mic though... Good thing your comment read (Doom 3) and not (Shalebridge Cradle) cause then you probably would have had a heart attack!
Dude that sh*t scared the living Hell out of me, seriously. At the time I didn't remember that I was in the afk channel in Vent. I was just sitting there staring at my monitor going "okay WTF just happened?!" Not cool!!!
... Well okay it was, but still. Damn.

Edited by Xiertic, 09 September 2006 - 12:52 PM.
Posted 09 September 2006 - 02:06 PM
hahaha that was the point. I thought you were AFK and didn't hear it cause you stayed in there afterwards and didn't transmit. Good to know my practical joke workedOHHHHH YOU SOB.
Dude that sh*t scared the living Hell out of me, seriously. At the time I didn't remember that I was in the afk channel in Vent. I was just sitting there staring at my monitor going "okay WTF just happened?!" Not cool!!!

Posted 10 September 2006 - 09:14 AM
hahaha that was the point. I thought you were AFK and didn't hear it cause you stayed in there afterwards and didn't transmit. Good to know my practical joke worked
I hate you, so much. >.<
Posted 11 September 2006 - 08:46 PM
Posted 12 September 2006 - 04:00 AM
RE 1 would have to be my second on the list. I was young when I first played it and even in broad daylight I gave me the creeps. Maybe it had something to do with several screaming girls in the same room while I played it?
Another game that wasn�t really scary but it was eerie and creepy was a little known game called the 7th guest. (Back it the DOS game days)It was a puzzle solving game but for the time a little creepy.
Posted 12 September 2006 - 09:15 AM
If anybody is intrested its a 1st person shooter but with alot of puzzles.
Posted 13 September 2006 - 03:31 PM
Call of Cthulhu is a game that comes to mind that has recently come out but nobody has really noticed it. I have not finished it because it freaks me out alot, especially when I play it at my grandads house with all the lights off.
If anybody is intrested its a 1st person shooter but with alot of puzzles.
You know I almost bought that the other day, but I didn't 'cause I've not really heard a lot about it. Might have to read up on it some more I guess.
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