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f*cking Valve (again)

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#1 Chris82


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Posted 09 September 2006 - 09:40 AM

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#2 Ezekiel


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Posted 09 September 2006 - 10:10 AM

My poor CS:S what have they done to you. YOU MONSTERS!
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#3 Novahawk



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Posted 09 September 2006 - 10:30 AM

My poor CS:S what have they done to you. YOU MONSTERS!

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#4 Xiertic


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Posted 09 September 2006 - 12:53 PM


That's all I have to say. Quake Wars and Dark Messiah can't come out soon enough.
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#5 ShLoNkY


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Posted 09 September 2006 - 12:55 PM

Valve: "If its not broke, let's try and fix it"

:33: :tdown:
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#6 Buck_Shot



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Posted 09 September 2006 - 01:36 PM

Valve: "If its not broke, let's try and fix it"

that is their company modo now a days i hear :hate:
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#7 pusadolfo


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Posted 09 September 2006 - 02:09 PM

f*ckin assholes they're goin to screw up even more the game
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#8 poopsmcgee


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Posted 09 September 2006 - 08:06 PM

Wtf why bother changing prices of sh*t? Admins and server ops will just set the amount given at the start of a round anyway. They have too many ppl working there coming up with sh*tty ideas. They need to fire them, and hire someone to f*cking FIX STEAM
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#9 Frag0holic



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Posted 09 September 2006 - 09:30 PM

...I wonder what those stupid f*cks at Valve are smoking sometimes.
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#10 Xiertic


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Posted 10 September 2006 - 09:13 AM

...I wonder what those stupid f*cks at Valve are smoking sometimes.

No sh*t. CS became the number one shooter on the net WITHOUT THEIR HELP, WITHOUT THEIR IDEAS. And, it was doing just fine! So WTF makes them suddenly decide that it needs their "expert" ideas? I'm sickened.
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#11 Alpine


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Posted 10 September 2006 - 09:15 AM

ugh :(
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#12 Mr. Sticks

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Posted 10 September 2006 - 02:42 PM


Not again...
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#13 Sniprwulf


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Posted 11 September 2006 - 08:39 AM

and thats just the beginning?? i mean the counterstrike community isnt really getting bigger anymore as the games pretty old. lets try and drive the veteran fans by changing everything that was right into sh*t.
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#14 Communist


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Posted 11 September 2006 - 12:57 PM

Man, WTF. What do they mean by changing the prices?

Because whether this is gonna suck or not depends on how big of a change.

If they just make it a little bit different, like raising or lowering some prices $100, it's probably not gonna suck too hard. I for one would love to see the AWP go up in price. f*cking AWP wh*res.

*whacks bias*

On the other side of the sickle, if the prices skyrocket or drop, it's going to make the game's weapons mechanics go all out of whack. Only if they make it sh*tloads harder to get cash will lowered prices work. And people won't like that.

HOWEVER, I will play the capitalist's advocate and note that a lot of the prices for weapons are unrealistic. It probably doesn't cost $3100 to make an M4 for the military. Not a problem in this game, but still unrealistic.

And of course, Valve may just be f*cking with us again.

I would also like to note that whether this is a f*ckup or not, everyone here is probably going to suck it up and get on with it. I present my argument about the radar- we're mostly used to it now, I have seen, and it's proven, in some occasions, more helpful than the old. And Ezekiel is still here.

I will also note, however, that weaps prices are far more central to the game than the radar, and thus this may well have a different resulting effect.

Only time will tell.

And that's my two rubles.

P.S. Spetznaz FTW
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#15 Sacularky



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Posted 11 September 2006 - 05:16 PM

Ok, I haven't posted in ages, but i just have to put my thoughts on this issue.

The principle reason why Valve is changing the prices (and the gameplay in general, it can be argued), according to what I've heard and read through the CS forums and news sites, is that they want to make aspects of the game that are not used as much use more. In this case it is weapons. In the last update it was radar.

For example, the UMP was a gun that wasn't used a lot. Now, in order for it to be used more, Valve will decrease the price of the UMP, and increase the price of the MP5 and P90 to make them used less. Sounds gay for sure, but when the UMP costs only $1200 dollars and the mp5 costs $2000 dollars, then people will be forced into using the UMP simply through monetary costs.

Now, I am pretty much sure (well, as sure as one can be with stupid fuccking valve) that the prices of the Aug and Sig 552 will be going down and the price of the two commonly used guns, AK and M4, will go up in order to entice the community to use the Sig and the Aug. Valve will also definatley try to make the deagle used less and increase the use of the duals, sig 228, and five-seven. As for the AWP, there may or may not be a change, since it is already very expensive.

This sounds very gay, gayer in fact than the radar, but i think there are actually growing amounts of "new players" that are driving valve's changes. Their moderators have openly said that they dont care about the "pros" and veterans" because they, according to valve, only compose a small percent of the populatioin. Obviously I believe otherwise.

Also, prices aren't going to go change just $100 or $150 dollars. No way. Valve wants to create a radical upheaval.

Edited by Sacularky, 11 September 2006 - 05:21 PM.

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#16 Frag0holic



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Posted 11 September 2006 - 06:09 PM

For example, the UMP was a gun that wasn't used a lot. Now, in order for it to be used more, Valve will decrease the price of the UMP, and increase the price of the MP5 and P90 to make them used less. Sounds gay for sure, but when the UMP costs only $1200 dollars and the mp5 costs $2000 dollars, then people will be forced into using the UMP simply through monetary costs.

This shows the stupidity of Valve. If they want people to use guns like the UMP, they need to make them better. That is the only reason why they are not used much. Same goes for duelies and fiveseven.
Before Valve took over CS, issues like this were always adressed in a sensible manner when it was time for an update. Believe me, this is not the first radical change, but they have been sensible ones in the past.
For example, when I started playing CS the M4A1 was scoped and you couldn't take the silencer off. The damn thing was so overpowered and accurate that it was changed to the current one.
The AWP used to have a crosshair and shoot straight even when you were running (Quake rail-gun anyone??). People used to rush with the thing and rape in close quarters. And the usp used to be silenced without the option of taking the silencer off.
Like I've said, these changes have been good in the past. But I just cannot follow Valve's logic at all, are they too pussy to change the way a gun works?
They haven't added any guns either... that was always fun in the past, "ooh this update has a new gun added, I GOTTA try it!". Basically nothing interesting (officially) has happened with CS:S from CS 1.6...
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#17 $VT-c0brA


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Posted 11 September 2006 - 06:18 PM

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#18 Sacularky



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Posted 11 September 2006 - 08:03 PM

Yeah, I believe weapon prices have changed before, but those were not the gigantic upheavals that these changes are going to be.

"The scope of the change involves changing the prices of every item in the game." - Valve

Ok, so forget about my comment about the awp not changing prices... Although there is not real information about it out yet.

I agree with Frag0holic, it definately looks like valve is too stupid to change the game dynamics through actually CHANGING THE WEAPONS. Noooo.... Valve has to go change the weapon prices... I'm sure making good guns cost a sh1tload and sh*tty guns cost nothing will definately piss off a lot more people than just changing a sh*tty weapon to make it better. I for one will be happy the day the UMP stops shooting pellets.
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#19 Mandraque



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Posted 11 September 2006 - 08:14 PM

well atleast this wont affect our servers much....give me money in server one and in server three it doesnt matter....i allways use the Aug and the sig so ill like them cheaper........but yea i still wont make me use(or many other people) the ump or the five seven(maybe the elite from time to time).
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#20 Buck_Shot



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Posted 11 September 2006 - 09:26 PM

frag is right :33: the ump needs to shoot... oh you know explosive rounds maybe :evil: jk jk but yea they need to pump up the power not the price
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